Primal Eating and Intermittent Fasting - Phoenyx's Experiment of One...

Thanks for the response. I stay in a hotel so I don't want anything that involves jumping due to the noise. Which would you recommend?
AnnieAnnie said:
Thanks for the response. I stay in a hotel so I don't want anything that involves jumping due to the noise. Which would you recommend?

Either. Kettleworx - no jumping in resistance or core workouts (haven't done the cardio one yet). better if you don't mind hefting a kettlebell about (I have 2, 4kg for warm up, 8kg for main - the eight is slightly too heavy for me yet but I just do what I can)

Jillian - some jumping in the cardio bits but can be replaced by low intensity, better if you dont want to heft a kettlebell about. But if you take out high intensity and dumbells, I'm not sure how effective it will be, and if you take dumbells, you might as well take a kettlebell, iykwim...

Tbh kettlebell v versatile coz you can also get workouts on Internet, but it depends if you can take your kettlebell with you.
I feel so much better today - much more energy, much more playful and less snappy with the kids. Gary taubes is right, it's not that "fat people are lazy", it's that a poor diet saps energy and therefore limits movement. Which makes obesity and lethargy a symptom of a different problem...

Reminder to self next time I feel carb madness taking over:

1. It'll make me feel awful: grumpy, lethargic, bloated, out of control. I won't be able to get up
in the morning. I'll feel hungover. I may get heartburn and other yucky symptoms.
2. I'll stop eating regular meals that day but just eat sugar constantly, which apart from making me feel sh*t, means the kids will eat junk too.
3. Ill be grumpy and less playful with the kids
4. It'll take me at least a week to undo the damage of one carb-mad day.
5. God knows what it's doing to my insides...My
poor liver...
6. My first exercise session back will feel crudy.
7. It's a slippery slope. What if it takes me a week, or more, to get back on track! Argggh!
8. It'll give me spots...

I'm sure there's more - please add any you think of!

I'm going to plan in "indulgences" from now. I'm not perfect and need to accept this.

Rules for indulgences:
1.must be planned in advance
2. Must not be more frequent than once every 2 weeks, but no fewer than once every eight weeks.
3. Can be for a single meal or a whole day, but never more than 12 hours in duration.
4. I can eat whatever I like until I'm full, but not overfull! No bingeing, just enjoying some freedom and hopefully a metabolism boost, then back on track.
5. I must exercise on an indulgence day.
6. When I feel myself sliding, diet wise, it probably means I need to book an indulgence meal, rather than allowing general carb creep
I know Sugarfreesheila of who is an Atkins legend has a 'cheat' day once every 4-6 weeks. She days she thinks if you're going to play you have to pay, so she accepts she'll feel Craig for a day or 2 after but this freedom allows her to Sri k to her way of eating the rest of the time without being deprived. It seems sensible - she also has the eat til your full, anything goes rule.
AnnieAnnie said:
I know Sugarfreesheila of who is an Atkins legend has a 'cheat' day once every 4-6 weeks. She days she thinks if you're going to play you have to pay, so she accepts she'll feel Craig for a day or 2 after but this freedom allows her to Sri k to her way of eating the rest of the time without being deprived. It seems sensible - she also has the eat til your full, anything goes rule.
Thanks for this, I'm going to head over to the site and investigate...
Once I'm firmly back on track, I'm going to try this IF protocol from lean

Two pre-workout meals

This is the usual protocol for people with normal working hours.

Sample setup

12-1 PM or around lunch/noon: Meal one. Approximately 20-25% of daily total calorie intake.
4-5 PM: Pre-workout meal. Roughly equal to the first meal.
8-9 PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal).

