New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

I don't like the London Eye! The whole high up and just in a glass pod thing kind of freaks me out lol Aaron's similar to me with stuff like that so not sure he'd want to either. When we've passed it he's never seemed overly keen.
Hummmm boat ride on Thames?
We've done that! Though if we decided to go off plan for it there is a lovely Thames dinner cruise. I'd LOVE to go and see The Lion King but tickets cost a fortune :(
I'd love to see Lion King too you know its coming to Manchester? I'm patiently awaiting scottish dates!

Hmmm, how about a nice meal and some champagne and romance in the hotel?..*Pity its not a leap year!!!!!!!!..hint hint!*

Must be other attractions in London, hmmm other west end shows with a matinee performance should be less expensive?

Good luck deciding x
No I didn't know! Somehow I doubt it'll be any cheaper in Manchester though :( £70 odd per ticket! There are cheaper ones but I feel like if you're going to see it, you've got to do it properly, not right near the back.

I'd quite happily have an evening like that really, it all depends on whether Aaron would rather stay on plan or not. I've seen a hotel deal, £219 for two nights including breakfast both mornings and a three course meal on one of the evenings. As I've got the meeting I'll have at least half of that reimbursed so I don't think it sounds too bad really. The normal hotel they book is £110 plus £8.95 for breakfast. This is £149 (so only £31 more) for one night, £219 for two... does that mean I can bill £149 to the union?! I hope so ;)

We could always just go to the last minute ticket office if all else fails and see what bargains we can get. I thought of a comedy night too but not sure about that really, can be a bit hit and miss.
I was going to suggest a comedy show!..but didn't know if it was your 'thing' :) I think you are right about the Lion King tickets, I was going to get a couple for my daughter for Christmas, then read that it was coming to Edinburgh possibly! I'll wait, but the cheaper tickets were up as high as you could possibly go..and in the back row!....The 'better' tickets were an awful lot more, then there is the cost of travel and accommodation on a very expensive gift!! will work out less expensive for me if it comes to Edinburgh or Glasgow. I can't remember now but it might be March/April in Manchester?

Hope you find somewhere nice to go x
I think i have only seen 2 shows that we have pre booked, all the others have been bought cheap in Leicester square. You get some unbelievable deals. I once got hairspray tickets with the original cast (Michael Ball) for £16, because we did it very last minute. It can be a bit of a rush but it's quite exciting not knowing what you're gonna see till you get there.

March is a fair way off, who knows you both might feel differently and fancy a weekend blow out for your anniversary. That hotel price is fabulous, especially with the food thrown in. :)
I quite like them... when they're good. I've been to some good and some bad! Not sure if they're Aaron's thing though, I'll suggest it.

You're right Squeezy, best off just waiting and seeing what happens. Especially if I don't have my heart set on any particular thing, can see if we can get last minute tickets.

I don't mind a weekend blow out. I think. By then I'll have had a solid 2 and a bit months of S&S, I could even be in the 15s by then!! I wouldn't go off plan for a night at a friend's place or something like that but I probably would for that weekend. Be sensible... ish lol... and back on plan on the monday. We'll have to wait and see what Aaron says I guess. I've sent him a link to the hotel but to be honest, even if we didn't have the meals it'd probably be worth getting as the Premier Inn over the road is £20 more without any food!

And to go back to the leap year comment, which I didn't ignore, just forgot to respond to! That's not going to happen, ever lol If me and Aaron ever get to that point, I doubt it will be any time soon and I certainly wouldn't be the one doing the asking! Though we did joke about it over Christmas and I said that if I were to ever propose to him I'd get him a ring like this...

Haha maybe more of a haribo kind of guy :p He did show me a ring and said that if I were to ever buy him a ring (not for that!) that was the kind of thing he'd like. Wasn't flowery at all :rolleyes:

He's just forwarded me an email. Exante want him to feature in some article thing, not entirely sure where for. He was one of their success stories and in that he mentioned me. They then contacted him and asked him if he'd be interested in doing a story, I think he's arranged it for February/March time. As the woman organising it knows about him meeting someone, she asked more about it and he told her about how we met on here because of Exante, blah blah blah. Anyway, long story short, she wants me to be featured too. She said she knows I didn't finish the programme but I did lose some weight so they'd focus on that. She thinks that the 'couple element' to his story is lovely and the journalists have taken a real interest in it. She's going to email me with more information. I'm really not sure, especially if it involves pictures! I'm still fat, most definitely not any kind of success story!
In S&S news... been home all day and have actually been ok! Only had 1 pack, about to have a bar now and then I'll either have a pack with protein (considering a mac and cheese in the oven with tuna in it) or a pack and a shake made into a mousse. Not really hungry right now but two packs are extremely filling, could manage 3 so better get it down me lol
She got back to me. It'll be in the next couple of weeks as the journalist wants it our for valentines. We can't be told who the article is for at the moment but apparently it's a very popular national magazine/newspaper =/ I'm really not sure. It would involve a telephone interview and probably a photoshoot, at my house she says. Not sure I feel comfortable with photos considering the size I still am, I won't be more than 6lbs max lighter in 2 weeks. That would be my lowest weight ever though, just! Also, yes I'm 4 stone away from where I once was but I'm also 4 stone away from where I should/want to be! I'm not sure I really qualify to be in any kind of weight loss success article. Not really sure at all.

