Operation: Wedding dress!

14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Yep all three of you are right, going to TRY not to WI until Wednesday now otherwise I may turn to food! Hopefully this time next week I will be in those 11's finally! And you miss Carly ;) x

Yep WI for me tomorrow eeeek :)
*sigh* feeling bleeurgh today:( this really is the worst period I have had since before having my babies! Haven't weighed in since Sunday where I had gone up to 12.3 all because of stupid Auntie Flo Grrrrrrr! So just hoping that by tomorrow I will be back at 12.1, may have to lock my cupboards and fridge up just incase I am still 12.3! Hopefully happier news to report tomorrow! Hope everyone is good x
*sigh* feeling bleeurgh today:( this really is the worst period I have had since before having my babies! Haven't weighed in since Sunday where I had gone up to 12.3 all because of stupid Auntie Flo Grrrrrrr! So just hoping that by tomorrow I will be back at 12.1, may have to lock my cupboards and fridge up just incase I am still 12.3! Hopefully happier news to report tomorrow! Hope everyone is good x

Sorry to hear you're suffering chicken. My periods have been much worse for pain since on Exante I've noticed too..it's either that or the fact that because we're losing weight it's changing how they are?!

I'm sure without a doubt that you will have a good loss tomorrow despite totm....you have been 100% so there's no reason why not!! Chin up lady, you're doing great and there's only another couple of days to go until 'the witch' as you put it is gone!!! :) x x x x ((huggles)) xx
BouncyBride said:
Sorry to hear you're suffering chicken. My periods have been much worse for pain since on Exante I've noticed too..it's either that or the fact that because we're losing weight it's changing how they are?!

I'm sure without a doubt that you will have a good loss tomorrow despite totm....you have been 100% so there's no reason why not!! Chin up lady, you're doing great and there's only another couple of days to go until 'the witch' as you put it is gone!!! :) x x x x ((huggles)) xx

Thanks for my ((huggles)) I know I really need to stop moaning and start getting excited don't I! I have 54 days to goal!!! And knowing that in 5 days I will have under 50 days to goal makes me even more determined! Think I was just a little gutted about my gain that wasn't my fault!! But hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow for WI x
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Thanks for my ((huggles)) I know I really need to stop moaning and start getting excited don't I! I have 54 days to goal!!! And knowing that in 5 days I will have under 50 days to goal makes me even more determined! Think I was just a little gutted about my gain that wasn't my fault!! But hopefully it will be gone by tomorrow for WI x

It will go Hun xx keep strong x chin up x sending you lots of love and hugs x
It will be gone!!! Crossing my fingers and toes for you xx
12.0 today- FINALLY!! I suspect it may have been a lb or 2 more if auntie Flo wasn't present but il happily take a 5lb loss!

2 more lbs and I am at the halfway point and 1 more lb I am in the 11's! Once I get there I am NOT coming back out of them- apart from to get in the 10's of course ;)

Also this means iv now lost 2 stone since starting Exante and 4 stone in total since this time last year! Woohoo time to shift the last 2stone 4lbs and with only 53 days to goal its going to be tight! But iv worked it all out and my target for this time next week is 11.10 and 4lbs each week thereafter. So along as I continue to be a good girl I should get there just in time ;) hope everyone is having a fab day xx
WOOOHOOOOOOOO WELL DONE!!!!!! Ahhhhh I admire you so much! You've done so well and can't believe you're 12 already!!! :D :D

You're going to breeze your target too, it's like you've got your second wind and this is it!!! lol It's fab. Well done lady and keep it up!!! :D xxxx
Thanks BB, you sure know how to cheer me up :D xx
And you do me, I think it's because we seem to be so much alike!!! lol

Look at your ticker, you'll soon have lost 30 something and only have 20 something left to go!!! Woohooo!!! Good innit! :D xx
Haha didn't even think of it like that! Wow can wait now to be able to say I have 20 something lbs left to lose! Woohoo thanks BB!

Yeh we do seem quite similar! Maybe you are my sister from another mister ;) hahaha or of course it could just be a coincidence ;) x
Well done 14to9 - you'll be seeing the 11s very very soon - happy days!!!

Well helllllllllooooooooooo 11's!!!!!!!!

It's been a while since we were last together, about 7 years infact (when I was 16!) and it's jolly nice to see you again ;) I am hoping you will look after me for the next 3 and a bit weeks and then I will be moving on to your smaller friend the 10's!! Please don't take it personally though, I just like them better thats all!

Kind regards

14-9 xxx
Mamakash said:
Congratulations !!!! You must be delighted !! Xxx

Thankyou, yeh I am chuffed but it's nearly the weekend (the time when I mess it all up!) so I'm a bit scared! But no I will NOT eat, well maybe I might treat myself to a WS meal ;) x
Huge congratulations- what a mighty achievement. Must feel amazing- well done xx