Operation: Wedding dress!

14stoneto9stoneplease said:
I'm here!! Sorry guys Internet on iPhone AND laptop is poo :( apparently the masts are down by is and won't be fixed properly until the en of the month so don't know how much il be able to get on now :( be suprised if this even sends!

Yes iv been good BUT I fear it is all about to go downhill as I have a bad batch of shakes! Exante emailed me to say batch no 22225 have had too much sweetener added to them and that they will send out replacements if we get back to them. Seriously it's like I am drinking a pint full of sugar- mank! That's why I like the choc shakes as they are not as sweet as the others and I get sent this! So I sent the email today bit chances are I won't get my new box until tues or weds afternoon so I really dont know what to do now as that was all I had!

I have some BL bars but that is it so the plan is to have that and a small WS meal but what else should I have?!? Don't want 2 bars a day really so any suggestions? Either way no doubt I won't be losing anything over the next few days and still 11.7 this morning- AF has been here 2 whole weeks tomorrow WTF?!!

Anyway sorry to rant just feeling very bleurgh at the minute :( hope you have all been good although I know you have ;) xxx

Could you water them down loads so they hardly taste of anything? That seriously sucks hun :(
And major boo about the lack of Internet!!! Do they not realise that we need you :(
Decided until my replacement box comes I am just going to down then! I don't want to start eating food again yet, however small and healthy it may be! So I'm just going to get on with it!! x
Ok so 11.6 this morning!! So glad I got through the weekend else I'd probably be looking at 11.10 this morning!! Hopefully this time next week I will be 11.2 and just 3lbs away from the 10's!! Jeezo I can't wait to get there! Hope everyone has a fab day, am going to try to read some diaries if my stupid phone stops being a ***** for 5 minutes!! Xxx
11.06 omg that's amazing, I hate you ;) hehe xx
Miss-G said:
11.06 omg that's amazing, I hate you ;) hehe xx

No you don't you lurrrrvvvvveeee me ;) xx
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Ok so 11.6 this morning!! So glad I got through the weekend else I'd probably be looking at 11.10 this morning!! Hopefully this time next week I will be 11.2 and just 3lbs away from the 10's!! Jeezo I can't wait to get there! Hope everyone has a fab day, am going to try to read some diaries if my stupid phone stops being a ***** for 5 minutes!! Xxx

Oh my god I am so bloody jealous 11.6?!?!!? I am never going to catch you at this rate that is bloody awesome :D so pleased for you babe xxx
DustQueen said:
Well I hate you even if she doesn't skinny b*tch!!!

Lol, should I have a week off so you can catch me up ;) oh and the words 'skinny' and '14-9' will NEVER EVER go together ;) unless I get to about 7 stone ;) x
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Lol, should I have a week off so you can catch me up ;) oh and the words 'skinny' and '14-9' will NEVER EVER go together ;) unless I get to about 7 stone ;) x

Lol yes you should! (don't you dare) :p
DustQueen said:
Lol yes you should! (don't you dare) :p

Ah but you see I feel guilty now, so I think I'd better .....hmmm..... Or maybe il just indulge in a little food porn??? ;) x
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Ah but you see I feel guilty now, so I think I'd better .....hmmm..... Or maybe il just indulge in a little food porn??? ;) x

What about a couple of months off till I catch you up? Pmsl xx
11.6???? Wow - well done 14-9 - you're on fire now!!!

:D :D :D :D

scotminx said:
11.6???? Wow - well done 14-9 - you're on fire now!!!

:D :D :D :D


:D xx
Got a bit of a dilemma.... The christening is in just over 4 weeks and I need to buy a dress... But what size do I get?!? Am about a 15 now lol! 16's are very loose and 14's are too tight! Haven't got a clue what I'll be in around 16lbs time?!! But need to get the dress within the next week or two to avoid not having anything to where!! Any suggestions?!?! xx
* wear rather!
14stoneto9stoneplease said:
Got a bit of a dilemma.... The christening is in just over 4 weeks and I need to buy a dress... But what size do I get?!? Am about a 15 now lol! 16's are very loose and 14's are too tight! Haven't got a clue what I'll be in around 16lbs time?!! But need to get the dress within the next week or two to avoid not having anything to where!! Any suggestions?!?! xx

I know you are scared of not having anything to wear but I would wait hun. Don't panic there will be as much choice then as there is now just start shopping 2 weeks before (give you some time) get something that fits well then then it should only be a bit loose x that is what I would do x
Very true, thanks dustface x