Although I think I might edit it to

11am light meal
1.30pm second meal
6pm evening meal, fasting from 7pm til 11am

Just a thought. Haven't decided if I'll do it that way, yet.
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AnnieAnnie said:
Glad to see you're excited to be back into it. Hope you're feeling better :)

Pingu6 said:
You'll soon be on track hun have a wonderful day xxx

Thank you v much! This is definitely a way of life for me so I guess I need to know how to manage (and minimize) any blips. Your support means loads to me, so thanks!
Weight: 12.12.8

Down a pound since yesterday but still up 3 lbs since Friday.

I'm going to visit my mum for a few days so that'll keep me away from the scales. They know I'm off grains, legumes etc, so should be okay to stay on track and I still have access to minimins :)

My butt and thighs ache from kettleworx yesterday, which is good:) rest today but lots of cleaning and packing to do which will keep me active.

1.30pm fast broken with a massive bowl of homemade chicken & veg soup
6pm almonds, macademias, peach, soya latte (oops!)
8pm chicken leg (no skin as it was shop bought so probably had a sugar glaze), 2 boiled eggs, salad. Was still hungry, fortunately had my own supplies with me...nectarine, almonds & macademias, 2 squares dark chocolate, coffee and cream.

Exercise: 26 min kettleworx core, week 3
2 hrs cleaning & tidying & washing
All exercise done in a fasted state
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Got really hungry today, am struggling to stay on task because my parents have a funny idea of unprocessed food (think sausages, cheap burgers, sandwiches etc!) so I've overdone the nuts and fruit, but cest la vie. And no I dont want a glass of pimms. Even if it's not very strong and "only has a little bit of sprite in"!!!

7am swimming

9am black coffee, 2 handfuls macadamias & almonds, nectarine
12 noon can of tuna with a drizzle of olive oil and some lettuce (getting desperate here!), coffee & cream, peach
6pm banana, 12 hazelnuts, peach
8pm 2 gluten free burgers (still had other grains in but needs must), 2 black farmer sausages, courgette, asparagus, glass red wine
9.30 3 sq. dark choc, green tea

A bit snacky today coz meals weren't big enough to sustain me. Going to try skipping either breakfast or lunch tomorrow and having a large omelette for the other meal. That should work better.
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I'm also really annoyed at myself because I kept apologising for not eating various things and even at one point, when asked why I wasn't eating a corn on the cob said "I don't eat grains, legumes, dairy or anything interesting like that..." which is not how I see paleo at all. I'm going to have to get more assertive! The thing is, I've done loads of diets before and I know everyone thinks this is just another diet, and are thinking "god I could never cut all that out, she'll never keep this one up" but they don't get it. How can they? They can see I've lost weight, but I've done that before and regained it all. They don't get that previously I hadn't changed anything - I was forcing myself to diet, I was hungry, still bingeing and nothing had changed. This is natural, effortless. It's the way I'm meant to be eating. I'm disappointed in myself for my lack of assertiveness and them for not engaging with me about this.
Hun I feel your pain ...families just don't get it do they ...I'm
The same with my hubby I've been on every diet known to
Man lost the weight but always gained it back of course he thinks this is another fad ...we've just got to show them now and prove them wrong till they see how amazing we look and feel then they'll all be jumping on board x

Hope you manage tomorrow ok x

(7.30 Swimming 45 mins)
9am 3 egg omelette with red onion, yellow pepper, mushrooms, black coffee
11am handful almonds, cherries
1.30pm smoked salmon, salad with olive oil, coffee with cream, 2 sq dark choc
5.30 costa americano with cream
(6.30 30 day shred 1 with added sprints x 8 )
8pm peach
9pm Indian takeaway: chicken tikka, bindhi bhaji, salad, glass of red wine, 1 sq dark choc

V snacky again today, I think that comes from the early morning swimming and not being in control of my food.

V good exercise session: 30 day shred but with larger weights and shuttle run sprints, instead of her cardio, which made me feel sick, which is good, sprints over for another week. I downloaded 30 day shred onto my iPhone so I could do it whilst away, and did it in the garden which was great fun!
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Well done. The Shred kills me!