please someone help me!


we both know why your breaking the diet, doing this for yourself doesnt mean you dont love him, being in a relationship shouldnt mean you have to stop being who you are, if you both love eachother you being slim and getting your confidence back wont break you up. its ok to put yourself first, its ok to love yourself as much as you love others! love Gem xxx
ok girls, i just cant get my act together, i feel positive i know it'll work, i want to be slim, i have booked three mini weekends away for the summer as an inspiriation and yet i'm nibbling away without wanting to eat i just wont start 100%!

has anyone else been like this and then in a few weeks started properly?
No, I went 100% straight from the start, kind of had the mind set that I am not allowed to eat anything for medical reasons, and there will be a price to pay if I do! So far it has kept me on it....and I pray it lasts! Hope you can do this soon. I gave away our food so I can't be tempted by anything to nibble on, but that was fine cos hubby is doing it with me, not as easy if you live with others who can eat!
hi and well done for your success! the last few weeks i tried to start i was obesses with food and was doing crazy stuff to fet it but this week i havent really been eating but wont take my shakes and i'm having a few sips of diet soda and nibbling on bits of food but i' no longer interested in food but yet i wont start 100% properly WHY??????????????
I've been through that before, and often get like it at around the 4/5 stone off mark. It's like a form of self-sabotage, I think for me it's because I'm scared of not having the weight to hide behind. I imagine a new improved life when I lose weight, but I'm also a bit scared of going out and living that life. When I got like that last timeI gave up for a while and tried to healthy eat, I needed to get into my head all the reasons I needed to lose weight and really psych myself up for it for a few weeks before I began. I've been planning this stint at lipotrim since October, with the visualisation gradually getting clearer.

You need to take some time to think about you: if you really want to do this, your own reasons for self sabotage, and how your life will differ with and without the weight loss. It really is a tough decision to make, but not worth the pain unless you commit 100%. I really hope you can get your head around things and get into the diet, you are so close it is well within your grasp.

Take care, and remember we are all here for you xx. :bighug:
By "like" I mean I agree, with everything you've said! It's scary, but I know I've reached a stage of thinking its the fear of being thin or the fear of dying if I don't do something about my weight. It's now becomes non-decision. I want to watch my kids grow up, end of...

What are your must haves that being thin will give you a better chance at? Crikey, I'm thinking deeply for a Saturday Eve now xx

1) make my son and family proud, stop embarrassing them
2) show myself that i can be in control, responsbile and a success
3) to show others that i can be a success, bad exes
4) to be able to walk more than a few steps without collapsing or chaffing
5) to stop hair growth
6) to try and have more kids
7) to be able to wear clothes that i WANT to wear
8) to start going back out
9) to make friends again
10) to get a boob job
11) to be the old me
12) to be happy and fearless
13) make everyday tasks easier
14) make special occasions enjoyable rather than a fear
r u starting today?? good luck! i had 100 times where i did what u did until yer afer year i kept putting on more weight. i just couldnt get into the lt frame of mind. i was so motivated the night before but as soon as 1 stressfu thing hapenned or if my child was jut whining.... i ran for the fridge. is it habit? ya. is it a safety net/comfort blanket? hell ya. is it worth it??? abso not.
ive slipped this month on it too, once, but i got on with it. try ur hardest. u deserve it! xxx
aw thanks petal! yeah started today and i feel really good about it, had my breakfast lighter life porridge (i have a weeks worth of LL packets that i never started) so had that for breakfast instead of the shake gonna finish the LL stuff and den do LT. i think i just realised that i'm not denying myself food on the TFR i am giving myself life!!!

food vs being happy, healthy, confident, sexy, slim, in control, at ease with my body, more ability to do things, being able to clothes shop for what i want to wear and have a social life

no contest really :devilangel:
cherrygem I know you can do it! all it takes is to put your mind ito it. It was hard for me at the begining, I used to dream about food, I couldn't sit next to my husband when he was eating his dinner, I used to sit it the bedroom so I couldn't smell any food and I just read and read stories of people who lost weight and it really motivated me. Now I am on my day 58, I've lost over 2st, I cook for my hubby, never ever put anthing in my mouth, but I do sniff food!! Lol.
just think how nice it will be in the summer to wear the clothes you want, especially if you are going on mini holidays you will feel soooooooooooo good and you will be proud of yoursefl!
and we are all here to support each other so make sure you log in often
good luck
aw thanks chick!
i have done it!!!! :stickdance::party0049:
i have 750ml more water to drink before bed going soon just in case
i cooked bf dinner as fast as i could i while trying not to think what i was making :whistle:
didnt find it too hard although i am nervous about tommorrow i am travelling all day and having an emotional meeting so im worried i'll revert to food as a comfort :wave_cry: ????

trying to be positive, fingers crossed
YAY!!!!!!!! Go Gem!!!

:happy096: I'm proud of you!!! Keep it up hun.
Yeah, well done I knew you could do it. Now imagine your feeling tonight doubled at this time tomorrow when you are two days in! You can do it, come on! Xx

Well done, tough it out, when you hit keto its soooooooooo much easier.