Raudi's ramblings - www.fatfactor.com


sorry not been around, the laptop is broke! quick update, no wi for last week or tomorrow as will be at my leaving drinks tomorrow :) how quick has that come round???????

Saturday i'm doing a 10k then monday start new job!!!!

Back to quacks on friday re slow/non existent weight loss, although measurements on hip/bust/waist and each thigh are down 2 inches on each and 1/2 inch on neck!

How are you all?

Good luck with the 10k and the new job!


had a fab night..... too many voddy's!

Just back from 10k completed in 1hr 35mins approx awaiting official time to come through

Off for a early night
Thats brilliant! It makes all the difference when you love your job and its not just for the money. Glad for ya mate.
