Question about water..


Full Member
I'm at the end of day 3 on TS and was wondering how much water I should be drinking to maximise my weight loss.

My fluid intake per day is currently around 2 and a half litres of water, 3 cups of tea or coffee (black) I've had flavoured water but the one that's allowed from sainsburys - kiwi and strawberry about half a litre and if not that then a can of coke zero or dr pepper zero.

Should I be drinking more water??
Oh and the 2 and a half litres of water I already drink doesn't include what I use in the shakes, it's on top of
Id say thats fine hun
Ye that's perfect.. Any more than about 5 litres a day and you can dilute your body salt levels and you feel very fatigued..
Nice one - thanks guys! Nearly at the end of day 5 and going ok.. Pretty hungry tho :-(
Kurly, think of the end goal Hun. Take it one day at a time, I rarely wake up hungry but the evenings are a killer for me x
I am the same. I don't seem to feel hungry in the mornings so try to get to lunchtime on water and a mug of coffee. Means I have more for later in the day as evenings have always been worst for me. Did lighterlife four years ago and liked to have my bar to look forward to in the evenings so going to try the same this time round.