RD's life diary: I'm back (sort of)

Have just watched it and it is fine. Sorry can't listen as well as I haven't got my speakers connected to PC. What a lovely young man and such a shame he went like he did.

Your daughter has done it very well

Irene xx
Debbie the video is wonderful to watch - and as you say you then see James as a real person not a statistic - beautiful music too, one of my favourites. Very emotional watching it - so sad.
Thanks for all the lovely responses :)

Well, today was weigh-in day and I'm pretty hacked off to report a ZERO weight loss this week. Zero, nada, zip. :mad:

This is where the headwork has to come in ....

TOTM was due Oct 8th. I felt 'hormonal' last week but thought it was because of the interment etc but - I came on yesterday A WEEK EARLY!. So it WAS PM symptoms!

So .... I'm telling myself (like I've told countless others) that I've probably lost a little weight this week BUT am retaining water. I did cheat a little last week - the carb craving thing was SEVERE - but I stuck to a couple of slices of cooked chicken and half a chicken breast.
So I know it's not that I pigged out or indulged in carbs. Goodness knows what's happened with my cycle - maybe it's the Mirena coil settling down. Whatever it is, I have to keep my cool and not get distracted.

I'm sure I'll get a better result next week :)
Hi Debbie

You are right - just keep thinking positive. I am reading Dr Phil at the moment and have just read a thing about "right thinking". Make sure you carry on thinking right - you have stuck to the diet (bar a couple of chicken slices), your body is adjusting to the changes you have made, its expected that you retain water some weeks which mean the numbers on the scale don't add up but as long as you continue with the diet you will achieve your goals.

Keep at it - you are doing brilliantly! Keep the tape measure handy for this week every month!!!

Thanks Hels
I seriously don't know what I'd do without this site!

It's so unfair what we girlies have stacked against us when trying to lose weight! :sigh:
If TOTM arrived early its very likely to be stress induced.
Keep at it, drink plenty of water & next week you'll be showing a good loss
If TOTM arrived early its very likely to be stress induced.
Keep at it, drink plenty of water & next week you'll be showing a good loss

I didn't realise stress could have that effect! Thanks for the insight cheryl.
I'm feeling very sorry for DD3 at the moment. She's 20, living at home and broke up with her boyfriend of two and a half years (who also lived with us) last Thursday.

That's upsetting enough for her but since then, not only has he been a total b*****d but his 'new' girlfriend (the one he cheated on my DD with) has been a top-class cow too.
He sent her a message saying she'd 'brought it on herself' because of her paranoia (she suspected he was cheating - he was) and last night, the new GF sent DD a message saying that if she hadn't been such a 'fat ugly cow' then he wouldn't have left her.

DD is a gorgeous, sweet, loving girl and doesn't deserve this abuse. I've told her to block them both and not indulge in any more contact. She feels really hurt and almost bereaved as the nice young lad who lived as a part of our family for two years has done a Jekyll and Hyde act. He even said that, throughout the two and a half years he was with DD, he never loved her and thought constantly about this new girlfriend (she's an old school friend).
Talk about sticking the knife in and twisting it!

DD is now going to quit college and look for a full-time job. She's despondant and fed up with having no money. I'm supporting her in whatever she has to do to get through with her self-esteem intact. She has the qualifications to go to Uni already and says she'll apply to start next year. In the meantime, she wants some money so she can learn to drive and kick her heels up a bit; something she's never done as 'he' was her first boyfriend.

Some people are just so cruel :(
... a boy! :D

My first grandson (I already have two granddaughters). I'm over the moon for her and my son-in-law. They didn't really mind what sex the baby was but I think my daughter leaned slightly more towards wanting a boy.

As for me - I didn't mind either way: I'm just chuffed that everything is fine :)
thats wonderful news, although i know you'll treat them all the same & there will be a special place in your heart for your 1st grandson !
Brill x x
Oh thats great news - how lovely. Bet you feel all excited now.

Get the blue wool and knitting needles out now!
such fabulous news... hope DD (the one who broke up with b'f) is doing ok... sorry not been keeping up to date... will try harder!
Really delighted about the baby though... very special times ahead... lots to look forward to. :D