No more excuses

snowwhite85 said:
I like the pasta and sauce but my mam did Facebook about 10-11 yrs ago so I got hooked on them back then ;-) Glad they're still almost free :-D I must say I do add chilli powder and paprika but I do that with all my food so it's no reflection on the pasta. Xbox kinect is great, glad to have it back after 4 months getting the kitchen done :)
Well, I ended up with 2 terry's chocolate orange segsations (2 syns each) as well so that makes 8 syns :-/ Think I'm gonna go back to EE tomorrow cos starting to feel a bit bloated but it's nice to have a few days of carb overload :)

Your mam did Facebook and tha got you hooked on pasta n sauce??? LOL assuming you mean sw. I had a curly wurly which was gorgeous. Heading up to bed now as am shattered!

What did you have done to your kitchen? X
Yes, I meant SW. Stupid phone ;-) We have a living room/kitchen and (even though it's a new build) OH ripped the old kitchen out, all the skirting boards etc and redid the whole apartment. Was meant to take 3 months: Started in August 2010! Lol. Oh well, we now have a beautiful apartment with a spanking new kitchen. Just the bathrooms to go ;-)
snowwhite85 said:
Yes, I meant SW. Stupid phone ;-) We have a living room/kitchen and (even though it's a new build) OH ripped the old kitchen out, all the skirting boards etc and redid the whole apartment. Was meant to take 3 months: Started in August 2010! Lol. Oh well, we now have a beautiful apartment with a spanking new kitchen. Just the bathrooms to go ;-)

Oooh how lovely though. I'd love a new kitchen. It's on my list for after we've done disney world next summer lol x
Disneyworld as in Florida? I bet u can't wait :) OH is intending to take me, his sis and nephew there in September but everything's last minute with him so I daren't get too excited. Florida looks amazing, are you all booked up and everything?
snowwhite85 said:
Disneyworld as in Florida? I bet u can't wait :) OH is intending to take me, his sis and nephew there in September but everything's last minute with him so I daren't get too excited. Florida looks amazing, are you all booked up and everything?

Yeah that's the plan! My boys will be 4.5 by then so big enough for it and my nephew will be almost 8 so I reckon this is the last year it will be truly magical for him. Just trying to save the money and work it all out, should be ok as long as nothing major breaks lol. Nothing Booked yet as you can't do it that far in advance but we're planning to get a villa as a few mates coming too :) its gonna be great I can't wait lol x expensive tho x
Sounds amazing! There's only the 4 of us but his nephew'll be 7 while we're there so that's why OH wants to take him. In a yr or 2 it won't be as special. Florida's the main reason I'm dieting: I want to be able to eat all the American food! Lol, greasy burgers with cheese, everything with cheese. I can't wait :-D
snowwhite85 said:
Sounds amazing! There's only the 4 of us but his nephew'll be 7 while we're there so that's why OH wants to take him. In a yr or 2 it won't be as special. Florida's the main reason I'm dieting: I want to be able to eat all the American food! Lol, greasy burgers with cheese, everything with cheese. I can't wait :-D

Lol. Well you have some time to get there. How much have you got to lose? X
6lbs minimum left to lose to take me down to 9 and a half but would really like to be 8 13 or 9 stone. However I've not been that weight for years and my man tells me off for being too skinny once I'm below 9 10 so it's all flexible ;-) I have quite a large frame so she might be right, we'll see :-D I don't mind even if it comes off half a lb a week cos I have the time, no crash dieting for me! ;-) How about u? (on my phone so can see no stats)
snowwhite85 said:
6lbs minimum left to lose to take me down to 9 and a half but would really like to be 8 13 or 9 stone. However I've not been that weight for years and my man tells me off for being too skinny once I'm below 9 10 so it's all flexible ;-) I have quite a large frame so she might be right, we'll see :-D I don't mind even if it comes off half a lb a week cos I have the time, no crash dieting for me! ;-) How about u? (on my phone so can see no stats)

Lol I'm always on phone too so never know either. I'm aiming for 9-13 at the mo. gives me 23 lbs to go. Ultimately though I just wanna feel comfortable in a size 12 so wherever that leaves me. Also happy (sort of lol) for it to take time as this one is forever and about changing my life.

