not any more, sorry

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Morning Bren love
Morning hun ... and just for the record .. SO WOULD I!

Jools xx
How's things, Sweets?

Well, have been to hospice tonight, didn't stay very long as Judith is more or less in a coma now, not eating or drinking and not responsive, it is hugely sad to see such a vivacious woman like that, just hope the end is swift and painless now, her family are obviously devastated and there is nothing I can do for them :(

Came home and threw myself into stuff so I didn't have to think. Did Jillian and Shake Weight then got into the kitchen, made celery soup, cheesy biscuity flax things and 2 different mims. Managed not to open any wine or anything else.

Hugs to you all, just cos I can and want to :hug99: :hug99: :hug99:
I dearly hope life gives you a break asap, Bren. You do deserve all the hugs in the world.

And good old mims, another use for them: distraction technique. Is the shake weight that thing that looks like something very dirty is going on in the adverts?
Morning {{{Bren}}}
I dearly hope life gives you a break asap, Bren. You do deserve all the hugs in the world.

And good old mims, another use for them: distraction technique. Is the shake weight that thing that looks like something very dirty is going on in the adverts?

Morning all - thanks all for the hugs, wish we could do them for real xxxx

Yes Rose, that is the one :rolleyes: makes me feel dirty to exercise with it!
big hugs darling xxx and good on you for keeping your mind busy xxx
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