Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

Morning slimmers,

How are you all doing?
What has everyone got planned for the weekend?
Has anyone else got any fab WI news?

Miss JT you made a good point about Slim Fast being cheaper but my aim is to do this plan i'm on now and hope that i can get my head right so that i can return to SS once i'm in a better frame of mind re food. I mean i need to learn to control my food choices and SS was messing me up more and making me crave the bad stuff, so doing it this way i can choose what i can and cant have and know its my choice and not CD's, in the hope that i will choose the good options. And so far i am doing well. I don't do good when i'm told i cant lol The other benefit is that i tested for ketosis last night as i had the most horrid taste in my mouth all day and i was very shocked to see that i was in ketosis!!!

I was talking to OH about CD v SF and in some ways i wish i had stuck with SF but now CD is a comfort blanket and i'm scared to go back to anything else as i don't want the gain etc etc but i have said that if i cant stick to the plan i'm doing for the rest of this month then i'm going to have to go back to SF. I know SF works because i did it last year for 6 months.

For now things are going great, i really do want to get through this weekend being 100% on my plan, that will be some achievement for me, i never get through them. My lovely CDC knows this and is already sending me emails full of motivation, so glad i have such a supportive CDC now.

So this weekend i think i'm going to try to stay as busy as i can and get on with normal life and not dwell on the fact that i am on CD. I also think this is a problem of mine but that's another story. God i'm full of problems lol

Well hope you all have a great day xx
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Well hello everyone! I'm on Day 4 of SS+ and everything is going okay so far. I do find it strange that I'm not craving the doughnuts, crisps and pies - but saw a woman in town this morning eating an apple and I was practically salivating! I'm still focused and feel happier knowing that I have my 3 shakes plus a piece of chicken and some veg in the evenings, but find I need to disconnect my brain when I'm making dinner for my family at night - no tasting! Have a great weekend - we CAN do this! :D

Hellllooooo Fellow CD People.
Well after doing so well to start with, and re-educating my brain to think defferently about food, I weighed in yesterday and lost another 4lb.
Why oh why did I go and do a Tescos shop when im hungry. Bought some teacakes and have just devoured 2. But as Miss Jelly Tot said earlier, Im not going to say Im back to square one, Im just going to get straight back on it tonight, and just have some fresh chicken Ive just bought.
I was given 2 Keto Stix from my CDC, so will wait til Tuesday perhaps and see if Im back in Ketosis. Its been a hard week as me and my daughter were in an accident, the expense of repairing it as a single mum anyway, and then antibiotics Im taking which seem to make me hungry. Oh well.........Tomorrow is a brand new day, and I can wait til next saturday for my next weigh in.
hello everyone, its day 8 for me I think, but I've lost track, because I fell off the wagon but I'm 4lbs down, I know it should be more but as I was picking earlier this week I suppose its okay. I'm definatley back in ketosis at on last so hopefully it should get easier.
Returning post honeymoon

Hi guys

Mind if I join in? You all seem to be in a similar kind of boat to me and I'm on Day 1 today and feel like I need some support!

I got married at the end of November having lost quite a lot of weight but then got right into the Christmas spirit (whoops) and then we went on our delayed honeymoon over New Year, just getting back two days ago. I denied myself nothing and now half my clothes don't fit!!

So I've started SS today and although I'm allowed 4 packs because I'm tall I am SO hungry. And I've just got used to eating whatever I like, whenever I feel like it unfortunately! The food on our honeymoon was plentiful to say the least - I know it's mind over matter and decided to start today rather than put it off and faff about, but man my tummy is grumbling!

Hope you've all had a good day and look forward to keeping up with your progress :)

Welcome Katybear and congrats on the wedding! Be kind to yourself and embrace the hunger (easier said than done!), which should be so much easier to manage once you're in ketosis. You've lost weight before so you KNOW you can do it and that should motivate you to see the journey through:)!

