OMG: I need to do this!

Hey Alison :) , how has your restart been ? I hope its going well. I'm in ketosis now, so I'm not that hungry but I do find water a challenge still o_O , I'm not drinking enough. I didn't order the water flavourings but I think I might next time, as I find it hard to drink water by itself.

Kay xx
Hi Kay
So far so good; I manage to drink 2 litres quite easily but the last litre is more difficult.
Hi Kay
So far so good; I manage to drink 2 litres quite easily but the last litre is more difficult.

Well done on a 100% restart :D , that's so good, keep going hun, your doing brill. Well done on the water too. I think I need to space my water out during the day, sometimes with the meals, I feel too bloated. I'm trying harder so hopefully I should manage 2 litres a day (can't do more than that :eek:), constantly in the loo :sick0019: lol . I'm on week 2 day 3, so far so good :) .

Kay xx