not any more, sorry

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I know how you feel, it ain't good and you start to despair about finding something that works for you - that is why I am back on Exante for now but I don't want to have to keep coming back to it :(
Right, am feeling rather dodgy now so think bed is the best place for me - get all snuggly and read for a bit I think. See you all tomorrow xxx
Night Bren sleep well
Bordig all (nose blocked) and I slept not at all and I feel rotten today :( but am at work of course...........blinking concience.
Can somebody find the good health fairy and send her my way please? Cheers xxxx
Oh, forgot to tell you - broke my promise and got on scales this morning, 9lb down :) back in overweight as opposed to obese thank goodness, onwards and downwards for the next 9 days.................
Oh well done Bren love, that's great to hear, shame about the lurgy though
Oh sweetie sorry to hear that you're still feeling rough, go home as soon as you can and get to bed.

FAB news on the loss, though!!! Well done xxx
Well done on the loss Quak. Hope the lurgie leaves you soon
Regular Typhoid mary is our Bren :D
Hey Bren.. hope that the good health fairy has come to visit the whoosh fairy which seems to be with you right now. x
Sorry Jim, I have been patient a long time but that one pushed me over the edge lol :D

Yes Rose, everybody seems to have one at the mo - or is it just at our place where my boss seems to have infected everybody!

Thanks all, love you loads xxxxxx
Typhoid Bren - I love it! Sorry to make merry of your malady - but that's what friends do hehe :) Big hugs xxx

PS - hope the dog hasn't caught your lurgy, a great big loping dog running around with a runny nose....ewww...:)
You're forgiven Bren, extenuating circumstances and all that. :) Morning love
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