not any more, sorry

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My back yard is quite sheltered the way the wind is blowing but the front of the house is a howling gale lol

Been into Burnley today to get some stuff for the fish, bought some bling from Claires Accessories while I was there, the Harcombe book from WH Smith and a chew ring for the dog - also had a nice black coffee in the round cafe in the centre. Also did a walk round Superdrug and got some stuff for the holidays - good trip out that!
Hiya Bren - sorry to hear about the lurgy! Hope you are both recovering fast :)
Unfortunately not much change here Katie :(

ps all - been a bit bad today, still hungry after my soup at teatime and had a chicken leg - not the worst thing I could have eaten but I did 6 months on this without cheating once! :eek:
Sorry to hear. Hope you recover soon - and definitely better now than on hols!

Re diet - i'm impressed you can do it at all for any meal - go girl :D
Morning Bren :D
Agree I struggled to get out of bed this morning too!
I managed months without a single cheat as well Bren but just cant do it at all now. The rate Im going Ill be on Exante for the rest of the year just trying to lose this 1.5lbs lol.
Hey Bren....

What did you think of the book?

How are you doing today babes? x
Am enjoying the book, not finished yet, working my way through the Q & A bit currently, but went into work today to find my boss is on Day 3 lol - felt rough yesterday but much better today, and has lost 3lbs already!

How have you coped with it today? xx
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