People starting LL in March...

Ooh, sorry, that last post should have been to Steph!! :doh: Sorry, just having a ditz moment (don't think it's anything to do with the diet though!!) :rolleyes:
Thanks for the encouragement Wendy, Steph, Oiseau and all :vibes:

So far so good... I had a lumpy vanila this morning and gulped plenty of water and mid morning had a few chunks of toffee bar.

I've been to buy a hand mixer (only £3.97 from Asda) so will try a soup soon. I looked at the clock, realised it was 12 Midday and told myself it was time to eat! I suppose the counselling will help with these types of routines/thoughts.

Perhaps won't try a combo yet :eek:

WELL DONE Oiseau for completing a week, is that 6Ibs down?
Thanks! And yes it is - 6lb 'officially' at my first weigh in on Tuesday :)

You know, at the time I was a bit disappointed as the others who started with me all lost much more (8lb, 11lb & 12lb) but then I thought we're all different and will lose at different rates, plus on any other diet 6lb is pretty damn good for a week, so stopped beating myself up over it!!

(Plus of course a session on here soon cheered me up as well - thanks everyone!!)

Role on the week 2 weigh in!! :D
Hi all, How's everyone feeling? Hope the achy fluey feelings have dissapated to be replaced by lovely zingy energy! Finally finished work for my hol & trying to sum up some energy to get ready for hol but feel cacky so think I'll chill & then be busy tomorrow instead!! We have to get up at 4am on Sun morning so that will be exciting & at least the roads will be quiet!!
Hope you all have a fab week while I'm away! The weight losses so far look great but remember to try & NOT compare yourselves to others - we, like our bodies, are all individual & lets face it any weight lost is a bonus - esp if you're anything & dont normally last more than a day on any diet! Looking forward to joining you all a weeks weds! Just been looking at the before & after section & cant wait to be a normal size!!
Big hugs all!
Starting to feel it now. :raincloud:

Have a dull headache, my stomach rumbled for the first time today and have had to watch myself in case I pick at the food I cooked for my girls.

I have one pack left, so feel I should wait till later and to be honest just want to get in bed. May try and spin it out and have a bath after they have gone to bed.

Are you starting to feel better Wendy & Steph?

Hope you have a great holiday In Search of Me :jelous:
Hang in there girl.. you can do it - just gotta get through this bit (se earlier post by toots I think it was!)! Bath & bed sounds like a good idea though - although its the first week of castaway so that would be good distraction? Will keep looking in until I go but now getting VERY excited about hol....heres the link for todays photo!
: YSE : Chalet des Pentes in Val d'Isere :
and this is the chalet I'm in!! Just press on todays photo link on the left - wouldnt let me do it. I'm so excited - never won anything before! Just wish I's lost weight before going but if all goes well will go agan next year thinner!!
Are you starting to feel better Wendy & Steph?

I've been fine all day, although I felt a bit weak / faint while walking around Crufts but it was terribly hot in there!!

I feel all achey and ill again now and hungry but I've been sat around loads of people eating today. I felt so deprived lol.

Just gonna curl up on the sofa and try and relax. I'll probably feel better in the morning :)

Have a fab holiday In Search Of Me :D
:wavey: Steph

I'm not doing too bad at the moment, just had a chicken soup and have packs for later and the early hours. Last night shift tonight, so will concentrate on home time if I feel rough later.

I'm doing well at drinking the water and still feeling really positive :D
hey girlies, hang in there. It gets so much worse before it gets better, and it really does get better, a million % I promise.

Have a look at the beginning of LL starters in Jan thread, we were all feeling the same. It may give you an insight in to how you are now and whats to come. Don't dispair, LL is so worth it, I promise you. In 4-5 days time you will feel like a million dollars!!

love you all xxxx
Hey Steph I may have seen you as watched it on Tv last night! SOme gorgeous hounds there!! Good to hear of others experiences & toots you're such an encouragement! Today will be packing & getting ready plus more importantly trying to shift this cold which is now coming with avengance - flipping typical isnt it - woke up this am with very tight chest so taken decong in hope that it will shift. Hope tose of you who are feeling rough feel better. From posts am wondering whether the tiny whisk that I have will be enough or if I should get a hand blender. Any advice? Will pop in later but have a good day all. Big hugs.
Get a handblender! I have both, the hand whisk is great if the only option is a fork and lumps, I know that Tesco are selling their Value handblender for £4.99, I bought one and it works very well. Angela x
Agree with getting an electric hand blender. I've got one of the little whisks things that froth cappucino's etc but its a bit pants at getting the lumps out of a soup or shake. The electric blender really does make the drinks a lot smoother and easier to drink :D

I'm looking forward to my pop-in session tomorrow. Keeping everything crossed that I'm in ketosis as I've stuck to the foodpacks and 5+ litres of water each day. Not sure if it was my imagination, or just breathing in, but yesterday I could do my belt up one notch tighter :rolleyes:
:grouphugg: Keep up the good work Wenders, I reckon you'll feel better when you're off work.

I've had a headache all afternoon and felt rotten but I don't feel too bad now. :)
Thats good to hear Stepharkneee :D

I'm a bit worried actually that I might struggle when I'm off as I won't have the structure, but I have planned to sort outmy fat clothes and clear space in the wardrobe, sort out the kitchen cupboards (I'm not using anything apart from a mug!) and try and keep busy.

Reading back through the January starters thread, I'm hoping that I'll find I'm in ketosis tomorrow so that will keep me going.

Period started today so I'm going to use that as an excuse for feeling cack :banghead:
Hi Everyone...

Just joined this forum today and having been reading everyones experiences on LL. It's nice to know there are lots of people who are in the same position as me. It has been really inspiring reading the stories. I joined LL on Tuesday and had my pop-in today, I lost 7lbs but have to take off 1.5 to take not wearing my shoes this time into account! I should have saved taking the shoes off for a slow weight loss week ;) Just want to say good luck to everyone on the programme and hope you achieve all your goals.

Sam :)

Hi Sam :clap: well done on your weight loss so far.

Hearing this makes it worth working through my own demons :devilangel:

Glad to hear everybody else is hanging in there, and I must remember to look at the January posts for further inspiration.

I have finally started my own BLOG, and when I work out how will include the link for anybody wanting to read more of my rambles. Not been brave enough to put a photo on yet.

Can I just ask you all if you have either been or are planing to drop in before the official weigh in? To be honest I stopped paying attention and did not realise Icould get tested to see if in Ketosis before the week was up. Also did anybody take a photo of you at the first session? I was measured and weighed, but no photo. Will get hubby to take a few fat snaps Sunday.

Keep going everybody :grouphugg: