Nicola's Cuba Countdown

She's right you look amazing I'm jel lol x
I'm only catching up briefly, will post properly tomorrow but omg you look amazing in that photo! I am nowhere near as slim as you, damn I need to grow a few inches lol.

And fabulous boobies! ;)

Did you meet any hot men?! :D

She's right you look amazing I'm jel lol x

Aww thanks lovelies! The positioning of the two friends in front of me makes me look slimmer than I really am ;) But I have to say, leather all the way from here on in! I felt like a dominatrix or something haha! :D

No hot men to be found - the club we went to was 90% women as the bouncers kept turning away all the blokes at the door!! But we had a good giggle anyway! :D

Wow you look stunning Nic!!!

Very jealous of your "twins" as well!

Haha I'm very thankful that they're the one part of me that doesn't shrink too much when I lose weight! :D
Lol... they do have their disadvantages... random people think it's perfectly acceptable to stick their head between them! :eek:
Morning ladies!

Scales are still saying 11st 0.5lbs, let's hope for a weekend venture back into the 10s! :)

Today's plan...

Exercise: 30 mins gym
Breakfast: Mullerlight, AB Choc Crunch (HEB)
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Pasta with Ham, Cheese (HEA) & Tomato
Dinner: Teryaki Chicken (2) with Spring Onions, Green Veg & Rice

And hopefully a good sit out in the sunshine if it comes back out!! :D

Morning ladies!

Scales are still saying 11st 0.5lbs, let's hope for a weekend venture back into the 10s! :)

Today's plan...

Exercise: 30 mins gym
Breakfast: Mullerlight, AB Choc Crunch (HEB)
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Pasta with Ham, Cheese (HEA) & Tomato
Dinner: Teryaki Chicken (2) with Spring Onions, Green Veg & Rice

And hopefully a good sit out in the sunshine if it comes back out!! :D


You're looking good! :) Official weigh in last night had me losing 2 and a half pounds and down to 11st dead on! Damn it, haha just missed out on the 10's but there we go! Showing up at 10st 13lbs on the scales this morning after our post weigh in treat (I had my soft fried noodles with chicken - chow mein basically, without the sauce) & I finished off my Lindt bar with sea salt (YUM)! I also managed to get slimmer of the week - even though, there was a girl who lost 3 and a half pounds (she had a gain last week) but don't you feel awkward when that happens :eek: I also managed to win that book (love summer with slimming world) because our friend Garry joined last night. I might share some stuff out of it on my diary if anyone wants it - basically just a load of tips etc & the vouchers in the back, yay!

Has anyone had any second thoughts on their goal weights?? When my consultant asked me last night what it was I said 10st.. but now after going on the web and googling/yahoo answering 5'7 girls & their weights I'm thinking I may go a bit lower.. obviously only we'll be able to tell when we reach it! Has anyone reached their Goal weigh and decided to go lower?

There is a website (my body gallery dot com) that you can put in height, body shape and weight etc and it shows what 'real' girls look like. As in random people just send in their stats and pictures.. I was on it last night getting obsessive.. then I realised that everyone is different. One 10st girl looked slim and another one looked, well, not as slim even though they were exactly the same height!

I also read something completely crazy yesterday. Audrey Hepburn was actually 5'7 and wait for it... 110lbs! Which is crazy skinny! It's about 7st 12lbs? I ALWAYS thought she was shorter but there we go. Just for the record.. I can never imagine myself at that weight!!!! I'd be like a walking mop! Haha.. x Good luck!!! x
You're looking good! :) Official weigh in last night had me losing 2 and a half pounds and down to 11st dead on! Damn it, haha just missed out on the 10's but there we go! Showing up at 10st 13lbs on the scales this morning after our post weigh in treat (I had my soft fried noodles with chicken - chow mein basically, without the sauce) & I finished off my Lindt bar with sea salt (YUM)! I also managed to get slimmer of the week - even though, there was a girl who lost 3 and a half pounds (she had a gain last week) but don't you feel awkward when that happens :eek: I also managed to win that book (love summer with slimming world) because our friend Garry joined last night. I might share some stuff out of it on my diary if anyone wants it - basically just a load of tips etc & the vouchers in the back, yay!

Has anyone had any second thoughts on their goal weights?? When my consultant asked me last night what it was I said 10st.. but now after going on the web and googling/yahoo answering 5'7 girls & their weights I'm thinking I may go a bit lower.. obviously only we'll be able to tell when we reach it! Has anyone reached their Goal weigh and decided to go lower?

