Good afternoon ladies

Sian-liking the new piccie :D -Im doing the lemon chicken tomorrow so I will post the recipe after we have eaten -would hate for it to be yukky and have folks waste their money ;)

Well folks... 3lb off this week so I got my 5.5st shiney AND I have dropped out of the 200lbs :banana dancer: -Im now 199.5lb :rotflmao:...ANNNNND I have done my measurements today and in the last 4 weeks I have wobbled off another 23cms from various places :D -which Im thrilled with as I have hardly made it to the gym in the last 4 weeks as hubby has been away so much -so that has me determined to get back to the gym and get some more wobbled off!!!
right I will get off and get something done..
Hope everyone is well and off doing exciting things..
Have a great day all and keep up the great work!!
Afternoon all!

Well done Capricorn, that's fabaroonie! :D

Sian - loving the new profile pic - you look fantastic!

Lovely to have you back Bev - we've missed you around these parts! I think I really need to do some red days, to shake things up a bit! I might wait until I'm on my hols in a couple of weeks, as it's really easy to eat fish/lean meat and salad all the time when you're in the sunshine!

I know what you mean about psychological barriers Bev. Last time I did SW, I got down to 12st 4 - the lightest I've been since finishing university in 1989! But something inside me said there was no way I was going to lose anymore and so what happened? I didn't of course, and eventually gave up SW and put it all back on and more! I used to look at all the pics in the SW mag and think that it was impossible for me to get there, that I just had to accept that lots of my family were on the big side and that was my lot. I'm determined not to do that this time round - 10 st something here I come!!!

I am really going to try not to put weight on while I'm on hols. Going to swim every day and try to avoid the beer and bread! But first I've got to lose another 3lbs in two weeks to get to my holiday target...so need a really good week this week!
Oh and Sian - you've taken an early lead in the race to 200, only lost 1lb this week (and a naughty WI this morning suggested that my flexi-day at the wedding yesterday has led to a 1.5lb gain! :eek:) I am determined to get back on track this week though, so watch out missy! :D

Well done some fab losses:).

I have lost 1lb this week,i'm chasing a four and a half stone shiny next week :).

Sian i love your new pic,your looking great hun:).

Bev great to have you back :).You have been missed.Have you heard from patsy?

Spanx ouch your poor son shingles bless him.Hope he soon feels better.Well done on your latest nsv per una:) .

:wave_cry:to everyone. Have a nice evening:).xx
Oh Spanx, I'm soo jealous of your per una purchases!!! I do hope your son is feeling better soon.

Well I had my daughters party...with the majority of the food SW friendly but still the odd treat for the kids too. I made SW wedges & cut chicken fillets into strips & seasoned tem instead of the usual goujons & guess what...everyone loved them!!!! Not only that but the goujons were left & ended up being the dogs supper!!!!

My gran who I havent seen in a while commented on how much weight I have lost (in front of my mum who still said nothing but loved the wedges so I guess that a compliment!!!) But my most major victory was that I only had a tiny piece of cake instead of the usual wedge!!!

Anyhow WI in the morning so everything is crossed for more than a 1lb loss this time..especially because I've really been challenging myself to eat more speed & superspeed foods
A 2lb loss for me this week. I had hoped for a bit more with being soo good but it was a * week so I'm happy enough.
Evening ladies! Tis little ol me :)

Hope everyone's grand this evening! Well done on all the losses ladies...everyone's flying along! I'm very proud of you all :D

I have to say, i'm pooped! It's * week, I've been on 2 full day courses in the last 5 days, been teaching full days every day and had a hectic weekend :( Roll on the weekend! Maybe I'll have perked up a bit by then!

On the plus side...I've just bought this dress for our work Xmas party!!

Black embellished prom dress - Evening & party dresses - Dresses - Women -

I bought it in an 18 and it fits like a glove! Woooo! So I don't want to lose any more for the next 6 weeks, lol! :) Who knows, it might catch the eyes of a hunky young suitor!! :8855::8855:

Any gossip for me then ladies?

Sian xxx
hiya all,

sian loving the new pick and the dress, make sure u post pick of u in the dress!!!

1.5 off this week not fantastic but at least its off!!!:eek:

had the "out laws" visiting so been up the wall :silly:

not been on much, still having serious brain confuzzelment jumping from tears to manic irritation to total indifference, am like a loon with pms :psiholog:. which makes me even less tolerant than i am normally (not at all :D) so generally avoiding ppl in case i say/type something that upsets/offends any1.:(

i will do my best to be back to normal, when i say normal i mean it in the loosest possible sense :drunk:

hope your all doing well

Morning all! Hope all is well in Princessland!

