Not sure if its helped but thought id share :)

Asda bottled lemon juice is still 20p if you can find any on their shelves.I could only get 1 bottle yesterday.

And having plain water today is just not the same.:(

Thanks, will pop in before work tomorrow :D
Since Monday I've started having half a squeezes lemon in hot water with some ginger and honey, won't know the benefits till this Monday, but it does help me wake up and I even think it might help my appetite as I have an Alpen bar with it and that will keep me going till lunch
Well after losing 3lbs the first week I did lemons, then STS the next week, I took a 2 week break. Last week I did it again and I've lost 2 and a half lbs :)
I've been considering, doing alternate weeks of lemon then lime.. as like people say they should have a break.. plus it will be interesting to see if lime has any affect.
I don't know if anyones mentioned it already, but GRAPEFRUIT work exactly the same! If you need to make up for a naughty weekend, have one (or half) with every meal and its pretty much guarenteed you'll lose! Plus they taste a bit better than lemons :p
What a fab thread!
I've had to stop, don't know if it's related but I had Cystitis really really bad after drinking lots of lemon water. So although I enjoyed drinking it, I'm knocking it on the 'ead!
Thankyou ladies,
All i do is get my 1 litre bottle of water and chuck some sliced lemon in there - ( a medium sized lemon) squeezing a little juice out as i go. When i have half drunk the bottle i shake it up to get more out of the lemon slices. I then finnish drinking it ad then top it up with more water and then top up some more , so in the end i am drinking making no less than 2.5 litres of water. Then i scoop out the lemon slices and eat them ( if there is any flesh left on them).
i make sure that when i am swigging from the bottle that the lemon water does not run through my teeth.
Alternatively i juice one medium sized lemon and drink it neat first thing in the morning.
I am doing it this week also as it is my star week. Normally i do one week on and one week off.
Hope this helps x
Might get a bag of lemons today. Start adding a chunck to diet coke, swap one coffee a day to lemon in hot water. See what happens. Also I have a nice recipe fore lemony, garlicky chicken.. I'll pop and root it out. It is yum and quite simple, although it takes a while in the oven! :)

  • 1 butternut squash (peeled, deseeded, in chunks)
  • baby chantenay carrots
  • 2x red onions
  • 2x courgettes
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • boneless, skinless chicken thighs
  • 3 crushed garlic cloves
  • zest+juice one lemon
  • salt/pepper

put squash, carrots, onion,courgettes in a large roasting tray sprayed with frylight and give them a spray with fry light. Season and add balasamic vinegar. Put seasoned chicken thighs between veg. Roast for 40mins at 200c. Mix together garlic, lemon zest and juice. Add to veg and chicken. Cook for a further 10 mins. Done
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