Newbie - very excited & nervous!!

wow poppysparkle you look amazing. I could almost cry as I would so love to be you. PLEASE let me be able to do this diet. I just want to do it so much. You really are an inspiration girl!
Helly, that's so sweet of you, thank you! But believe me, I had the same worries and on the first day I thought that there was no way that I was going to be able complete this journey. Only now I'm on part two of it!

I can't believe for the first time in my adult life, I actually don't need to lose weight at all - in fact I suppose I could even put some on!! It's absolutely extraordinary and alien to me.

I love the new smaller me, I have no need to hide behind anything and I'm finding new things that amaze me daily.

You can so do this! Big hugs and all the best - will be watching your progress along with the other new starters with great interest!
thanks poppysparkle. I really hope so. I hate the way I look at the way it controls my life. If I could only get to your stage of the programme it would be better than winning the lottery. Congrats on all the hard work. It certainly has paid off. One last thing, did you find the first week a struggle and did it get easier? will I be able to go in to the newsagent and just buy a newspaper rather than a newspaper and two large yorkie bars!
Size 8 WOW What a FAB feeling Poppy.
Well done you. I can't believe it either.
Congratulations xxxx
Ok Hellybelly I'll get posting!! I'm enjoying my last glass of wine tonight, I too love to snack but as you said I am also so ready for this Ive had enough of feeling this way! We can do this.

Poppysparkle - I agree your pics are an inspiration! Bring it on................
LOL! Thanks SB! I just find it surreal really! Imagine, me buying a size 8 (big size or not it's still astounds me!!).

Helly, yes, you definitely are totally capable of doing this - give it a chance, put your head down and remember it's only food and it's going nowhere, and at the end of this it will have far less hold over you than you ever believed! It used to help me to think "tomorrow is another day" and that next day came so quickly if I was struggling in any way. I no longer turn to food after a heavy or stressful day and I'm so proud of myself!

You definitely will be able to go into a newsagent and just buy water, and even watch people eat and not have it bother you too!

Can't wait for your before and after piccies!
Exciting PS! Who cares what brand it is - if it has an 8 in the lable, then thats what it is! Fantastic!

Hellybelly - you can do this, and have what we have all acheived. It truly is attainable.

PS, SB, me and others have managed to do this diet without one single little lapse. If we can do it, so can you!'

Just commit to it, and stick to it. Don;t playw ith it. Get stuck in, do the task and reap the endless amount of rewards that come your way every single day after the diet. Its worthy every bit of blood, sweat and tears. Every bit.

Good luck to you and all the other new starterws!!!

Poppysparkle - you look great and your words are such an inspiration to us that are just starting out. Size 8 - you GO girl!!