.Nicki. - time flies.

Look what i bought


Its a Skort, going to look lovely with my black swimsuit (i've never worn) Decided for now, i will just go swimming a few times a week, if i go 3 times a week it's about the same as a gym membership (at a different place) if i go in the evenings it 'should' be quite. I also bought jeans and a bag, see this is why i shouldn't be left alone with catalogs. In my defense i did need jeans because my pairs i live in are starting to lose there thighs and its not my fault they're so damn expensive! The bag was not such a necessity but if i'm starting an exercise i need the correct accessories :D

So i'm all shopped out and starting to get a little paranoid about all the noise from the wind. I'm a little worried about the bike because Steve's car isn't there (blocked the drive last night) Its got an alarmed lock on and it has a cover but its not actually locked to anything, basically the only way to steal it is to load it into a van because the lock means you can't wheel it but my rooms at the back so i might not hear it if the alarm goes. His parents bedroom face our house so kind of hope if the alarm goes they will hear it and see any funny business.

Can you tell i'm lonely with all my babling?

How can you be lonely wiv your bestie here and all the other luvly girlies!!!!!!! :gen126:
Something fishy happened last, I awoke to find Dot's cover off and the green bin upturned. Ok so it was windy but no one elses bin had blown over. Found the cover blown down our side alley, Dot appears to be fine, Just a bit weird!

Was going to go out on Dot today but the weather is terrible :character00201: but i don't want going to work tomorrow being my first ride, although hubbs said he'll drive me until i'm confident enough to make my own way.

Was going to see my cousin today but she's busy so i got a day of figuring out what to do about everything really.

Guess who has just been on their first drive together, just went up the road to the co-op (didn't need anything but bought a mag) it was good but very wet and people are tits, our road is a big road but its 20mph now i was going 25mph and some women overtook me and swore at me, biatch! Only issue is my mirrors seem to end up pointing at the floor but will get hubbs to look at this tonight, I am soaked though, will prob have to get changed at work.

Hmm wish i'd bought some crisps......
AND i just found the school behind my work has just opened a gym, for access to the gym, pool and classes its £27.80 a month. Which is £20 cheaper then the other one with a pool and this month there is no induction fee so will get hubbs to take me to look around tomorrow.
yay glad the first ride went well. ignore that woman, there are some eejits out there!

that gym sounds really good, and a good bargain!
Thanks guys,
Tilly you are not wrong about the bus, i hate them!!!!!

I like that the gym is just by work because i'd have no excuse not to go! Well thats the plan anyway and the pool looks alot nicer then the swimming baths down the road which are a bit old and grotty.
Well done bestie!

How does it go...?

Oh yes ... Dot rocks!!! ;)

And so does bestie! :)
Guess who took herself to work this morning and then home again this evening. Did set my alarm off at 6.15 this morning, that's revenge for there late night garden party on bank holiday Monday mwahahahahah!
Ok so i'm back in the zone weight wise, have been for a few days but not mentioned anything because for now i've crossed over to the dark side, ie weight watchers.
Confession time - the reason i've been a bit off the last few days is because i had another miscarriage over the weekend, well Friday. Don't worry i'm fine, i'm being well looked after by hubby here and my bestie on Minis. Don't get me wrong, gutted doesn't even cover it but i've come to the realisation that i can't cope with another one so we're not even going to risk it anymore (we weren't trying at the moment but not using protection) Babies are off the table for a year or so and i've been trying to figure out what to do diet/life wise, i know i love slimming world but being realistic to me and my eating habits at the moment its only going to work 3 days a week when i'm not working. Then i got a letter from ww online saying if i rejoined i saved the £30 joining fee and it seemed like fate so i joined back up. I'm finding it a lot easier at the moment, i think i'm focusing on diet rather then whats going on with my body at the moment.
I'm definatly going to join a gym i'm just not sure which one, the closer one for £27 is a school so i can't use the pool monday to friday before 5pm which is a bit pants. There is one further away and i get a discount through work so its £25 and its a proper health spa with a pool, jucuzzi and what not.
My new plan in life is diet and exercise!!!!!!
I'm so sorry Nicki. It's a horrible place to be and can feel really lonely but there are lots of us who have been through it so if you ever need to talk we are here for you. I can understand you not wanting to try for a while and you have to do whatever is right for you.

I'm not trying to be nosey and I don't need the answer but have you spoken to the doctors about why it might keep happening. I know sometimes there is just no explanation but I think they can do tests when you've had 3 to rule things out. Like I say I don't need the answer but just wanted to mention it incase you weren't aware they did that.

