Please tell me running gets easier!


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I have a so-so fitness level. Since I started SW in January, I've been doing exercise DVDs at least 5 times a week and have been alternating cardio with toning/free weights. We've been at the in-laws since before Easter, and since I knew I wouldn't have a chance to do my DVDs, I just brought along my trainers with the intention of going for a jog every other day. I've managed it - but only just. I've been stretching then walking briskly to the local recreation ground and running around it twice (which is just over a mile) before walking briskly back. But OMG, it's hard! I've never really done any running before. I normally enjoy exercise but this was very demanding! I think I might download the Couch25K podcasts when I'm back at home to give me more structure... but I honestly can't imagine getting 'hooked' on running right now. It's knackering LOL. Tell me it will get easier/more enjoyable - please! :)
i have heard it does lol....i did few weeks if couch25k and i noticed difference. keep it up x
I've downloaded the pod casts and they tell you when to run and walk so you don't completely wear yourself out or cause injury. Keep meaning to start myself but the beds too warm in the morning and it's so cold outside lol
Oh no, I was thinking about trying couch to 5k but I'm not so sure now. My fitness level is not much above zero! I've heard that it gets easier and, as JD said, alternating between running and walking is supposed to be the best way to do it. Maybe one day I'll brave it.....
Oh no, I was thinking about trying couch to 5k but I'm not so sure now. My fitness level is not much above zero! I've heard that it gets easier and, as JD said, alternating between running and walking is supposed to be the best way to do it. Maybe one day I'll brave it.....

Oh, I certainly didn't mean to put you off! And I did manage to run 3 times round that recreation ground this morning so it's getting easier :) Maybe we could all do the Couch 25K together? I'd certainly enjoy the support!
Oh, I certainly didn't mean to put you off! And I did manage to run 3 times round that recreation ground this morning so it's getting easier :) Maybe we could all do the Couch 25K together? I'd certainly enjoy the support!

Don't worry you haven't put me off, I just think I'll need to build up to it rather than going for it straight away. Slow and steady is the way to go for me because if I try too much too soon, I'll just give up completely!
C25k is great..... You are only jogging at your own speed and walking, little small bursts of jogging..... Be for you know it you have been doing it for 30 mins (10 mins warm up and cool down) I do I it the spring / summer as well as the cross trainer (1st night back doing xtraining last night) you burn more fat if you do short blasts to increase your heart rate....but you must remember to warm u 1st and cool down at the end or your damage yourself. Also don't burn yourself out 3 times a week is a good amount or 4 but let your body have days off. Hope this has helped.
Thanks Becci. I think I'll download the app when I get my new phone next month (my current one is about 100 years old and I can't get the app on it!!). Until then, maybe I'll start going out walking 3 times a week so I can try and get into good habits and get myself moving!
running definitely gets easier and more enjoyable, I started with the couch to 5k Jan 2012, the other day I ran over 5 miles in preparation for my first 10k race on 28th April.

The couch to 5k is a fab way to start. I remember my first 1 minute run on the couch to 5k, I thought my lungs would explode and that would be the end of me, now I've started to do it with a friend to encourage her to get moving and I find it dead easy now,

my advice is do it, get out there and do what you can, even if you can't do all of the 8 x 1 min runs just do your best, there is no such thing as failure.

Saw a fab quote on a facebook page:

I may run as fast as a herd of tortoises running through treacle but I am a runner!

that kind of describes me x
Thanks kerryathome. I ventured out again today and managed about 20 minutes of running (with brisk walking either side as a warm up/cool down). I think I'm beginning to see what the fuss is about so I'm going to keep at it. No excuse now the evenings are getting lighter! Thanks again :)
alwayssunshine have you entered a Race for Life? its only (!! lol) 5k and apparently the atmosphere is amazing. Gives you something to aim for, if you can run 20 mins you can for sure do race for life.

Are you using a running app? I use runkeeper, its great to monitor what you're doing, gives you a huge buzz when you look at your stats.

Also are you on the SW lifeline online page? there are some virtual body magic challenges, I've already done the London Marathon and now 2/3 of the way through the Hadrians Wall challenge.

Good luck and keep running xx
Kerryathome, actually, I have signed up for a Race for Life. My Mum and SIL are doing the 10k one in June which I think is probably a stretch too far for me at the mo (next year maybe... LOL) but there is a 5k one on the same day that I have just entered. Eeek! I have 2 months to train for it and SO hope I can do it. Me! Running 5k! Madness! But it will be something to aim for and even if I have to walk part of the way, hopfully I'll raise some money for a worthy cause.

I have the endamundo (sp?) app on my phone to keep track of how I'm doing so I'm looking forward to seeing my stats improve.

Thanks for the encouragement!
def gets easier and more enjoyable, I started a beginners course at the end of September, 10 weeks and I'm guessing it was a little like the couch to 5k program... I ran my first half marathon at the end of March and I loved it :) have another one booked for the end of April and have my first marathon booked for the end of October