Quins; back to the plan.

Evening Quins - apart from aching hows you? I was back to work today after the festivities it killed me getting up at 6 this morning. It doesnt feel like a Friday but im so glad its the weekend whoop
Hey Texty, I went in on Mon, Tues, Thursday Friday. I was knackered by Friday night. Not looking forward to a full week at work. Got to take son and 2 mates back to Gloucester tomorrow while Mrs takes eldest daughter back to Bath....weather is rotten, flood warnings all over so it could be an interesting journey.
Hi Happyholidays, travels are tomorrow, Sunday. I can't see any improvement in the weather as forecast is for more rain. I've got to get to Hartpury a College, surrounded by flood plain, getting through Maisemore could be a problem we might have to find a roughy around the back and get in through Hartpury Farm if possible.

I've knocked the club ride on the head today , way too much debris on the road , puncture city, foul weather. So I will do a turbo and circuit session. Although I feel I might have transgressed rule #5

I have reviewed my thoughts about breaking rule #5 and consider that I have endorsed it! My training session was much harder than going out for a ride!

British cycling warm up 20 mins

Time Cadence Instruction/Focus
5 Minutes 90 Smooth Pedalling
2 Minutes 95 Smooth Pedalling
2 Minutes 100 Smooth Pedalling
2 Minutes 105 Smooth Pedalling
1 Minute 30 Seconds 110 Smooth Pedalling
30 Seconds 120-130 Maintain Form
2 Minute 90 Relax and Recover
30 Seconds 150+ Max Rev Out
1 Minute 90 Smooth Pedalling
6 Seconds 150+ Max Rev
Out 1 Minute 90 Smooth Pedalling
6 Seconds 150+ Max Rev
Out 2 Minutes 42 Seconds 90 Smooth Pedalling

5 mins spinning at level 2 ( 3 hour ride pace)
10 seconds flat out sprint
5 mins level 2
10 secs flat out
5 mins level 3 ( 1.5 hr ride pace)
10 sec flat out 5 mins level 3
10 sec flat out 5 mins level 4 ( 10 mike time trial pace )
10 secs flat out 5 mins level 4
10 secs flat out
3 mins easy warm down Then Absolutely ringing wet with sweat!


Circuit training 1 minute at each station x 3 circuits.....ouch!

Step ups with high alternate knee lifts
Swiss ball abs, leg raises
Bicep curls alternate arms 10kg
Dorsal raises
Press ups
Laying down,side leg raises, 30 sec each side.
Tricep dips
Alternate deep lunges
Pull ups.

I am a bad ass! It killed but I killed it!
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Local radio gave flood warning for our area on behalf of the Environment Agency, take immediate action etc... Taken a day off but it doesn't look anywhere near as bad as Xmas eve ( thank God!). Not sure if the radio station is ramping it up and making it dramatic. Are they crying wolf since Cameron got a tongue lashing from a local resident?
6 miles walked, 2 more walked, 8 miles total


B. Lean bacon grilled, tomato mushrooms egg in fry lite

L. Quorn Swedish balls, peas hex b, cottage cheese, lettuce chopped onion and toms, pickle 4 syns

Snack 2 wm ww Danish toasted with banana sliced and tea spoon peanut butter, before leaving work at 1700

Home and straight out to bike club training1930 to 2130

Turbo sessions, 20 British Cycling warm up. Followed by the 45 min session of levels 2,3 and 4 with added sprints. Absolutely dripping with sweat

Followed by circuits, only 30 seconds at each station x 3 circuits.

Glad I did my own turbo sessions over Xmas and circuits

D. A litre of choc milk. Coach said that will be enough. Oh well , let's see.
8 miles walked, 3 more walked( 11) 4.5 run (4.5) total 15.5miles


B. 2 egg omelette , hex a cheese , onion

L. 2 chicken thighs Tesco hot deli counter, skin off, salad of lettuce, red onion, cucumber,

Snack at home , pre run. 2 wm Danish toasted hex b, Pnut butter 3 syns, banana chopped

Run and walk, hilly, first one this year and it was a struggle, 57 mins 5.5 miles

Nesquick choc milk with skimmed milk post run, 2 left over chicken thighs from lunch.
15.5 Miles walked and run 3 more walked( 14 walked 4.5 run ) total 18.5miles

Red B. 2 egg omelette , 2medallions lean bacon, onion, cheese.

