not any more, sorry

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Evening All
Missus is glued to her very fave programme (New Tricks) - I cannot compete with Amanda Redman!!!!!
Done the banking (a job a really hate) after going grocery shopping (another job I really hate) god it has been a good night lol
Hope you lot are well
B xxx
Oh yes, and when will I learn to keep my big mouth shut, and when I can see things have not been taken in the spirit they were given, to stop pushing?? doh :(
Lol Bren just catching up with your weekend and you are being good this weekend are you???? are you really?? ;) p.s. if its raining i am not bbq ing xxx
Lol Bren just catching up with your weekend and you are being good this weekend are you???? are you really?? ;) p.s. if its raining i am not bbq ing xxx

LOL - I always start out with the best of intentions!!!!! You have a grill I take it lol - I can cook for you if you like? xx

LOL I love Amanda Redman too - was a good show last night.

It is a good show and she is a very attractive lady.

3 sleeps :D
nah we have a big umbrella if its raining on the bbq and the steaks are soooo big they need to go on the barbie ;)
Afternoon Bren :)
'Ello 'ello! x
Hiya Folks, have been doing some ironing (I NEVER iron - not my job lol) but need some stuff for work and the weekend and it was sitting in the basket looking at I did it.

Fancy a
Morning Bren - hope you have woken to a feeling of accomplishment from avoiding tomatoes and seeing large pile of freshly ironed clothes:D
Ah well, I had a small brandy which I took to bed while I read my book for a little while..........sorry Katie!

Morning All :D 2 sleeps :D :D :D
Morning lovely - I hope you guys are gonna ring me on Friday night so i can be sure that you're up to lots of no good :)
Us?? US????? you had best ring sat am and wake us up x
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