Pollypop's fod and fitness diary


Hi everyone - I am doing this from home - and also training for a 10k run (at the moment even running for 5 mins is like a near death experience). I have spent a LONG time eating hardly anything .....and loosing hardly anything so I am a bit freaked by all the food you can eat on this and worried I will over do it.
Help is MUCH appreciated!

Day 1 -
Breakfast (a first for me!) 2xweetabix, skimmed milk
Lunch veg and lentil curry, brown rice.
Tea chicken and veg casserole (onions, carrots, peppers) with jacket potato
Grapes, plums
I dont take milk in my tea or coffee

Day 2
B- weetabix and sk milk and 2 plums
L-veg curry and brown rice, grapes and a satsuma
Snack 4 ryvita dark, 3 lc light cheese triangles and sliced tomatoes
Tea - cooking at the mo salmon fish cakes (salmon, mashed potato, onion, thai seasoning, lime juice, dipped in dried cous cous) Steaned carrots and brocoli.

Going for a run tonight - it week 4 training so 5 min walk followed by 3 min run, 90 second walk, 5 minute run, 3 min walk, 3 min run, 90 second walk, 5 min run, cool down walk.

Does this sound ok - feels like I am eating LOADS.....scared of my scales!!
Didn't do so well today:
Breakfast white toast (no wholemeal in work)
Snack grapes
Lunch - veg curry and brown rice
snack 2 plums
Tea- smoked haddock, mashed potato, broccoli, green beans