not any more, sorry

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Birthday shopping went well, I have a new ring (well I don't actually have it yet as the missus won't let me - but you know what I mean) and I ended up with something totally different to what I went out looking for lol - pictures will follow after the holiday - sorry to keep you in suspense.

Think my cold is slightly better but still far from 100% and I have the most horrendous coldsore between my nose and my top lip - hope that goes away before next weekend.

Got 3 dresses and 2 tops for the hols too :) so quite a successful weekend, good night out on Friday as well.
Oooh all good on the shopping front, and can't wait to see pictures of the ring when you get back!

My mum used to get coldsores all the time and she then started taking double doses of lysine (it's a herbal treatment, you get pills from H&B, no side effects) and they went away really quickly. I really recommend it.
Really struggling today, might be delayed hangover after the cava yesterday. Just given in to 2 slices of toast :break_diet: :eatdrink051: :banghead:
Naughty alcohol, makes me want to eat carbs bigtime the day after! Must be doubly so for you right now hun on vlcd!
Today is a write off, had couscous and roast veggies for tea. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.
Exactly tomorrow is another day, and I'm sure you'll be fine. You obviously have some good will power to have done as well as you have, so I think although you many have sufferred a little for the wine I really hope you enjoyed it. I love my red wine but haven't had any in ages, even before I started this.
So, have a nice peeps and all will be rosy for you tomorrow x
Just been looking on your progress photos on your profile, they really show how well you have done. You look fantastic. Also caught a glimpse of Finn as a pup, so lush!
There is actually a Finn up for adoption on one of the websites that I get emails from. I subscribed before getting my youngest. This Finn is a chocolate too. I thought of you when I saw him.
Then I thought I'd best stop looking cos 2 is enough for me!
Definately. Any black labs I see in my area are always called Bruno too and I couldn't have 2. People must be as silly as me though cos Bruno is more suited to a Brown/ choccy, but I just liked the name.
Nite Bren and remember tomorrow is another day
You're not the only one struggling Bren. Right now I'm sitting here eating cookie crisp cereal straight out of the box. I've also has a handful of pistachios and 2 yogurts. I really must stop eating sometime soon.
What is it that gets into us sometimes? We know food isn't the bloody answer but we still do it, stupid and uncontrolled is how I feel mostly today.
We are a right bunch eh? All need a good arse kicking!!!!!

Not sure what to do tomorrow, Atkins or daddy or chips!
LOL I feel exactly the same - read the Dukan book, also got a SW CD - oh dear, as Vicky would say,! :)
I know, I know, I still have the Allen Carr one to read too!!!!!!

Night night lovely xxxxx
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