Please help motivate me :(

Only just started again today. Had a real bug been drinking orange juice eating porridge and soup....everything u shouldnt. Put on 2lbs....jeez! Anyway not gonna give up gonna start again. Off to see my consultant tonight for more food gonna feel like a right idiot wi putting weight on. Yeah i been eating porridge and soup but not Cambridge! She gonna think im useless putting wright on in first week lol
Can i drink diet coke?
Don't u crave food? How do u keep to the diet?
lisalollipop13909 said:
Don't u crave food? How do u keep to the diet?

Tomorrow is day 18 for me and to be honest i'd of never of believed I'd of made it here!
Take one day at a time and remember the first 3-5 days are the hardest and then I can honestly say it gets easy!
Yeah I think about food see it smell it think oh that would be nice.. But it's not hunger.
And the buzz of the scales going down so fast is better than any food tastes.
Food will always be there!
Your just choosing not to eat it now!
Tell yourself that. Keep busy, drink lots of water.
Like I said before you know it your on day 18!
Honestly it's so worth those first days.. You can do it.. We're all here to support you hun :) xx
Thanks so much x how much u lost size far?
lisalollipop13909 said:
Thanks so much x how much u lost size far?

I lost 10lbs week one and 5lbs week two.
So 1stone 1 in only 2 weeks :)
Hope you have a better day today. X
Have u cheated at all?
lisalollipop13909 said:
Have u cheated at all?

No nothing has past my lips. I'm shocked with myself. But it feels great. It does get easier I don't even think about food it don't bother me at all.
Plus I still got 4 stone ish left to lose.
Im going to stick to it. I'm not finding it hard now at all.
Hopefully it will be the same for you once you've past day 5.
One thing that's annoying me is I don't have periods but I've had 2 in the past 2 and 1/2 weeks! :(
Don't know why. But could really do without them lol x
Some if the food tastes choice is getting low.......
lisalollipop13909 said:
Some if the food tastes choice is getting low.......

Do you mean the cd products?
I only have a selected few.
Tried the original porridge this morning and it was nice.
Maybe you should think of ss plus?
Then you can have an evening meal.
I'm thinking of changing to it soon.
Or another thing is a lot of people seem to be switching from cd to slim and save I keep reading.
They say it's a lot cheaper with more products that are better tasting too!
Whatever you decide good luck hun :) x