Nicola's Cuba Countdown

Here to subscribe, you have done so well!

Welcome and thank you!! :) Please don't look at today's food diary for inspiration, chocolate cake features heavily ;) x
Evening all!

Time to check in and let you know how I got on with the plan above...

Brreakfast: Banana, 2 Plums
Lunch: Bacon Buttie (HEB + 2.5 for Butter)
Snacks: Tea x 3 (1.5), 2 Amaretti (1), Mini Cupcake (5)
Dinner (out): Steak with Jacket Potato, Peas, Onions & Mushrooms (2.5 for butter on jacket potato + 2.5 for any oil the steak, onions and mushrooms might have been cooked in)
Snacks: HUGE slice of homemade chocolate guinness cake (courtesy of my mum) topped with cream cheese frosting (HEA as frosting made with philli light + ?!?!?! Syns!! Must have been at least 20)

Summary: 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 35ish Syns

So unless I've massively underestimated the syns in the chocolate cake, I'm still within plan! Phew! :D Will keep to 10 Syns or less until weigh-in just to be safe... and will do a good gym workout tomorrow morning too to try and wear a bit of it off - am guessing the scales probably won't be quite so kind tomorrow morning after all that lot in one go!!!

It was very yummy but soooo rich!! I did actually ask my mum not to bring it (as I was trying to get back on track after so many weeks off), but she doesn't have a great grasp of the word "no" ;) Her compromise was to bring 3 humungous slices rather than the whole cake lol x

Sounds just like my mum!! :) xx
Sounds just like my mum!! :) xx

It's so sweet of her that I can't be mad! And I know I'm probably going to be the same one day in the future... we all turn into our mothers eventually haha! :D x
It's so sweet of her that I can't be mad! And I know I'm probably going to be the same one day in the future... we all turn into our mothers eventually haha! :D x

So true I hear myself and think that so often! And when I was 18 said I would never be like her!! xx
PS. Me and my mum had a bit of an argument over my weight :rolleyes: She thinks I shouldn't lose anything more and that I'm already looking skinny... I did the usual explanation about how I'm trying to get to smack bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range for health purposes as much as anything else and she was having none of it... the only way I managed to get her to stop going on about it was to reassure her that I'll probably put half a stone back on in Vegas!!
Haha! I'm sure the Vegas argument successfully won her over!! Parents worry, just humour her and smile etc etc, she just naturally worries you'll go all anorexic or bulimic on her, which we a know is hardly the road SW leads to! It's her job to be cautious so best to just reassure and get on with what you are trying to achieve :) :) my parents have been great and never once said I need to stop, never one bad word just the occasional 'hi skinny' haha. It's everyone at work telling me to stop cos I'm already 'skinny enough' and ill make myself ill apparently! Well they all said that 2 stone ago too, and I'm still here, perfectly visible :p I guess weight loss is hard to understand unless you're in that exact same place
Morning all! 10st 11.5lbs on the scales this morning, woohoo! :D Should be on for a really good loss tomorrow night if that sticks!! Here's today's plan very quickly...

Breakfast: Muller Greek (0.5), Banana, Hifi (HEB)
Lunch: Sushi (2), Apple, Nectarine, Plums, Grapes
Dinner: Chicken Teriyaki (3) with Rice & Pak Choi

PS. Me and my mum had a bit of an argument over my weight :rolleyes: She thinks I shouldn't lose anything more and that I'm already looking skinny... I did the usual explanation about how I'm trying to get to smack bang in the middle of the healthy BMI range for health purposes as much as anything else and she was having none of it... the only way I managed to get her to stop going on about it was to reassure her that I'll probably put half a stone back on in Vegas!!

Think mum's can't help it, just like we can't help becoming them!! You are doing so well to get back to where you were fab results xx
Just trying to catch up on diaries - you look beyond stunning in that latest pic!! xx

Aw thanks lovely! :) x

Think mum's can't help it, just like we can't help becoming them!! You are doing so well to get back to where you were fab results xx

I'm so pleased it's coming back off easily enough, was feeling proper flabby again!!

Well end of day check-in, and it has been a mad one... I'm literally just home from work and need to be in at 8.30am again tomorrow for another meeting, where am I supposed to find time to sleep?! :eek: But I did manage to stay roughly on plan... so am pleased with that, even if I did take a few diversions from the original plan for today...

Breakfast: Muller Greek (0.5), Banana, Hifi (HEB)
Lunch: Sushi (2), Apple, Nectarine, Plums, Grapes
Snack: Small slice of cake (colleague's birthday and I really needed a pick me up - cut a teeny tiny sliver so think about 5 Syns)
Dinner: Sweet Potato with 35g Philly Light (1/2 HEA) and a Babybel (1/2 HEA) - couldn't be bothered cooking chicken teriyaki at 9pm so that'll save for tomorrow!