L. Quorn Swedish balls, salad. Banana

D. 8 oz jacket, beef carrot swede onion chasseur, 4 syns Piece of cake 8 syns, got munchies badly. Choc spread 2 syns, Pnut butter 2 syns, slice bread and butter, loads of syns.

Weighed in at 12'i8 . Good, 2lb under target but put weight on ax expected over Xmas.
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Hey Texty! Muscles are good, they know they've been beasted. It was a a but of a shock to the system going back to club training followed by a run the next night. The run hurt the the most, but my recovery is good. I was a bit sore and very tired on Thursday but felt good in Friday. Will have an iodate on the club bike ride, will have an idea of if the training has any impact on performance.

Friday Pleased with yesterday's weigh in at 12'8, 2 lb under but I'm sure that will be fluid loss rather than a true fat lioss, I snuck a peak earlier in the week and I was 12'11...no rush,, it will come off.

Red. (Ish) B. Herbs used up, 2 wm Danish toasted with eggs and beans.

L. Nandos half chicken green leaf salad and coleslaw syns....

D. Salmon, sw wedges syns, salad. Fat free yoghurt

18.5 miles walked and run , 3 more walked (17 miles walked, 4.5 run) 21.5 miles total.
Saturday Club bike ride 54 miles. ( winter bike)

I was a bit concerned about how I would do today having not ridden more than 25 miles on the road over the Christmas period and best part of 3 weeks. I have been doing my turbo sessions and circuits so I haven't been idle. Plus, Tuesdays club session was a doozy, I kicked it and some of the senior hands said I trained well. I did consider dropping down a group to the B+ , but I decided to take the pain of my group, the Intermediates , and endure the faster pace. However, I decided that I probably would back off from the race home. Strangely, the sun was shining as I rode the 5 miles to the meeting point, incredible! This was the main topic of conversation at the meet before we set off. That and what gizmos people had got for Xmas. Our leader for the ride( they have the route planned and pre arrange with the cafe to expect us.) was Miranda, the lady that was knocked off her bike by a car on of the last rides I took part in. She still has a very sore finger from the dislocation, how lucky is she? Our route was to go out from Marden , through the back lanes towards Goudhurst , take in a couple of hills then work our way back towards Staplehurst, Frittenden and out to Headcorn Aerodrome for our cafe stop (approx26 miles) then pick up the pace on the homeward leg as usual.

We all noticed that it took us a while to get our bodies into the groove, staying in the small ring and spinning at about 90 cadence to get warmed up. Then the first of the hills, another reminder that I should have been mindful of what I was stuffing down my neck at Xmas. I'm sure I felt my Xmas belly knocking on my knees when I went into the drop handles! Although it was only about 6 or 7 degrees I could feel the sweat soaking into my base layer and skull cap. A strange phenomena, freezing hot I like to call it.

The second hill was bit better and I found myself at the front , panting hard and being egged in by Ian to lead everyone up. A shout behind me " it's only pain" and I shouted back " pain is weakness leaving the body". We regrouped at the top , took the opportunity for a drink and then were led off at a quicker pace by Miranda. The ride to the aerodrome was very pleasant considering the recent flooding, these local lanes were under water a week ago and the roads full of debris. Now they had cleared and the sun was beaming. We had our brekkie while watching ordinary people( ordinary? More like mad) getting ready to do parachute jumps, we watched them line up and board their plane whilst their families and friends observed from a distance. Sod that. 2 egg on brown toast ( no fry lite and could I taste the difference!) a cup of coffee and a sugar, followed by half an oat bar. I refilled my bottle with a proper sports energy sachet.

Miranda must of had 3 weetabix, she set off at quite a pace, consistent enough to drop 2 riders quite early on. We waited at a junction , no sign , so one of the group retraced the route back to find them. Still no sign , so Miranda's husband decided to wait for the guy who went back. We set off again. The pace was ramping up and the social chit chat was dying down. We were in a line, singled out, moving along at a steady 16 mph for about 4 miles. Phil took the lead for most of it, I took over to give him a rest with Miranda tucked in 3rd. I was already thinking ahead, we would regroup at a junction at Staplehurst and then the hard run home would really get going. We swung into Pinnock Lane towards Marden, Phil hit the front again, I tucked in, Miranda, then Del, Ralph... About 6 of us in a train. I took the lead to give Phil a rest again. I kept my eye on the speed, a steady 16 mph, I was very mindful that I did not want to be leading through Marden Thorne , passed the Derelict Wild Duck pub. That stretch is a killer with an incline. The last time I rode that route Del and Phil had to nurse me home , when I was not feeling well before Xmas. A right turn and I dropped a gear and raised the pace again, 18/19 mph I shouted to Phil "are we all in" and he confirmed that we were.

