Princess_Ames has 1stone6 to go!!!!

Princess_Ames said:
I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3lb heavier :giggle: But i will get it off this week. Was worth every bloody chip and slice of naughty bread! LMAO

Only 3? Nice work ;) glad to have you back :D
Welcome back!!
Only 3lb!!! You lucky sod ;)
Sure have missed you giggles xx
Is this you pretending you didn't go with her? *coughs*
Well, based on her (very apparent) high sex drive, I doubt I'd have recovered before next weekend if I'd gone with her. I wouldn't have the energy to even lift a finger before then :D
Princess_Ames said:
I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3lb heavier :giggle: But i will get it off this week. Was worth every bloody chip and slice of naughty bread! LMAO

I bet it was ;) glad you and MrMojo had a great time ;) xxx
MrMojo said:
Well, based on her (very apparent) high sex drive, I doubt I'd have recovered before next weekend if I'd gone with her. I wouldn't have the energy to even lift a finger before then :D

Oi oi ;) x
Lmao!!! Well im settled in my new house now. Won't have proper internet access until the 25th though grrr!!! I have missed you all lots x
Princess_Ames said:
Lmao!!! Well im settled in my new house now. Won't have proper internet access until the 25th though grrr!!! I have missed you all lots x

Yay for new house, boooo for no Internet! We missed ya too :D x
Princess_Ames said:
I hate having no internet. I have no motivation either. Eurgh. Ts day today even if it kills me!!!!

You can do it giggles :) xx
Big loss for the princess this week! x
Remember to get nekkid!! "It's the only way to weigh!!"

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