You've not much to go then that's great. You can always decide when you get there anyway can't you x
My thoughts exactly :) Well here's today's diet

Extra Easy

Tomatoes, egg fried in fry light, bacon, beans
Apple, Lindt mini bunny (3 syns)
Uncle Ben thai chilli express rice (2 syns), ham and tomatoes
Slice of wholemeal bread (hexb) with scraping of light spread (1 syn)
5 mugs of hot water and lemon
Salmon, SW wedges and salad
1 Terry's chocolate orange segsation (2 syns)
Blueberries and 2 clementines

Total: 8 syns
Erm, had a wobble last night. OH decided last minute he was going to stay in instead of going out and wanted to order a pizza hut! Managed to talk him out of it but in addition to what I'd already eaten I had:

Half a dairylea dunker (3 syns?)
3 white chocolate buttons (? Syns)
Mini toblerone (? Syns)
1 vodka diet coke (4 syns)

Damage limitation: I can't see those bits of chocolate being more than 10 syns so I'm going to make sure I'm under 10 syns a day for the next two days to make up for it :) Next week will do weekly syns to see if that works better :-D
snowwhite85 said:
Erm, had a wobble last night. OH decided last minute he was going to stay in instead of going out and wanted to order a pizza hut! Managed to talk him out of it but in addition to what I'd already eaten I had:

Half a dairylea dunker (3 syns?)
3 white chocolate buttons (? Syns)
Mini toblerone (? Syns)
1 vodka diet coke (4 syns)

Damage limitation: I can't see those bits of chocolate being more than 10 syns so I'm going to make sure I'm under 10 syns a day for the next two days to make up for it :) Next week will do weekly syns to see if that works better :-D

Ah that's not that bad hun. Like you say a bit of damage limitation and you'll be just fine. Well done for talking oh out of pizza I love pizza but it's about the worst food you can have on sw (takeaway anyway) x
I persuaded him to make chips with phall sauce instead. Although I must say I stole a chip :-O I reckon the damage limitation should work though. Thanks for the support :)
snowwhite85 said:
I persuaded him to make chips with phall sauce instead. Although I must say I stole a chip :-O I reckon the damage limitation should work though. Thanks for the support :)

Ok. What's phall sauce? That a phone autocorrect again lol. X
Phall is a very hot Indian curry. But he's really picky and doesn't eat a lot of things so bulk orders the sauce when we get one lol. It is beautiful but I couldn't eat a full one, it's hotter than vindaloo: blows your head off :-S
snowwhite85 said:
Phall is a very hot Indian curry. But he's really picky and doesn't eat a lot of things so bulk orders the sauce when we get one lol. It is beautiful but I couldn't eat a full one, it's hotter than vindaloo: blows your head off :-S

Wow. I can only just handle a Korma lol x
;-) It is beautiful though :) well here's today's diary

Extra Easy
Bacon, cherry tomatoes, egg fried in fry light and beans
Coffee with dash of milk (.5 syn)
2 clementines, banana, apple
Rice, sweetcorn, ham and cherry tomatoes
Cheesecake mullerlight (1 syn)
1 slice wholemeal bread (hexb) with scraping of light spread (1 syn)
Cheese omelette (cheese as hexa, dash of milk .5 syn) fried in frylight salad and jacket potato.
2 segsations (4 syns)
5 mugs of hot water with lemon :)

Total: 7 syns
Here's today's food diary, all being well ;)

Green Day
Magic Porridge (hexb)
coffee with milk (hexa)
2 clementines, apple and banana
rice and sweetcorn
gammon (hexb), peas, carrots and maybe some SW wedges :eek:

No syns? We shall see :confused: