Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: From Conception to Birth, and Beyond!

Yeah my hips aren't too bad. I'm thinking I may have pulled something when I jumped up of the sofa when I heard my daughter being sick that day. Running at 9months pregnant is not easy haha. Still achy and can't really bend from the hips but not as painful. Lots of pressure still in my pelvic so I'm really hoping this one is planning to make a move soon.
Ladies this might sound really daft, but you know those big stretches you do from head to toe and feels like everything is about to break, I've stopped myself from doing them because I don't want to hurt baby, is it safe? Will I hurt baby if I do it? I really need to stretch properly!
Ladies this might sound really daft, but you know those big stretches you do from head to toe and feels like everything is about to break, I've stopped myself from doing them because I don't want to hurt baby, is it safe? Will I hurt baby if I do it? I really need to stretch properly!

Hmm not sure. I was told not to do any gym exercises which stretched your belly so things like cross trainer were out. I'd be tempted to say no.
Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: Brands, Feeding, Nursery, Bathing, Everything!

Am slightly confused about what you mean (not an exercise bunny I'm afraid) but, if you go to the gym ask the trainers there, they will tell you what's safe.
Yoga and Pilates is good in pregnancy as long as the instructor knows-that might help you stretch! Xx
Am slightly confused about what you mean (not an exercise bunny I'm afraid) but, if you go to the gym ask the trainers there, they will tell you what's safe. Yoga and Pilates is good in pregnancy as long as the instructor knows-that might help you stretch! Xx

I think she means like a full body stretch? Like when you wake up on a morning. I used to stretch like that every morning but haven't since I've been pregnant xx
Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: Brands, Feeding, Nursery, Bathing, Everything!

Ahhh. Well if that's it then I would go for it! Obviously don't overdo it, but you aren't putting your tummy muscles under strain (like with a cross trainer) and being flexible and stretching will be good in labour xx
Yeah my hips aren't too bad. I'm thinking I may have pulled something when I jumped up of the sofa when I heard my daughter being sick that day. Running at 9months pregnant is not easy haha. Still achy and can't really bend from the hips but not as painful. Lots of pressure still in my pelvic so I'm really hoping this one is planning to make a move soon.

Glad it's eased off. There's so much pressure in your pelvis at the moment without any extra pain being involved, it's the last thing you need! I have to say that mine gets harder to deal with by the day as baby gets heavier and lower. Ow! :(
I think she means like a full body stretch? Like when you wake up on a morning. I used to stretch like that every morning but haven't since I've been pregnant xx

Yes that's what I meant! Thank you for clarifying for me xx
Ahhh. Well if that's it then I would go for it! Obviously don't overdo it, but you aren't putting your tummy muscles under strain (like with a cross trainer) and being flexible and stretching will be good in labour xx

Thanks Susie, I'll do one muscle at a time so I'm not going near my tummy muscles, as I used to arch my back and stretch so that's out!! X

For those on team blue n taking pain killers frequently.... I thought this might be of interest... :)
Hey ladies.. Quick Q for Susie if you don't mind...
OK.. December is an emotional time for me... Mam's birthday is this coming Thursday.. And then her anniversary is on Friday.. So I spend pretty much the whole of December crying.. Coz obviously then you have Christmas which is a family time and its when she's missed most...
I'm trying so hard to hold it together this year especially, but I think its making my little breakdowns worse?!
Anyway.. the reason i'm trying to hold it together is at my first AN class.. the midwife stressed how important it was for us Mum's to be to not let ourselves get stressed and upset etc... As stress comes from the inside out.. And baby feels the effects... Thankfully.. For me stress doesn't mean turning to the biscuit tin or chocolate drawer so baby still get good nutritious food etc (plus treats yesterday but generally not so many) so food n nutrition wise, I'm looking after baby... But me being upset.. What does that mean for baby??
As some of you know I had two of my little embryos put back yesterday :) and of course I've been taking folic acid and vit d for ages as per the drs request for treatment. Anyway it may be a dumb question I want to give myself the best chance possible so is it safe to take the seven seas pregnancy tablets that are for the first 12 weeks even though I won't test positive yet because technically I have two embryos growing? What I mean is will it do any harm?
As some of you know I had two of my little embryos put back yesterday :) and of course I've been taking folic acid and vit d for ages as per the drs request for treatment. Anyway it may be a dumb question I want to give myself the best chance possible so is it safe to take the seven seas pregnancy tablets that are for the first 12 weeks even though I won't test positive yet because technically I have two embryos growing? What I mean is will it do any harm?
God I've no idea.. I wouldn't imagine it'll do any harm as its just vitamins.. But hopefully the girls can give a more definite answer... Fingers n toes n everything else possible are crossed for you hun.. xxx
If in doubt il just keep to my folic acid and vit d till I get my positive I'm very excited :). Positve mental attitude :) x
If in doubt il just keep to my folic acid and vit d till I get my positive I'm very excited :). Positve mental attitude :) x