I'm really pleased you went to work on Dot. Now you've done it once there will be no stopping you.

Good luck with WW. It's finding the diet that suits you the best and they all work if you stick to them - which is much easier said than done. I'll have to keep checking your diary to see what you're eating and what you think to WW compared to SW.
Thanks guys,
I'm going to leave my diary here because i feel a little lost without you guys and my diary never has that much about food
Tilly :hug99: I went after the first couple but was just told to lose weight, which I haven't really done and to be honest i've not been to the doctors since May because the doctor will probably say its my own fault and i can't deal with that. I just want to plod along on my own for a while, least till i've lost a bit of weight!
To be honest i'll prob be back to sw in a month :D I just keep thinking, if i could start enjoying the exercise and start needing exercise then maybe the food would become less important.
Just had an email to say my Jeans, skort and bag (didn't tell hubby that) will arrive tomorrow, yipee! I really hope the skort fits because i might drag hubbs swimming tomorrow night or i might just take Dot.
:character00201:HAHAHAHAHA I CAN GO ANYWHERE NOW. Well you know within Portsmouth :rotflmao: I'm in a pretty positive mood this evening which is a bit weird but i'm tired of crying, It feels like i've been crying since May time to cheer up!!
I just wanted to say how sorry I am about the horrible card you have been dealt recently. I can only imagine how horrific and heart breaking it must be to miscarry for the first time, never mind multiple times. I personally think you need time to be yourself and find some happiness. If this means sticking to an eating plan, fine, but I personally think you need to find a place and a routine which makes you feel happier with yourself. Yes losing weight can help health-wise but feeling like you're starving yourself or being unhappy because you've run out of points or syns is not going to help if everything else is going pants around you. I'm not sure if I am making any sense, I guess I just think happiness always comes from being slim. I think there is more to it and some how along the way you have to accept yourself and identify what makes you tick. I hope having Dot and being able to have your independence helps.
Sorry if I am not making sense, and feel free to tell me to mind my own business. I have seen my Mum become very depressed and have a lot of anxiety problems and I know how easy it is to slip down that slope. If you ever want to talk, just PM me. I can't promise I'm able to help, but I will always listen.
Look after yourself x
That makes sense hun, my main issue is since i was a child i imagined i'd wake up skinny and all my problems will be solved. It's taken me 14 years to figure out that its just not going to happen like that.
i'll get there one day x
Hi there bestie x

How brilliant and brave are you for being so frank and honest hunni x.

As you know, I think your ideas and plans are wonderful and so sensible. Such a mature outlook. I'm incredibly proud of you bestie x.

I think that Dot is going to make a huge difference to your confidence. I'm so pleased you got her. And there's the added bonus of setting the alarm off to p*ss the neighbours off lol!

You must do whatever diet you think suits you best, and that makes you happy x. The aim at the end of the day is to lose weight...it really doesn't matter how you do it.

We will still be here regardless of what you decide...sorry about that lol! ;)

Take care xxx
Hi there bestie x

How brilliant and brave are you for being so frank and honest hunni x.

As you know, I think your ideas and plans are wonderful and so sensible. Such a mature outlook. I'm incredibly proud of you bestie x.

I think that Dot is going to make a huge difference to your confidence. I'm so pleased you got her. And there's the added bonus of setting the alarm off to p*ss the neighbours off lol!

You must do whatever diet you think suits you best, and that makes you happy x. The aim at the end of the day is to lose weight...it really doesn't matter how you do it.

We will still be here regardless of what you decide...sorry about that lol! ;)

Take care xxx

Thanks bestie, thought i'd best be honest about things, i know people in real life think that i'm just a miserable biatch and i didn't want everyone here thinking the same.

Dot already is making a difference, although i'm still pretty nervous when i'm on her, its nice to be able to take myself to work and home again and stopping off at the shop to get myself some diet coke, usually hubby would have to do it. Tomorrow i'm doing overtime tomorrow until midday because i can drive myself home.
My catologue stuff arrived today, the skort fits and is a size 26 (get me) and my jeans fit lovely and hubby spotted the bag and just rolled his eyes :D Might use it for work actually!
Hi Nicki

Firstly a huge :grouphugg:

Life is poo at times. I am so proud of you for being so postive when its all so difficult.

I am so glad you are keeping your diary here with us as we would really miss you and I am pretty sure you will be back to sw soon ;)

Well done for going out on Dot, :D it will make such a difference to you.

Glad the skort fits you sweetie and the jeans :D

take care