I've lost my mojo a bit this week. I ought to be all systems go, as it's now less than 2 weeks 'til my hols and I still have 2lbs+ to lose to reach my holiday target, but for some reason I've lost my enthusiasm!

I'm not being naughty, I've been on plan all week, apart from a flexi-day at the weekend when I was at a wedding all day. It's just I'm not eating enough fresh fruit and veg and I'm not enthused about what I am eating. Need to shake it up methinks!

Sian, that dress is luvverly! I wish I could even think of wearing something like that! I'm sure you will look absolutely stunning - will Alan be there?!

Well done Sweet pink - a 2lb loss on *week is flippin fantastic! I'd give my right arm for a 2lb loss most weeks to be honest!!!

Well done Surreygal - that shiny will be yours before you know it!

Congrats to you too Jigglymum - 1.5lbs is more than respectable! Don't worry about PMS on here, some of us (*cough, cough*) act like we've got it all the time! :eek::p
Spanx I really struggle with the veg so I try to make up my 1/3 superfree with fruit. The funny thing is I never liked strawberries much before but lately I'm totally hooked on them (munching my way through a whole punnet in one sitting!!) Another thing is prawns.. I'm finding myself wanting prawns everyday. I suppose if we have had a sweet tooth in the past our taste buds change but I still surprise myself when hubby goes for a snickers bar & I'm reaching for fruit not because I have to eat it but because I actually want to eat it. Has anyone else found this??

P.S. It is ok to eat a whole punnet of strawberries isnt it???? :eek:
Good morning:).

Well done to all the losses! Exellent work.

Sian love your new dress.You will look amazing at your xmas party:).

Hope everyone is okay.
evening ladies,

i need some help, do any of you know any natural "feel better" remidies.
been feeling pants for about 2 weeks now and cant seem to shake it. all my tried and tested pick me ups are no longer options :(.
diving in to a bath of baileys is waaaay to syn full, cant got for retail therapy, lack of euro millions and cba rummaging thru tents and the only other thing i think would put a smile on my face would Pi$$ off my BF and Sean Bean is not available :cry:.
need a good kick of Valium :eek:
Hi Jiggly - first of all - hands off Sean Bean - he's mine!!!

Are you feeling down, or tired, or both?! When I'm tired, I usually turn to Berocca for a burst of energy. It's a bit like lucozade, but in tablet form and with less calories!

If you need a mental pick-me-up, why not treat yourself to some lovely (and cheap!) smellies and some scented candles and have a long soak in the bath - usually works for me!

Apart from the time just after I'd moved into my new house, with my bedroom and bathroom on the third floor in the roof space...I decided a long bath was in order to soak my tired muscles by candlelight, whilst gazing at the stars through the velux window... I was having a lovely time, glass of wine in hand and something soothing on the stereo, when suddenly there was a loud bang and all the electricity went off... I froze, convinced that a mad axe-murderer had broken in and was coming to get me. Five minutes later, I dared to get out of the bath and phone my friend who lived round the corner... She and her hubby hot-footed it round with a baseball bat and a torch... As you can imagine, there was no mad axe-murderer (I was a bit paranoid about living on my own!)...only me, shivering, wrapped in a towel at the top of the stairs. When we investigated, the previous owners had put a new bathroom in, but hadn't sealed the overflow. I had soooo much water in my bath that it had been overflowing, dripping onto the bathroom floor, soaking through to the roof downstairs, where it promptly found its way into the light fitting and blew the fusebox...!!! :D

Still, if you can avoid that, a long bath might do the trick! Especially if your OH 'scrubs your back'...!!! :eek::p

Hope you feel better soon x
Hellllllloooooooo...is there anybody out there in Princessland?!

I don't generally mind chatting to myself, I've been known to do it a lot, but where on earth is everyone?!

In particular, has anyone seen Patsy? We need some of her irreverence to get us in the swing again!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. WI for me in the morning and, as usual, I'm not too confident, especially as I made the biggest cheese and potato pie in the known world today and ate it for lunch and tea! :eek: Wish me luck! x
Hellooooooooo spanx hun:).Hope you also have a lovely weekend .Good luck for wi.Hope the scales are kind.
Hope everyone is okay.
onwards and downwards:8855:
Morning ladies! :D

I hope we're all well...it looks like it might shape up to be a lovely day here in Pembroke Dock...we'll see! :)