Susie may be able to answer ya chic. She's our resident midwife :) We really shud b paying her she's such a Godsend x
Hey ladies.. Quick Q for Susie if you don't mind... OK.. December is an emotional time for me... Mam's birthday is this coming Thursday.. And then her anniversary is on Friday.. So I spend pretty much the whole of December crying.. Coz obviously then you have Christmas which is a family time and its when she's missed most... I'm trying so hard to hold it together this year especially, but I think its making my little breakdowns worse?! Anyway.. the reason i'm trying to hold it together is at my first AN class.. the midwife stressed how important it was for us Mum's to be to not let ourselves get stressed and upset etc... As stress comes from the inside out.. And baby feels the effects... Thankfully.. For me stress doesn't mean turning to the biscuit tin or chocolate drawer so baby still get good nutritious food etc (plus treats yesterday but generally not so many) so food n nutrition wise, I'm looking after baby... But me being upset.. What does that mean for baby??

Aww Hun I just shed a tear for you reading that. I can't imagine how tough it is. My advice would be don't let the tears and upset bottle up. Let it out and don't worry about baby. Babies are very tough characters after all. Hugs x
Pregnancy and Baby Advice Thread: Brands, Feeding, Nursery, Bathing, Everything!

Aww to you all! Frances big hugs to you, it must be hard for esp at the moment with hormones all over the place! Try not to worry too much about the effect on baby, they will cope, and it tends to be long term ongoing stress we advise you to avoid, such as a really stressful job with long hours and no rest etc or a stressful environment such as loads of heavy noisy machinery, as can cause your bp to go up, but emotional stress is something a lot of women have and generally their babies are fine! You have lots of support which is great and you know what the cause of being upset is which is also important. If you find it all getting a bit much take some time out of whatever 'it' is, and try and relax.

Slimming girl...good luck! You should be ok with the vits as long as they are proper pregnancy ones. Have a look on the side of the box and see what levels of vit D and folio acid they have in them, if it's the same as the other ones you are taking you may just get away with only taking the preg vits! Xxx
Susie it's the seven seas pregnancy for first 12 weeks. It has vit d vit e vit k vit c thiamin riboflavin niacin vit b6 folic acid vit b12 biotin pantothenic acid potassium calcium magnesium iron zinc copper manganese selenium iodine b carotene ginger extract.
Am I ok to take even though I don't get my blood test and results till 19th ? It won't do any harm? X
Frances, I want to give you a huge hug! I still find anniversaries and birthdays hard even all these years after losing my dad and I know I'll find it tough when baby's born too so I really feel for you with it all being so fresh still. :/ What Susie says is exactly what I've been told and you know what a state I've been throughout this pregnancy, especially after my breakdown and subsequent treatment. I know people mean well when they say 'don't stress' but I think it actually makes us stress more! It did me anyway, hearing that all the time made me worry all the more that I was hurting my boy. But despite me being a nervous wreak he's doing well! You're not hurting your little girl hun, bottling it up will just make it harder so have a good sob if you need too - whatever makes you feel better and makes it all easier to cope with xxx