Hi Laura - lovely to see you and glad your course is going well! I'd be happy to fill in your questionnaire - PM me the link if you like! Don't feel too bad about the blow out - look how fantastically you've done so far! We all need a blow out now and again!

It is quiet in here isn't it...:( I feel like Norma Nomates!!! :D
Aww you aren't alone don't feel too friendless! Thanks for offering. I'll check I've done the survey right tomorrow and then PM you. Hopefully I'll get a nice lot of responses from minimins which will help.:)
Laura you can pm me the link too. I'd be glad to help you out. Loving that lovely new shiney of yours!!!

I had WI this morning & I'm a bit gutted. I know a loss is a loss but I had hoped for more than 1lb seeing as I was 100% on plan this week. Maybe I need to up the exercise I dont know..any suggestions as to anything that you found worked would be great. On a plus I've now lost 2 stone & got my shiney but had still hoped for a bit more :sigh:
Thanks Clare,
I suppose I should be happy its still a loss. I've decided to give myself a big kick up the backside this week & do 20 minutes on my crosstrainer everyday & after seeing the post on speed & superspeed foods give that a go too. I'm hoping for a better loss next week though it is my daughters birthday on sunday but I'm going to try to be good & just have a small slice of cake.
Thanks everyone who offered to help with the questionaire, it turns out I was way too far ahead and we won't actually be doing it until next year. I guess it gives me time to think of really good questions.:p

Well after my terrible 2 days last week and then 5 being angelic in the hope I could make it up I still managed to lose 2lbs. Big sign of relief. My friend called me a lucky cow! :giggle:
Afternoon all,
well done Laura :wee: lucky cow or not i think enjoy :D!!

only 1/2 lb off for me last night which has put me proper in the sulks. with the exception of pizza in work on sat night i have been really good but i am having my 3rd * week :sigh:

last night off to night back to my vampire shift 2morrow so will be reading everything in great detail so leave nothing out lol.

hope ur all doing well xxx
Good afternoon all

Well done on the losses ladies :happy096:

Hubby is still away -hopefully he should be back Sunday evening :cross:.... so far so good on the "munchy monster" having NOT visited:woohoo:in fact I have been finishing every day with about 10syns left over :eek:...
Today (green) I have made some veggie soup for lunch (and have enought left over for tomorrow) and dinner is a "cottage pie" made using minced quorn, peppers tomatoes etc and topped with mashed tattie/swede and Im having it with roast parsnips/carrots and steamed nobbies nomnomnom, and I still have an iced coffee, fibre plus bar(B) and mixed berries with an activia intensly creamy yog to have later .... and STILL have about 9syns spare :sign0151:
Think I will have a long hot bubbly soak this evening -passes a couple of hours and keep my noggin out of the kitchen :p
It has been rather quiet on here hasn't it :eek:
Right I will get off for now ..have a lovely evening all and keep up the great work!!!
Hellooooooo.How are we all?oohhhh it's been quiet.Hope everyone is okay:).

Well done to all the losses:D.

Will pop back on later.Happy friday everyone:D.

onwards and downwards:8855:
Evening all! :)

Wooo, well done on all these fab losses ladies! We're flying along aren't we :D Sorry the congratulations are all a little late...I've been ill with the horrible lurgy that's been going round school for the last fortnight. It's been about as much as I could do to drag myself in to work! :( Hope everyone's been having a good week!

I lost 2.5lb this week, taking me to 4 stone 2lb lost, woooo! I can now have my 4 stone sticker, yay! :D:D:D

Here's wishing everyone a fab weekend :)

Sian xxx
Evening all! Sorry for being absent for a few days, but having a pretty rubbish week - work's really busy, I put my back out and my son developed shingles!

Still, at least it's Friday! Went shopping this afternoon for a wedding outfit (had ordered some stuff from Yours, but none of it was quite right and the dresses and skirts were really long!). Anyway, guess where I got my outfit from? Per Una in M&S!!! :D:D:D:bliss:That's me, doing a little jig! I love Per Una clothes, but haven't been able to fit into them for years! WOOHOO!!! So, as you can imagine, that cheered me up no end!

Wow Sian - well done on the weight loss, even though you had the lurgy! WI for me tomorrow, so I need to lose 2lb to keep up in our race to 200!

Capricorn, well done on avoiding the munchy-monster while you've been home alone!

Jiggly, a loss on *week is pretty good going, so well done and let's hope you have a big loss next week to make up for it!

Hi Surreygal, Sweetpink, Laura and Loopy - hope you are all having fab weeks!

Right, better go and update my diary, haven't done it all week!

