Ok here goes, my journey

there is a virus going round Jo similar symptoms to what you are describing - a a lot of students been off with it
Jo, look after yourself dizzy and light headed...are you drinking enough water??? Possible bug or more lightly your still stressed and this is how its showing. Hope you feel better after a good sleep xxx
Morning all,

Had a good nights sleep although I woke up with a headache, I'm guessing that's because I slept too much :) Sid I think it's stress related too, lots going on at work & I've been worrying about my friend. Still don't feel 100% today but at least I'm not wobbly (apart from my belly :) )

PV day today

B Turkey rashers, mushrooms. cup of tea
L Cottage cheese & salad, glass of diet coke
D Chilli
S Muffins

Litre of water so far today, will back later x
My new flavourings have arrived today Milk chocolate & emmental, will make a fresh batch of muffins later with the milk chocolate & maybe some quiches to try the emmental out with. Verdict later .........
Jojo can't wait for the verdict on the cheese, I couldn't order but today I got an email saying I can now order???? Probs me Pressing wrong buttons....again lol glad your a little better xxx
Quick update on the new flavours. Milk chocolate, I think it would be better with another flavour, banana or orange. Will try that next time.

Sid sorry but the emmental is rank !!! The smell whilst they were cooking made me feel sick. I took some over for my neighbour & she said they were nice. I've just tried one & spat it out. Eeeeeeeyak !
Well that's off the shopping list now just praline and smokey bacon, unles a review comes on at rates in 0/10 xxx thanks for the vtadte verdict xxx
Eek, my flavourings are stuck at the Post Office and there's a praline in there!!

Will attempt early morning manoeuvre to collect!

Watch this space ... ;)

P x
I'm watching, I'm watching !!!!
Well it was weigh in day today & I've gained 3/4 of a lb, not down about it as I've been all over the place this week doing too many PP days as I was suppose to be away & I did a PV day yesterday. I also need a visit from the woosh fairy not been for nearly a week & that's with having wheatbran every day in my muffins. Might omit the wheatbran this week as I might be OD'ing on the tolerates or dairy so will keep a closer check this week.

I still can't get over the overwhelming smell from the emmental flavouring, oh boy did it make me feel sick. I saw my neighbour this morning & she said she knew what I mean't about the smell she had to put them in a air tight container but she said she thought they tasted nice......YUK !!!!!!!!

My day is going ok apart from the fact TDM ha gone off to a funeral this morning, a guy he used to work died of cancer & then I had a text from my bestie telling me her dad died in the early hours :( Not very nice but it's got to be a relief, he's had dementia & had gradually gotton worse over the past 12 months. He had mouth cancer too & they were finding it difficult to manage the pain. It's been a real rollercoaster for her.

I feel fine this morning after my wobble the last couple of days & my grumpiness last week. Just heard from my boss he is having a great time on the course I should be on, it means I'll have to it again at some point but wont know anyone there which I hate.

Anyway food today PV day & will be for the next couple of days to make up for my 5 days of PP

B Muffins & a cup of tea
L Chicken tikka salad, cup of tea
D Paulines kofta's salad
S SF jelly & yogurt

1 litre of water so far today

Thought I was getting my roots done tomorrow, good job I checked as it's next week. need to book in to get my extentions changed too. Tomorrow TDM's daughter is paying us a visit, she's back from Uni so we will be going out for fodder.

Hope everyone is having a good day, looking forward to more reviews of the Dukan flavourings
LOL at fodder!!!! :D

Well, got up early and darted off to The Post Office at 7:00 am with William in tow (still in his 'jamas!) to collect my parcel of Dukan flavourings. Can you believe that we were 7th in the queue .... at that time in the morning! :eek:

Picked up parcel, rushed home, put the kettle on and opened parcel. Ta da ..... lovely pair of shoes from eBay, not a Dukan flavouring in sight. Humph.

As my dear old mum used to say 'patience is a virtue, possess it if you can ..."!

P xx
Lol Pauline, I bet the shoes taste better than the binkin smell of the Emmental :)
Hey JoJo

Just checking our your stats and we're really similar!!! :D AND you're only up the road! :D

Cue spooky X Files music!! ;)

P x
So we are Pauline :) thats handy when you start with the cheesecake recipes I'll be over !!!! My ex lives in Stourbridge, nice area. I live near the NEC

oh what a morning !!!! IF I EVER SAY I'M GOING TO TAKE ANYTHING AGAIN SHOOT ME !!!!!!!

So I hadn't been for a week & decided I needed a helping hand & took 2 duclolax (SP) last night. I was trumping for england around 5am then I got these terrible stomach pains. Sat on the toilet for half an hour getting rid of what had been building up & there was loads of the stuff. I expected diarrhoea but no all solids (sorry but I d warn) the pain was awful, I thought at one point I was going to pass out it was that bad. I went all clammy but was freezing.

I had to go for a lie down afterwards it was that bad !!!

& I've blocked the bloody toilet up now. I keep flushing but the water rises & then gets so far so I'm going to have to take measures......YUK

So if I do moan about not going the loo again, please remind me of this little incident......if you are still reading :)
Hahahaha love a good toilet story, teehee. They are gooooood ducolax....they are the only thing that move me. Date and time noted to remind you ;-)
Oh Good Lord!! Note to self, buy a plunger and dont let the stubbornness last more than 3 days!! ha ha ha Cx