No more excuses


Silver Member
Hi everyone,
I'm basically writing this diary purely and simply so there is someone else seeing it instead of just me. I, eventually, want to be between 8 13 and 9 1 but I find it hard to lose weight so many interim targets in between. For the past couple of years I've given every excuse in the book for my weight gain: marital breakdown, moving house, Uni, losing a family member, etc. etc. I've finally realised that things will keep happening in my life and I can't use them as excuses for my size. I'm always unhappy with it and trying to justify it is not getting me anywhere so here goes. Second weeks WI tomorrow and I've had 3 days off plan so I'm expecting a gain. My obvious failre this week has made me realise I need to be a little more determined and perhaps have other people there to chastise me when I need it ;) Will update with today's food tonight when I know it's true and not just good intentions :bighug:
Okay here goes nothing
Monday Green Day
Coffee with milk (part of HexA)
Magic Porridge Pancakes (HexB)
1 banana
2 satsumas
Rice and sweetcorn
Chilli Prawn stirfry - 113g Prawns (HexB), chilli flakes, chilli powder, sweet paprika, noodles, cabbage and carrots.

Hopefully nothing else later but who knows? Will update if so, can't kid myself ;)
Good luck snowwhite, i look forward to reading how you get on. You certainly seem to have found your focus x
Thanks hun :) Well I ended up adding chicken to make up the rest of my healthy extra (only had 30g of prawns left!) and peas seeing as though I'm having a green day :-D Also blueberries and a 2 finger kitkat (5.5 syns) All full up :)
snowwhite85 said:
Thanks hun :) Well I ended up adding chicken to make up the rest of my healthy extra (only had 30g of prawns left!) and peas seeing as though I'm having a green day :-D Also blueberries and a 2 finger kitkat (5.5 syns) All full up :)

Sounds good and tasty. I had a slice of garlic bread with my bolognaise. Yummy :) I love sw x
snowwhite85 said:
Very jealous. Can't remember the last time I had garlic bread. I end up eating the full stick! :-S

Make ur own using a wholemeal roll as a healthy extra :)

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Good idea. I might get some next time I go shopping :) Well, I'm 2 hrs and 700 words down (of 3000) of a full day writing in the library :-( WI today was half pound off, not bad considering 3 days off plan :) Brought my own food in for while i study so here's today.

Green Day
Scrambled egg on wholemeal toast (hexb) with scraping of low fat spread (1 syn) and coffee with milk (part of hexa)
Blueberries, mullerlight, banana, satsumas and apple
Rice and sweetcorn
Sweet potato mash (no butter or milk), pan fried chicken, peas and carrots. MAYBE a bit of gravy :-O

Will update again later if anything gets added. Oh, and Pepsi max and water to keep me hydrated :)
That's another good idea. I never think of these things. I think I just see cheap garlic bread and think I'll have that! ;-)
It's easy to get carried away with the bargains though - i ummed and aahed for about 5 minutes infront of the weight watchers garlic breads that were reduced to 50p, but they were all like 9 syns plus and i'd already used quite a few syns that day after that rubbish strawberry cream and with 2 hot chocs to keep me warm... Have only used 3 syns today - thinking i might have something a bit yummy later x
I know what you mean. If there's food on offer I find it hard to resist. Well I gave in today with a twix (14 syns) but still 15 for the day so it's all good :)
snowwhite85 said:
I know what you mean. If there's food on offer I find it hard to resist. Well I gave in today with a twix (14 syns) but still 15 for the day so it's all good :)

Well done. :) I had another mini choc Philly tub on a banana tonight. Mmmmm lol
I'm gonna have to find some of those in asda when I do my big shop on payday: unfortunately it's scraping the barrel time at the mo, hence all the green days. Meat is expensive! :-( I think I'm gonna have to have a day off from shredding today as well :-( full of cold and in agony with my shoulders (dodgy joints) will see how I feel after breakfast and some painkillers :) Will update food diary later :)
snowwhite85 said:
I'm gonna have to find some of those in asda when I do my big shop on payday: unfortunately it's scraping the barrel time at the mo, hence all the green days. Meat is expensive! :-( I think I'm gonna have to have a day off from shredding today as well :-( full of cold and in agony with my shoulders (dodgy joints) will see how I feel after breakfast and some painkillers :) Will update food diary later :)

Isn't it just too. I spend a small fortune on food, it's so expensive to eat healthy isn't it. I have been good at working round the 3 for 10 offers and stuff though and making sure to freeze some portions for the tighter and lazier weeks.

What day are you up to with shred I've been pants got to day nine and got ill and haven't got back on yet :( did get to the gym for spin last night though so maybe I'll give it a crack next week :) X
I'm meant to be doing day 6 today. I'm hoping by the time I get back from the library my joints might have warmed up a bit and I'll be able to do it. Don't want to be taking painkillers every day so just going to try to keep moving them and hopefully they'll ease off :)
I've went through all my frozen pre-prepared meals too! :-O really need to spend some time this weekend cooking to replace them. Just been so busy cos deadline is Friday for my essay so I've spent every spare minute in the library. Should get it finished today though: can get back to normal then :)
snowwhite85 said:
I'm meant to be doing day 6 today. I'm hoping by the time I get back from the library my joints might have warmed up a bit and I'll be able to do it. Don't want to be taking painkillers every day so just going to try to keep moving them and hopefully they'll ease off :)
I've went through all my frozen pre-prepared meals too! :-O really need to spend some time this weekend cooking to replace them. Just been so busy cos deadline is Friday for my essay so I've spent every spare minute in the library. Should get it finished today though: can get back to normal then :)

Have a rest day hun if you need to. Dont make yourself bad eh. What sort of meals do you put in the freezer? I have always batch cooked for the kids but never for me so it's quite a new thing and hopefully will keep me from the takeaways when I'm having my cba'd days. So for I have bolognaise and cottage pie :)

Good luck with your essay today x
I usually make chilli, bolognaise and super speed soup. After hand in I'm gonna buy some veg etc. and get some made :)
I think I'm just gonna see how my shoulders are later, they've already loosened up since I woke but gotta get to library for 8 to get the seat I want lol. A creature of habit!
Hope u have a good day today :-£