Overcoming Obstacles - Diary of a wobbly thirty something.....


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Hey there,

I'm new here and I'm new to SW and this is infact my first week. Like everything change can be weird at first but it can also be a good thing. I'm 31 years old and I live near Glasgow, I work full time and I'm a makeup addict....is there a class for that? ;)

To shed a little light regarding myself..I lost abit of weight between 2006 - 2011 I lost around 4 stone. However in 2011 my world came crashing down when I lost my dear mother. My weight since then has went up considerably, nowhere near what I was back in the day, but still enough to make me feel it was time for a change. I have booked a trip to NYC in March and one of my best friends is getting married then too, I want to look fabulous in the photos and fit into dress sizes that I haven't for a very long time.

I've lost weight in the past but always with the support of my mum and without her here now I feel at abit of a loss. It was two years last month since she left us and me being me I eat. I'll admit it I'm an emotional eater.

However I'm at a point now where it HAS to end. I'm in the middle of a steep slope where I could either slip back down and end up at the bottom and be seriously overweight and miserable. Or I can pick myself up and restart my journey I didn't get to complete, this time I want to get to the top of that slope and put my little flag and say "I did it!"

So on Wednesday of last week I went to my local SW class and I registered. It was scary, insightful and most of all I knew it was for the best. I'm aware change like this doesn't happen overnight but I've seen alot of YOUR photos, diaries and stories and believe me that's inspired me so much. You guys are amazing.

This first few days has been interesting...it's been surprisingly easy and although it requires alot of planning I like that. Today I've struggled because I got my period I used 14.5 syns, I know I'm bad! However that's fine that's what they are there for right? For dinner tonight I'm going to attempt the infamous mushy pea curry.

Anyhow I'll stop banging on...household chores beckon. Have a wonderful Sunday folks!
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SW is a great plan once you get your head round it (something i'm having to brush up on!)
good luck on your journey, you sound determined and i'm sure you will reach your goal for march next year :)
Thanks Zafira I'm looking forward to the challenge it won't be an easy road but I'm ready for it
So after feeling horrible all afternoon I got up and made that famous mushy pea curry. Here's how it looked in the end....

I have to say I was dubious but it was really lovely. I'm still stuffed all these hours later! Anyhow just preparing for Monday...joy! The weekends just don't seem long enough.


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Back at work today and feeling good. A few of the girls I speak to outwith my office have started SW one of them has lost 9lbs in 4 weeks which has given me a wee boost! She's losing weight for her daughters wedding and I believe she'll do it..we can help each other!

So far I've had 2 LM veggie sausages, 2 boiled eggs, a can of SF Relentless, 2 Alpen Light bars and 2 Light Babybels. I Sound like a greedy pig don't I? I've used 5 syns thus far and will use 0.5 more for my Muller Light Greek style this afternoon which I'll have with lunch.

Feeling disheartened after lunch after being told I had put on so much weight by someone. I know I should just shrug it off but it's hurtful. Anyhow I had leftover mushy pea curry and Muller Light Greek yoghurt over bananas this lunchtime.

Wow having a fab day. Just had a heated debate with someone who told SW is a con and I'd be as well throwing my money away. I'm really not having the best of days so I'm sitting having a Muller Light Greek style coconut (yummy) after having a plate of pasta with lots of veg and light Philly through it (double yum).

I'm having a wee cry to myself I thought people would be more supportive of my new adventure but here I am less than a week in and people are bringing me down. Has anyone else ever had this problem?
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Sorry to hear you're not having a good day comment wise!
people CAN be hurtful, have had it myself, but sometimes i think they don't realise that they're being hurtful..
makes you wonder if they're jealous of you actually getting on and doing it?...perhaps they're not feeling very much empowered themselves?
Wait til you get to losing loads and it really notices, bet they won't be so quick with put-downs then?
At least you know someone else on SW ,so you can encourage each other :)
Thanks folks. I just had an off day..it happens huh? Good luck to you Amythyst :)

For Breakfast I had two weetabix and 125ml of semi skimmed milk with some banana, I had a coffee too with two sweeteners. I actually really enjoyed it.

Feeling alot more upbeat today but I do feel like I've got a cold coming on..TYPICAL! Mid Morning I gorged on a small packet of Quavers and

Anyhow lunch was a sweet and spicy Mug Shot, a banana and Greek Muller Light the coconut and vanilla one..yummy!

So far I've used 7 syns today..which isn't too naughty! I had a herbal tea mid afternoon.

Went to the dentist this afternoon for what I thought was a clean ended up with a filling. My mouth is still sore right now and I've been starving. I got the jag so you can imagine how I looked haha.

Anyhow a very late dinner consisted of a McCain smiles jacket potato filled with peppers, onions and mushrooms that had been mixed in Philadelphia light the pepper one. I had some baby corn and cherry tomatoes at the side of this. I used 3 syns for the potato and cheese but it was worth it.

I've used ten syns today. I need to try and nip this in the bud!
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Weigh in day today...SCARED! I've been a very good girl so I hope I see a good loss but any loss is good right? Had 2 weetabix with s/s milk and strawberries and 2 coffees today. Raring to go.

For lunch I had a BBQ BF Mug shot followed by a fruit bowl of bananas and strawberries covered in ML Greek Style Coconut flavour. I enjoyed it and only used 0.5 syns :)
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Hi there, here to subscribe! Sounds like you have had a good week - good luck with WI the first is always scary! I still get a little nervious tummy when I go and been doing it for a couple of months now.

Don't beat yourself up about the syns hun - they are there to be used.

Let us know how you get on. xx
Hello :) Here to subscribe

We are about the same height, and start weight, and goal weight :)

Sorry to hear about your mum *hug* I think she will be proud knowing your determined to lose weight, especially as she helped you lose it in the past. There is loads of support on here and you will definitely be able to achieve your goal!

Diary is looking good, i'm assuming you're doing the EE plan?

Good luck with weigh in tonight - let us know how you get on


I hope your first weigh in goes well
Thanks for your kind words Jessy they made me smile. I'm sticking to EE for now it's working well for me, I am pleased to say I lost 5.5lbs tonight!
Glad they made you smile :) i've gone back to EE for a bit and enjoying it!
and wow well done you!! xxxx
I'm really enjoying EE for now. I like that I have the option to change though it's really unlimiting and that's a big plus for me.

I'm aware I can't lose 5.5lbs every week but the fact I had such a fab loss in week one has given me such a boost you wouldn't believe :)
So this morning I've been strangely optimistic in light of my weight loss. I feel chipper to say the least even though it's horrid outside!

This morning I had two boiled eggs mixed in with half a yellow pepper, mushrooms and onions with cherry tomatoes on the side, a coffee with a dash of s/s milk. Free, Hex A and very scrummy!

Just then I had two Rocky Road Hi Fi bars which were dreamy. Nicest cereal bars ever! I'm also having a can of sugar free Monster - Hex B and Free.
I'm really enjoying EE for now. I like that I have the option to change though it's really unlimiting and that's a big plus for me.

I'm aware I can't lose 5.5lbs every week but the fact I had such a fab loss in week one has given me such a boost you wouldn't believe :)

Yeah it is really flexible. I hope that EE does let me lose weight this week as i am enjoying the lack of restriction :)

It's so good it has made you feel this great!

Having a good day only used 0.5 syns and I feel well and truly satisfied food wise. Had veggies bangers and mash with a gravy earlier and it turned out splendid.

I even managed to fit my fitness DVD in so it's been a successful day I'd say and the outcome of my weigh in last night certainly helped.

A wee peppermint tea later and it'll be time for bed.
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