There is a website (my body gallery dot com) that you can put in height, body shape and weight etc and it shows what 'real' girls look like. As in random people just send in their stats and pictures.. I was on it last night getting obsessive.. then I realised that everyone is different. One 10st girl looked slim and another one looked, well, not as slim even though they were exactly the same height!

I also read something completely crazy yesterday. Audrey Hepburn was actually 5'7 and wait for it... 110lbs! Which is crazy skinny! It's about 7st 12lbs? I ALWAYS thought she was shorter but there we go. Just for the record.. I can never imagine myself at that weight!!!! I'd be like a walking mop! Haha.. x Good luck!!! x

Oh congrats you on getting to 11 on the dot! Next week the 10s will yours and conquered! :D And well done on SOTW too, you can't feel bad about the other girl, the rules are consistent so everyone gets a fair chance :) I'm gutted because I got SOTW when I came home from hols but didn't stay to group so didn't get the book - I wasn't at my own group either, so feel a bit cheeky asking my consultant if I can have one after the event... am going back to that Tuesday group as a one-off again next week though, so might ask the lady there if I can have one, and also if she's got my pack - I think I left it behind at her group in my post-Ibiza tired state - and it's got my starting photos in it so don't really want to lose it (we had a photo shoot at work literally the week I started and I hated my photo!).

With regards to target and body shape, I've set 9st 7lbs because I reckon I can get to a size 10 by then - it's more about the size than the number for me. I was a size 16 at 13 stone, a size 14 at 11.5-12 stone, and am now a size 12 at 11st (was a comfortable 12 before the blowout over the last few weeks), so I think another stone should get me down to a 10 on the bottom at least, might have to accept I'll always be biggers on top thanks to the puppies! So I reckon I could be in the position where I'll want to change my target when I get there if I don't feel like I'm quite the right size yet. I'd never seen that site before, am off for a little browse, but what I would say is that a girl of a certain height can be 10st and muscular and therefore look very slim, but there can be another girl of the same height and weight whose weight is made up more of fat than muscle, and she might look a bit more rounded, so I don't think you can predict how you're going to look by looking at other people's photos, it'll all depend on you and your body composition :)

Oh and as for celebrities, never go by their weights, they all weigh 7/8 stone and are much taller than me!! They cannot have healthy BMIs!! :eek:

Waffle over... ;)

Right evening update, another good day, yay! :D Got called the incredible shrinking woman at work today lol! :D

Exercise: 30 mins gym (Run, Row & Bike)
Breakfast: Mullerlight & All Bran Choc Crunch (HEB), Tea (0.5)
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Pasta with Ham, Cheese (HEA), Tomatoes & Chives, Diet Lemonade
Dinner: Teriyaki Chicken (3) with Brown Rice & Pak Choi, Diet Lemonade
Snacks: Frozen Milky Way (5), Apple

Summary (EE): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 8.5 Syns, 30 mins Exercise

Really yummy food, and that Wagamama Teriyaki Sauce is brill for 1.5 syns per tbsp, so thanks for the recommendation Lauren! Going to try Salmon with it next :)

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Looked at the wagamammas stuff in Asda earlier so will remember that tho did get ingredients to make teriyaki from the taste of Asia book today so will do that first! Well done at being so focused again, think Las Vegas is fab motivation :)
Ooh let me know how the Taste of Asia version turns out, I've got the book but haven't tried that recipe :) Vegas is brilliant motivation, and it helps that it's sunny here at the moment and I'm facing myself in a bikini every day while I get a bit of sunshine, there's no escaping looking at and facing the wobbly bits! :D
Ooh let me know how the Taste of Asia version turns out, I've got the book but haven't tried that recipe :) Vegas is brilliant motivation, and it helps that it's sunny here at the moment and I'm facing myself in a bikini every day while I get a bit of sunshine, there's no escaping looking at and facing the wobbly bits! :D

Yes no hiding here with the current weather! The last day I was there was 43 degrees far far too hot for anything but a bikini and that was about the 21st August so not much earlier than you are going. Did you see the worlds busiest hotel earlier? It's about the Venetian have sky plused it as was amazing inside am curious to see more about it!
Yes no hiding here with the current weather! The last day I was there was 43 degrees far far too hot for anything but a bikini and that was about the 21st August so not much earlier than you are going. Did you see the worlds busiest hotel earlier? It's about the Venetian have sky plused it as was amazing inside am curious to see more about it!

I knew there was something I'd forgotten to Sky+!!!! I'll have to see if I can catch a repeat, what channel was it on? x