I'm reporting in with a 0.5lb loss this week. I'm happy with any kind of loss, but I'm a bit perplexed as it's the first week out of the last 4 where I haven't completely blown my syn count out of the water by drinking my own weight in alcohol. My body does the strangest things! It could be * week however that's playing me up!Anyways...the moral of my story is that alcohol is needed (as I've had none for a fortnight ;)) Haha! I'm off to Carmarthen tonight for my friend's 26th birthday - she's more than a tad depressed about being closer to 30 than 20. I have to say, she didn't take too kindly to me pointing out that from the moment she hit 25 she was closer to 30 than 20...she didn't really appreciate my logical brain, hahaha!!! :8855:

Spanx - good luck for WI today hun! I'm sure you'll be fine :) Also...in reply to your question about whether Alan will be at the Xmas party - he will indeedy! ;) So that may possibly have been the reason why I spent money on a dress that will inevitably be too posh for our Xmas party :eek: Yes, I am that much of a sad sap! :eek: :(

P.S. I laughed so much at your axe-murderer story hun! That's the kind of conclusion I would have jumped to too :8855:

Jigglymum - sorry you're feeling a bit down hun. Big hugs from me! I'm the sort of person who wallows in my bad mood/depression for a while then pings out of it, but I always find that watching a good girly film, or a good comedy perks me up. Hope you feel better soon hun :)

Surreygal - helloooooooooooooo!! :D Hope you're having a great weekend hun!

Have a lovely weekend everybody, and keep your fingers crossed that I manage to develop some willpower to say no to alcohol by tonight! :)

Sian xxx
Afternoon all!

Well, Sian, you're still a pound ahead of me in our race to 200 - I only lost half a pound too this week...:( I need to have a really good week this week to make up for it before I go off on my hols next Saturday!

I'm sure Alan will be unable to resist you in that gorgeous dress Sian - make sure you buy some new undies to wear with it too!!! :eek:

Glad my mad axe murderer experience made you laugh, it makes me laugh too, now! - what a plonker I am hey?!

Thanks Surreygal - I'm trying not to be too disappointed with the half a pound, after all, I did have a day off plan for a wedding and a curry night out, so, realistically, to lose at all was pretty good going!
evening all, well morning for me :p. i have just arisen from my coma for another night in work :confused:, might cash that euro millions ticket this week :eek: lol.

thank you ladies for being lubley.
i think i might have just been having an extended moment, and as the say time heals all well either that or I'll forget whats has gone on :D.

any way hope you all have a fab week end.
Good morning girlies.

I hang my head in shame. I have totally gone off the rails. I have been so down, so stressed, lots of life things have happened and I have been to visit my mum in Holland :airplane:who spoilt me rotten with all sorts of lovely Dutch food. My mum was very tactful and didn't mention my weight until the day I was leaving, she said:
"Promise me you will look after your health", I would hate for you to get diabetes or heart disease" For my mum that was very tactful because she usually just says it like it is. :eek:

So, I am not waiting till tomorrow, kids back at school and the usual "start again on Monday diet" but I am back on track TODAY

Hope you will have me back :wave_cry:

The only thing I am not sure about is whether to go back to class or go it alone. My class is on a Monday so I have until tomorrow night to decide to rejoin. On one hand I don't really like the classes and the clapping etc but on the other hand, if I don't have the official weigh in, will I take it seriously and just cheat all the time?

What do you think? I see some people on here are very good at doing it on their own.

Right, I better go and read back a few pages and see what has been happening in your weight loss lives. :)
Good morning all

well done on the losses ladies :happy096:

woohoo never22 -you are back :happy036: if you don't fancy going back to class,, could you get hubby or your daughter to do your official weigh in on the same day/time every week? you could make up a chart/card and even get a tin and put your class fee in every week -so you can spoil yourself as you go ;) -or save it to replace your clothes as you shrink :D

I have lost another 2lb this week -so Im smack on 14st -so I WILL be in the 13s next week :faint2:..

Im all set and have done my meal plan for this week ..get me..all organised:p . Im trying another 2 new dishes...
  1. braised chinese pork
  2. 1 pot beef n red wine pasta
oohh Sian I posted the sticky lemon chicken recipe on my diary the other day ...and I have just added balsamic braised beef and the spanish rice with chicken n chorizo too .... both VERY nice...
Hubby is golfing at the moment and its going to be liver n onions in home made yorkshire pud with cauli, cabbage n carrots for dinner nomnomnom -yorky pud :drool:

Sian -thats a very pretty dress.... I can't get away with that shape :sigh: as it would squash my baps flat :eek: oh and even though my legs are shrinking -I still have calves like a Russian shot putter -MALE at that :p
Hope everyone is well and have we heard from Patsy/Bev recently..they can't go missing :cry: