Total Solution New to Exante

Hi Sarah, thought I'd look for your Exante diary and check-in with you on here to see how your're doing? Are you on day six now and how's it going? I start day one in the morning. I did contemplate one last blow out but I'm going to resist as don't want it to be my downfall when I start. I need to invest in some coke zero and dr peppa zero (never tried that one). Do you feel like you've got more energy now you'e nearly a week in? I must keep visualising those linen trousers and cool floaty dresses. No more summers in hot black leggings and cardies lol :) Lisa xx
Hi lisa :)

Yeah I'm on day 6 and I feel absolutely fantastic! No longer hungry and full of energy. Drinking loads of water is helping with that! Also drinking green tea as I think that helps with constipation (tmi sorry lol) I'm loving exante!

I'm so excited for summer to be able to wear summer clothes. I weigh in on weds, hoping for 5lb as its Totm this week. I weighed in last weds at 15.11. Im loving not having to think about food or making the right/wrong choices.

Really hoping I'm in ketosis. I have no way of knowing. I've not got the 'symptoms' bad breath etc.

Good luck for tomorrow :) I started on the weds, had a tiny blow out on the Monday, then low carbed Tuesday and hit TS on the weds.

I'll look out for your success :) here's to floaty dresses, light coloured clothing and a wardrobe full of size 12's ;) xxxx
Yeah, I think it could be quite liberating not having to keep making food choices. I just hope it isn't hard watching other people like my boyfriend and work colleagues eating around me. I don't want anyone apart from my boyfriend to know that I'm doing Exante as I'm worried that people might judge, not that it's any of their business. It sounds like you could be in ketosis now Sarah, if you've got loads of energy and are feeling good. Lisa xx
I've got a confession. Not even my husband knows I'm doing exante :-/

The only people who know are you guys. It's easy in the day as I'm alone and for tea I eat soup and say I had a big lunch. Not that he's that interested lol. But I know he will not be happy with me doing it. I mentioned LL once and he was dead against it. I'll tell him in a few weeks and pass it off as a sort of slim fast diet. I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm a coward what can I say! xxx
My partner does know, nobody else does, he says its not right not to eat at all. I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to doit so there.xx
Hey Sarah, you've done well to keep Exante from your OH so far. I've had to tell mine or he'd make me a brew with milk in it or something. Lisa xx
Hi there Slimsarah. You are doing so well. Is the weigh in tomorrow?! Best of Luck. Hope its a good one.

ps it sounds like you are well into ketosis. I didnt get bad breath really - only the occasional bit. Some never get it at all. Lucky you.
Hello :) yeah first wi tomorrow. Feeling a bit rounded with it being Totm lol. Hoping for 5lb loss! I need to get out of these 15's ASAP. I'm so impatient. Thanks for the encouragement, it really helps xxxx
6lb off :) I'm well chuffed xxxxx
Gorgeous day. Everyone's dressed for summer and I'm wearing jeans and a hoodie top cos I'm bloody freezing cold!

Anyone got and suggestions for the best thing to take to help me go the loo? I don't want anything that will knock me out of ketosis. I've not been too bad up until now but it's a little bit of a struggle as the days go by xxx
Thankyouuuu I'm well chuffed. Nearly half a stone :) I'm not expecting the same next week but I'm still excited. I really really hope this works for me. I think my body is quite stubborn lol.

Done 30 mins of Zumba today, 100 jumping jacks and 100 sit ups. Determined to get into shape haha xxx
Awww thanks :) I'm well chuffed :) loving exante xxxx
Well Done.. Thats a great loss taking into account you've been dieting for so long. Exante is great. You are on your way. Just stick to the plan and the weight will fall off (course sometimes thats easier said than done!).

Hey :) thanks both of you xxx

I'm so in the zone at the moment. Even when oh was cooking tea earlier. I was drooling but I'm so stubborn lol xxx
Not sure what's wrong with me today. On plan 100% had a hunger pang earlier, not sure if it was genuine hunger or just lusting after food. Feeling a bit down, I'm on day 9, got no funny taste in my mouth, no bad breath, I know these side effects aren't for everyone but I done aitkins years ago and had the lot. Can everybody go into ketosis? Is it possible not to? I'm wondering if years of yo yo dieting has messed with my body. I look at my ticker and see those incredible results so far and think just how much more can I lose? Will my body ever be slim? Will I ever be slim in my mind.sometimes I look in the mirror and see myself the same tubby Sarah, I look at before & after pics and see a huge difference. I'm not sure where this negativity has sprung from.

I had a good loss my first week but I'm terrified it won't last. I'm sure it'll blow over and I'll be ok later, nobody knows I'm on exante so this is the only place I can vent. Apologies for the negativity on this thread xxxx
Hey Sarah, it's your thread hun you can vent, better to get it all out. Keep looking forward, you're doing so well already, it is tricky keeping up the momemtum sometimes just try and embrace that determination of yours. I often worry that there is something stopping me from being slim. Perhaps I'm scared that when I'm slim they'll be nothing more to strive for. yet, I know if I was slim I would feel better about myself. it's a tough cycle but one that we need to keep chipping away a bit each day. I'm not sure about ketosis, but I think it is possible to be in ketosis and not have symptoms. Maybe just go off the weight loss for now as you're doing everything else right. speak soon Lisa xx