new to this board, 5th day on lipotrim

This is really funny i have been searching for hours for the post i put up i have no idea how to use this site and though i am IT friendly i am just not getting this LOL i want to put up little pics etc and a scale o meter to keep track of my progress anyone feeling kind enough to give a quick tutorial LOL anyway felt a lot better today just posted a new thread asking if water makes u lose more and when will other people start to notice a difference i am 14 stone and may take a while b4 anyone notices i have lost anything
I am now on day 7 ...found my first week tough, but really pleased i stuck with it...This site really helps!! Everyone is fab and nuts!!!! if you ever feel down please read the obsessed with sex or what pets do you have thread i nearly pee'd myself lol
Good luck hun xx
hey guys day 5 has gone well and can not wait till Friday how has everyone done so far
im on day 2,so far so good,,tons of energy a little hungry but not starving
hey Kelly belly dont worry about it u will find once you go into ketosis (sp) you will feel much better i defo recomend drinking a load and i mean a load of water helps so much no hunger pangs and helps u feel normal what ever that may be i am on day 6 and get weighed tomorrow have resisted the scales at home and not snacked or picked i feel really proud and realise what my faults are when it comes to my relationship with food i feel this has given me a chance to really look at what i eat and when its amazing
Welcome to the site. Keep on powering through the days and they go by so quickly after the 2nd week. Ive just had my sixth weigh in and have lost a total of 2 and a half stone. Just keep thinking about your goal at the end and it will keep you going. Good Luck
i didnt realise how much picking i do,,made chicken nuggets for lunch,,in the oven lol,,not for me for kids,,there about 10 left and i would have had one everytime i passed them,,
Hi all
Really anxious. Ive just been and bought a weeks supply of lipotrim but I am being realistic and wont be starting till some point next week. Its really great that there is a forum to keep us from straying. Will start posting once I start.

Really makes ya think dosent it!
I hope my eating habbits will be better when im finished good ole LT
i just started this week (monday) now on day 4 feelind better than day 2, all you lovely people who have been on lipotrim for weeks and weeks please tell me do you miss your food!!
of course but not as much as I miss been slim, no brainer!
In the beginning i missed it alrite and now and again i hav my days where i just crave everything lke last nite lol

But mostly im fine dont even really think about it i keep busy working or cleaning (my house is always spotless now) lol