However, I'm this far away from my size 18 jeans that I've never fit in before because of my elephant hips...


Ends are sticking out, about 2 inches away from doing up so probably 3 from fitting comfortably. Please excuse my fat, shapeless looking upper body! haha
What does Aaron think? Does he want you to do it? Will they do the article without you if you don't want to do it? Maybe you could do the interview without pictures? I completely understand how you feel, I would never ever do an article about weight loss, even if it was a success story.
Aaron has decided to do it and would do it without me. Think he originally said I wouldn't want to feature in it as she asked him if he was sure I didn't. Not sure if they'd do it without photos. At least if it was a proper shoot and not something at my house they could do nice lighting and stuff to make me look better lol I'd possibly do it as a success story but I'm still fat!
We've done that! Though if we decided to go off plan for it there is a lovely Thames dinner cruise. I'd LOVE to go and see The Lion King but tickets cost a fortune :(

Caroline -- you got 1/2 way there with Exante and both you met your someone special because of the diet. You can say things like -- I'm half-way to where I want to be and with Aaron's support I know I'll get there. Some of the people in that magazine I mentioned on my diary still had weight to lose -- but they were a success story with what they've lost.

I'm two to two to three stones over what I should weigh. But I'm lighter than I once was and am working on it. I don't feel like a failure at all. And I was at goal at one time and gained about 1/2 back.
Hi Caroline, your Jeans photo isn't that scary !! I took some like that once ( you know trying to fit into target jeans that went barely up pass my knees !! :eek: :eek: :eek: Now they were SUPER scary !!! ) .

I have the same problem with Jeans, and trying to drop down into lower sizes, in that, I have much improved lower legs and thighs, so they come up, but I carry a lot of loose weight on my tummy, so by the time I can get both 'areas' to match up, the darn Jeans are too big, and so the cycle starts again !! LOL !! I use Jeans as a great motivational tool, as when I was VERY big, I never wore them ( I was a UK 26 !! :eek: ) , wasn't brave enough and well that would have been A LOT of denim on show !! :eek:

Sorry I didn't mean to waffle on ,hehe, can't wait to see the next photo with you rocking those Jeans !!!

Diva x
That's true I guess. It's the pictures thing that makes me really unsure though. I don't like full body shots!!

These are only one size down though Diva, still a few more pairs to go after these!! Going to try them on and see how much closer they are to fitting each week. Hopefully they will by Valentines Day. That's my goal for them!

Trying to buy the SW books on ebay for my friend. I think they'll really help her and she can't afford them and I've managed to lose mine in the move or I'd send her those. They're all going for quite high prices though annoyingly!
You know me and my fear of cameras, so I fully understand Caroline!!!..but what a lovely story it will make, especially if she will emphasis what you have lost and what you aim to lose..a sort of ongoing success story!!!!..and you might even get to feature again when you are both at target! Ask them to take face photos of you to show how pretty you are!...a lot of the romantics reading it on valentines will be more interested in how you found love..rather t-han how much weight you have will give hope to singletons..that love strikes anywhere and anytime! :)

I was once in the local newspaper, when my wee cherub was seriously ill and then recovered in time for Xmas..they made a feature of him being well for Santa calling etc..anyway...the photographer tried to get me to sit on my armchair with wee cherub on my knee and hubby crouching down beside us...I changed it to hubby sitting 'in full view' and me crouching down partly hidden by cherub and hubby..and the chair!!! ha ha. they will allow you to see the photos, so you can give your approval!

Having said that...only do what you are comfortable with! exciting though! :)
Rose is absolutely right. I would be really interested about the story of how you met. Online and on a weight loss sight of all things (shock horror) etc etc.
You have to feel totally comfortable though Caroline. This is your decision. I understand how you feel about the photos because i am exactly the same and some!! You never look as bad as you think though, you always look worse to yourself. You are beautiful Caroline and take a fabulous picture and that is what everyone else will see. Plus you get to dress up and make a real effort! ;) ;)