No more excuses

Well I was having a good convo. Anyway was offered chocolate Easter egg today and turned it down. Felt really guilty turning it down but wasn't even tempted.
Depression mixed with this is starting to mess with my head :( Been fine for the last month and a half with no problems at all but for the last couple of days I've been really struggling, not with wanting to go off plan but with not wanting to eat at all. Forcing myself to have the packs but when I do I feel really full and that makes me feel really fat and like I don't want to eat anymore and makes me wish I hadn't eaten. I think the fact I don't tend to feel hungry on this is probably making it worse as I can easily not eat. It's weird because when I usually have a dip the first thing I want to do is comfort eat. Fingers crossed this doesn't last too long as I don't want to give it up (and I think at the moment if I did I'd stop eating completely) but at the same time I don't want it to mess with my head and cause more problems.
Hugs Hun.
Just take it easy and try not to be so hard on yourself.
I know how you feel. This diet has brought all kind of c**p up.
Just think of the packs as your nutrition. You need it to stay healthy and get stronger. One day at a time Hun and things will get better.
Here if you need me :)
Hugs Hun.
Just take it easy and try not to be so hard on yourself.
I know how you feel. This diet has brought all kind of c**p up.
Just think of the packs as your nutrition. You need it to stay healthy and get stronger. One day at a time Hun and things will get better.
Here if you need me :)
Thanks hun. I just hate it because the last thing I want is it to swing the other way and end up with an ED. I'm messed up enough as it is lol.
Poor you, you are having a rough time. As Slim suggested treat your packs as a necessity. I am coming to the end of mine and am heartily fed up of the whole thing. I think of them as medicine that I need to take to keep me healthy. When you finish your packs and start eating more carbs you will almost certainly find that your appetite will come back. Keep an eye on it though and if you are concerned get in touch with your doctor.
Thanks everyone. Got an exam this morning so feeling a bit sick. Had my first pack though. Should be having a protein meal tonight but will probably end up having 2 packs plus protein meal as I don't like having 3 packs when I eat proper food.
Go get em Cherry-Blossom! Show them what you are made of!
All done. Fingers crossed I did ok.
Meal night tonight and actually quite looking forward to having some chicken.

Got really bored in lectures today and ended up looking at all the splint ends in my hair. Prompted me to book a hair cut as I haven't had one in over a year! Just going to have it trimmed and a bit of shaping at the front. I want it coloured but haven't decided to what yet.
Another day done. Had my hair cut today for the first time in over a year and its looking much better. Only managed 3 packs which has become rather a habit of late so I need to try and get myself back on 4.

Feeling rather down about the diet at the moment as although I know I've done fab the scales have barely moved and so far this week I've only lost 1lb so hoping for a surge before Friday. Making resisting food a lot harder because I could easily lose 1lb and more on other diets.
Another day done. Had my hair cut today for the first time in over a year and its looking much better. Only managed 3 packs which has become rather a habit of late so I need to try and get myself back on 4.

Feeling rather down about the diet at the moment as although I know I've done fab the scales have barely moved and so far this week I've only lost 1lb so hoping for a surge before Friday. Making resisting food a lot harder because I could easily lose 1lb and more on other diets.

Ha, the body and mind are trying to get their own way! Don't let them! Take your measurements and see if they have changed?
It will be working, it's just trying to hide..

Well done on the haircut, over a year, it must have grown so long!