not any more, sorry

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Morning, it does seem to be getting better Susie, won't go into details but it is drying up a bit. Fingers crossed xxxx
Morning Bren :D
Good weekend Bren?
So Atkins or Exante today Bren? Other than bars I have enough Exante to last me until Thursday so my plan is to pick up a couple of Biggest Loser bars and attempt to stick with Exante until I run out. Just need to get my head round the fact that its only a few days more in the hope I can actually manage it without eating.
Neither :( not sure what the hell is up with me really - totally unfocussed all of a sudden, impending holiday or just cba I am not sure.

Yes Jim, Friday was a great night and then retail therapy on Saturday and a quiet day at home Sunday. Did you enjoy your rugby?
I did indeed Bren what I can remember anyway ;)
Snap Bren. Got up this morning full of good intentions and started off so well. Haven't stopped eating since 1 o'clock though lol.
Sounds like I'm in the same club as the rest of you... my heads SO not in the right place!

Hey Bren.. how have you been? x
I really have no idea, should be focussed totally on the lovely new clothes for my holidays, getting into my bikini at the end of this week, maybe it is just that close I think 3 or 4 days won't make a difference, but it can Brenda, it can - get your fecking arse in gear woman!!!!!
:whoopass: Take that and :whoopass: and another :whoopass: just in case I'm not getting through!
Now behave yourself or you'll get a :asskick: with a :slap: thrown in and you know I'm good for it!!!
Ooh errr - it's a bit scary on this thread :eek:

Hi Bren, hope you get through the next few days however best works for you, throw off that annoying cold and have the most mega hols ever:D
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