See you tomorrow! x
Helloooooooooooooooo Everyone :D

Apologies for being an errant member lately - been v busy working, decorating (after work *rolls eyes*) shopping and shrinking! LOL

I've been experimenting with the different plans to find out which suits me best and as a result I didn't lose a great deal in September! lol I knew it would happen, but I wanted to play about anyway to find out for sure :D

Anyway as a result of my exhaustive and thorough (lol) trials, I've come to these conclusions............Green doesn't work for me, EE works but only if I stay away from pasta and rice, and limit the spuds. (which kinda defeats the point of doing EE and green come to that!) Red is the perfect plan for me :D

I always knew this, but I love rice, pasta and spuds so I wanted to find out for sure :eek:

So, no more mucking about, it's heads down and red all the way to target :D

I'm approaching the point in my journey where I get bored, give in and put the weight back on :( The last twice I've lost weight, I've lost 4.5 stone and then fell off the waggon! I think it's got something to do with feeling comfortable, fitting into nice clothes again and feeling more confident with myself.......even though I know I'm still a porker and I can look and feel even better! lol

I'm determined that is NOT going to happen this time. I'm going all the way once and for all! It feels like a massive psychological barrier though :confused:

Tell you another thing too! Clothes I've recently bought (and like!) are getting too big for me. Tis good in one way, but flipping heck, it's annoying in another way! :8855:

Anyway, well done everyone on your losses. You're all doing great :D Slimsville here we come! :D
oops, sorry :eek: I forgot to say hello and welcome to our new team mates :brainfart:

A big :welcome2: and good luck with your poundage loss :D

I shall try to be a better member in future and pop in more often, it's been far too quiet in here :eek:
Helloooooooooooooooo Everyone :D

Apologies for being an errant member lately - been v busy working, decorating (after work *rolls eyes*) shopping and shrinking! LOL

I've been experimenting with the different plans to find out which suits me best and as a result I didn't lose a great deal in September! lol I knew it would happen, but I wanted to play about anyway to find out for sure :D

Anyway as a result of my exhaustive and thorough (lol) trials, I've come to these conclusions............Green doesn't work for me, EE works but only if I stay away from pasta and rice, and limit the spuds. (which kinda defeats the point of doing EE and green come to that!) Red is the perfect plan for me :D

I always knew this, but I love rice, pasta and spuds so I wanted to find out for sure :eek:

So, no more mucking about, it's heads down and red all the way to target :D

I'm approaching the point in my journey where I get bored, give in and put the weight back on :( The last twice I've lost weight, I've lost 4.5 stone and then fell off the waggon! I think it's got something to do with feeling comfortable, fitting into nice clothes again and feeling more confident with myself.......even though I know I'm still a porker and I can look and feel even better! lol

I'm determined that is NOT going to happen this time. I'm going all the way once and for all! It feels like a massive psychological barrier though :confused:

Tell you another thing too! Clothes I've recently bought (and like!) are getting too big for me. Tis good in one way, but flipping heck, it's annoying in another way! :8855:

Anyway, well done everyone on your losses. You're all doing great :D Slimsville here we come! :D

Yay! Bev's back! I've been somewhat of an errant member myself, but I'd noted that the thread was severely lacking in pearls of Bev's wisdom!

I can completely sympathise with the clothes issue - I bought a whole load of size 18 jeans and trousers not that long ago, and they're already starting to feel loose on me. Arghhhh! With Christmas coming up, and paying for my Masters course I can't afford to replace them again, lol! Belt R Us from here on in, lol!

Oh, and slapped wrist for you Bev...we'll have none of this describing yourself as a porker!!!!!!!!!! :mad: You are not a porker at all!

It's good that you've been brave enough to experiment with the different plans hun. I tend to stick to EE as I like being able to mix meat and carbs, or a Green day if I'm cooking for my housemate and I as she's pretty much a veggie! It's confirmed to me that I could never be a veggie though...I crave meat on Green days, lol! :8855:

Hope your Red days go well for you hun! :D

Sian xxx
Gooooood afternoon ladies

Nice to see some more chatting going on.. has anyone heard from Patsy recently? or have I just missed her posts?

Anyhoooo -tis another cool but crisp n dry day here!

I have just had a biff baff boff/nip nap noo ... which pretty much means I fill my bath with lots of hot water and bubbles, get in and slide down .... and go to sleep :p - 90mins later the cooling water wakes me up and I get out like a big squidgy prune - hubby reckons I take multi-tasking to a whole new level :D

hubby will be home tomorrow evening sometime:bliss: -although he was here last night..just for the night though and had to leave again early this morning .. but it was a bonus I wasn't expecting ..oooh oooh and I would like to report that I have NOT been visited by the munchy monster whilst I have been on my own :woohoo: I have been as good as gold :bunnydance:.
Bev-its odd what you say about dabbling with the various plans thats what I have been doing.. I seem to be flitting between red/green .... I do LOVE green days -but I make myself keep an eye on the carbs on green days.. so with pasta I only have 50g dried weight etc -but I actually struggle to eat it all once I have whacked all my veggies in :eek:.
Im working my way through more of my cookery mags looking for SW adaptable recipes and Im coming up with some doozies - so Im in the midst of doing next weeks meal plan... I will share any recipes that get the thumbs up... I know "sticky lemon chicken" is on for next week :drool:
weigh in tomorrow so pinkies crossed -2.5lb would be nice to get my 5.5st shiney and 3lb to break the 200lb barrier... but "off is off" so whatever I get will be fine :D
right I will get off and get on with my