We approached a a junction with a left, I changed down a gear, checked for cars at the junction, called "clear" and put another effort in. We were on the dreaded stretch by the Wild Duck pub! Phil came by me. I could see shadows behind me and decided that I wouldn't drop back for a rest and stayed on Phil's wheel. He flicked his elbow out for me to come through again, so soon! I went by him, still doing 14,15 mph up the slope. I thought about my club training, keep the cadence at about 90 to 100 and dropped into an easier gear to save my legs. Come one! I did a check on the shadows, only Phil. Phil shouted encouragement, " you are going strong, keep it up, I couldn't do what you're doing,you are pulling me along."

I needed Phil's help with the last couple of miles. We both knew that Del was powerful and would jump us as we came into Marden , for the sprint to the "finish line" which was the 30 mph signs as you enter the village. With this thought in mind I dug deeper and kept the rhythm up the slope. A right turn, change up to an easier gear and blast off. Phil still encouraging me and he confirms his thoughts about trying to put distance between us and Del.and I shout back " how are we doing?" Phil replies " we've dropped them, we must be half a mile ahead keep it going" and so I did.Phil came by to take another turn. Then I took over again and the 30 mph signs were ahead. We didn't need to sprint to the end, no one was anywhere to be seen!

Well made up. First ride of the year, Phil and I blew them away. We all met up in the library car park and chewed theft for a few minutes , thanked our leader for a brilliant ride and asked her how she organised the weather.

The ride home felt good. I cleaned my bike down in the patio, then it was my turn. A soak in the bath. Now to be half man half settee and watch rugby. Well, I've earned it? Mrs Quins is out , hehehehe.
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18.5 Miles walked and run 1 more walked( 15 walked 4.5 run ) total 19.5miles

Saturday Post bike ride paella, loads of it, syns on chorizo.

Sunday Green

B. Old jacket potato cut into quarters, ( 2 each) seasoned with smoked paprika and salt, fry light and grilled , with LMc red onion and rosemary sausages, egg, beans 1 slice ww wm toasted.

L. Some left over paella D. Jacket spud, roadt chicken breast, veg some gravy Choc milk.

Feel v tired. Up early with dogs, then took them out to work them. Did my ironing, loads of cooking, de scaled kettle and iron...mrs Quins out taking youngest to her shoot practice and then evening swim squad. We are all knackered.
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19.5 miles walked and run , 3 more walked (18 walked, 4.5 run) total 22.5 miles.


B. Egg sandwich, hexb 2 wholemeal weight watchers Danish toasted.

L. Quorn Swedish balls , peas, home made pasta in Tom sauce ( cavatapi shapes), gherkin, little gem lettuce chopped, cottage cheese, red onion and chopped cucumber

Toasted Phili and gherkin sandwich before leaving work.

D. 2 Linda McCartney red inion and rosemary sausages ( syns free) smash, cauliflower and greens, with onions fried in fry lite. Fat free morrisons yoghurt

Syns on some chicken breast, and 2 squares of dark choc.a
22.5 , 6 more walked (24 walked, 4.5 run) 28.5 total

No run last night , out entertaining some some guests from abroad. Started off red

B. Egg, mushrooms toms 2 wm ww Danish hex b

L. Tesco deli chicken thighs and salad

D. Grilled Steak pieces on a skewer, Portuguese style, veg a few chips, beers, wine



B. Porridge hexb made with water and truvia, toast

L. Chicken thighs, spring roll

D. Lean chili, homemade garlic bread.

Not a good week, need to get focused its hard when I have visitors. Never give in.back on track tomorrow.
You wont give in Quins youve come too far. Life gets in the way sometimes, the good thing is you will be straight back on it :D
Wow you do loads of exercise I only have to read that and I'm knackered lol x has that helped lose the weight xx