Newcomer! Weight Loss Diary


New Member
Hey guys,

I'm new to the forum, just starting a weight loss diary!

You'll see my stats in my signature... just hoping this'll keep me motivated!

I started WW last Friday with a daily allowance of 34pp. Unfortunately for me, Friday and Saturday were big nights out and I ended up dipping into my weeklies - used 10 unknowlingly on Friday and 3 on Saturday. I've managed to dodge weeklies today on yesterday, though.

Wish me luck!
thanks guys!

Quick question, what is the general advice re: the weeklies?

Do you guys think you should take them or do they really stunt your loss?

Reason I'm asking is because I tend to be quite good during the week and then weekends when I'm out and have the Sunday roast etc... I worry that by using my weeklies I'm sabotaging myself, but I also think having the weeklies there is what's gonna make me stick at it (cos I won't feel like I've blown it if I have a big meal or a few drinks).

What are your thoughts, guys?
Go by what you think,if it is working for you,no good feeling deprived and like you are missing out,if you're still losing weight then it's not a problem,can always up your exercise if need be.
It's hard to know because everyone is so different but after a few weeks you will have a better feel for whether you can use them and still lose - I know there are lots of people that do! Plus if using weeklies is going to make you stick to it then I say definitely! You could always slowly decrease what you allow yourself each week... but still have the rest there for backup for those days :) Personally I try not to use mine but usually end up using around 10/week.
hey guys, lost 3.5lbs in the first week :) happy now!

used 27 weeklies so pretty happy :D
down 1.5lb this week, 5lb so far overall :D