Summary (Green): 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 7 Syns
Evening all!

Just been to official weigh-in... back to 10st 12.5lbs, so 2.5lbs off :) Back over the 2 stone mark and not too much further to go until I get that healthy BMI back too!

Having a bit of a treat evening and am totally stuffed now, I swear my stomach's shrinking slightly!!

Manic day at work again and am very glad it's over... had to do a day's worth of scary presentations to all the bigwigs and was more than a bit scared!! Was actually shaking when I did my first bit, but by the second bit I'd gotten into my stride and it wasn't quite so bad :)

So here's my summary...

Breakfast: All Bran Berry Crunch (HEB)
Lunch: Turkey Pieces, Veg Soup, Peach
Weigh-in: 2.5lbs off! :D
Dinner - starter: 2 Salmon Mousses (7), Bread Roll (6), Butter (5), Small tub Pringles (10)
Dinner - main: Chicken Teriyaki (1.5) with Rice & Pak Choi
Dinner - dessert: Belgian Bun (14), Butter (2.5), Marshmallows (8)

Summary (Extra Easy): 0 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 54 Syns

Ok so maybe I'm not surprised I'm full after writing all that out haha...

Tomorrow is Sports Day at work, which on the surface sounds like a healthy day full of body magic... but in reality it's a day where we have an ice-cream and doughnut van on the premises, and we start eating and drinking wine at 5pm!! Eeek! Slimming nightmare!! So the plan is to be 100% until 5pm, to try and select healthy options from the BBQ, and flexi syn the drinks. We'll probably head into town after the food and drinks, so once we're in the bars I'll switch to vodka and diet coke to try and minimise the syns from the alcohol, but it'll probably be beer or wine only while we're at the office.

Right I am off to my bed, am exhausted after today and another early start tomorrow morning to try and squeeze in all the work before sports day starts!!

Evening all!

Just been to official weigh-in... back to 10st 12.5lbs, so 2.5lbs off :) Back over the 2 stone mark and not too much further to go until I get that healthy BMI back too!

Having a bit of a treat evening and am totally stuffed now, I swear my stomach's shrinking slightly!!

Manic day at work again and am very glad it's over... had to do a day's worth of scary presentations to all the bigwigs and was more than a bit scared!! Was actually shaking when I did my first bit, but by the second bit I'd gotten into my stride and it wasn't quite so bad :)

So here's my summary...

Breakfast: All Bran Berry Crunch (HEB)
Lunch: Turkey Pieces, Veg Soup, Peach
Weigh-in: 2.5lbs off! :D
Dinner - starter: 2 Salmon Mousses (7), Bread Roll (6), Butter (5), Small tub Pringles (10)
Dinner - main: Chicken Teriyaki (1.5) with Rice & Pak Choi
Dinner - dessert: Belgian Bun (14), Butter (2.5), Marshmallows (8)

Summary (Extra Easy): 0 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 54 Syns

Ok so maybe I'm not surprised I'm full after writing all that out haha...

Tomorrow is Sports Day at work, which on the surface sounds like a healthy day full of body magic... but in reality it's a day where we have an ice-cream and doughnut van on the premises, and we start eating and drinking wine at 5pm!! Eeek! Slimming nightmare!! So the plan is to be 100% until 5pm, to try and select healthy options from the BBQ, and flexi syn the drinks. We'll probably head into town after the food and drinks, so once we're in the bars I'll switch to vodka and diet coke to try and minimise the syns from the alcohol, but it'll probably be beer or wine only while we're at the office.

Right I am off to my bed, am exhausted after today and another early start tomorrow morning to try and squeeze in all the work before sports day starts!!


Just catching up, woah well done on the official weigh in! :) I am hoping to be officially in the 10's this Saturday (Sat weigh in this week rather than a Thursday, so there IS hope)! My wii however, which is usually mean says I am 10st 12lbs which is great (it's been p*ssing me off & sticking on 13lbs the last few days, lol). Oh & interesting you mention the stomach shrinking. It is SO true. I can't eat half of what I used to before.. and does ANYONE else get this - when you're eating a large meal (be it a treat, or just a SW friendly meal) do you get into a hot flush? Almost a sweat!? Haha.. this has been happening to me & Colin every time we have a biggish meal. This morning I had 3 sausages with some beans (weird meal, but I had them leftover & they were the good ones - Tesco light choices whatever Cumberlands @ 0.5 syns each on EE). Anyway, I started getting so hot & bothered & it wasn't even a lot of food really.

Hope sports day went well :)