not any more, sorry

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Morning All
Just feeling numb today to be honest. Supposed to be going to a gig tonight, will see how I feel later.
Hugs to all
B xxxxxxxxx
Morning Bren, it's hard love, but at least it wasn't dragged out long {{{Bren}}}
The biggest of big hugs to you sweetie (((((((Bren))))))) - as people here have said, it's such sad news about your friend but you and her family got time to spend some precious time with her while she was still able to enjoy company, and then she didn't linger when she wasn't (iyswim).

CRASH BANG WALLOP - that is me falling off the wagon. oops.
Am going to relax a bit now on the diet front till after easter and then have a strict couple of weeks before I go on my jollies to make up for it. Will still try and fit Jillian in when I can as I still need lots of toning (and a skin reduction lol) If I stand in boiling water do ya think it might shrink a bit?
You do what's right for you. Sometimes diets are useful for giving you something else to think about, and sometimes they're just an unneeded stress. It is a holiday - seems a good time to relax to me.
I lurve your new avvie pic Bren ;)
James Martin is my very fav :D
Oh Babes, Sorry for your loss. Your friend will be at peace now
Morning Bren, how's things love?
Afternoon all
Managed to drag the missus off the sofa and go to the gig last night, even got through "Knocking on Heavens Door" without crying - got a wink off Vicky (lead singer) when she got to the song cos she knew it set me off the other week. Had a couple of glasses of red with dinner and a couple of pints of pear cider (sorry ladies and Jim) as that was what I really fancied. Went to bed when we got home and put my earphones in and listened to music for a couple of hours as I was not really sleepy but did not want to be thinking iykwim? Anyway, slept ok eventually, got up this morning for my fix of James and we are just about to go off to Sainsbos for shopping (have a voucher that runs out today) missus wants ribs for tea.

Love you lot, your support is awesome and I really appreciate it xxxxx
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