Mandy x
Sass well done in getting into ketosis thats great!
*hangs head in shame* I fell off the wagon too. I need a bl**dy good slap. I have an appointment with CDC tomorrow so it's back on board 100%. I know I can do it and am also fed up of paying all this money out and losing next to nothing. So heres to yet another week.

Congratulations Katybear and glad you had a good honeymoon. A few weeks and you will be back into them clothes
hello ladies,
haven't been on in a while, fell off the wagon, had a friend to stay who is going through a messy divorce and sympathy eating commenced! It's been about a week and a half since I fell off and am going to re start tomorrow. Will weigh myself tom morning but suspect I will have put on all 11lbs lost!
Oh well, onwards and upwards!
Good luck lucy. I managed to save 3lbs some how after falling, so thats 3 less to target. Hows everyone else doing?
Hi everyone
I started this week as I mean to go on today. Shake for breakfast, another for lunch, chicken for dinner and a coffee and CD Choc bar for evening snack when I get hungry.
I was shocked as to how much chicken you can actually eat for 140g. Is anyone else as shocked?
And instead of buying pre-packed stuff, Ive bought the tescos cooked chicken......they are yummy.
Well weighed myself this morning and have managed to not gain the lot back and am still at a "loss" of 2lbs ;)
Today is going well, it's 1:30pm and have just had my porridge. Still, I know that the worst is still to come! :)
Hi LucyLoop and other 2010 starter and restarters -- I hope you do not mind my joining in on this thread. It is interesting to read all the different plans that everyone is doing with regards to CD and losing weight.

LucyLoop -- Are you using the US Cambridge diet? And, if so, have you used the UK version in the past? And if yes to both questions how do you think they compare. Thanks.

well done miss jt and lucy and welcome katybear

hi everyone had wi with cdc today which confirms 4 lbs loss, BUT then I went to the gym and shopping at tesco afterwards, then came home and fell off the wagon :cry: had a couple of biscuits (why did I buy them? dh can take or leave them and dd is away at uni) followed by ice cream? (ditto above) and now I could kick myself. I put it down to a stressful day at work and more to follow tomorrow followed by having to stay late for some stupid meetings ARRGGHH I really need to win the lottery then I can pack in work and be a lady that lunches (cd of course)
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say that I'm still here and doing pretty well - day 1 of week 3 for me today (day 15) and have lost 12.5lbs so far. Am getting into the swing of it now and feeling ok :)

Will keep popping on here every now and then to see how you're all getting on. Keep up the PMA peeps

Hi Trish - Next time you're in Tescos and tempted to buy something that you do not need and truly do not want... figure out what you would have spent and put it in a little "reward me" envelope. Then use that treat yourself to a bath product, novel, new item of clothing, maincure, etc. make it something that you usually would not "give yourself".

Minnie Mel - 1) Lol, misread your name and called you "minnieme" last time! Apologies ;)
2) that is a GREAT idea. I've started taking baths with lovely bath salts. That is something I would have never have done before and it really does help take your mind off eating.
Thanks Lucy -- When I first signed on I used a photo of myself dressed as Minnie Mouse for my Avatar (it was the one on my Facebook at the time). And my name is Melissa -- so MinnieMel.

I have a little "points" sheet for my daughter. She gets talley marks for extra work done and she earns bits and peices for her dolls.

I am doing the reward me thing -- I have little extra purse in my hand bag and when I pass on something that in the past I would have had -- I put the money in the purse. Then, I pay for my treats out of that purse. I had the money for the cinema today. I normally would never pay full price to go to a film on a week day during school hours. But, DD had school and DH was off from work -- so we had a CD reward ourselves date.

MinnieMel - I come from the UK and have just moved to the US - hubby is American. Unfortunately, gained all weight lost back and 2 stone on top! A combo of emotional eating due to cultre shock and boredom!
I do have to say that I MUCH prefer the UK stuff. I used to have tomato soup, veg soup and porridge. And I used to have orange bars and peanut bars.
Here the tomato soup is GROSS - unfortunately have brought a months worth as I ordered it from California - no local reps here and the porridge I find weird consistency wise.
The bars are AWFUL. Really sweet and overly sickly. The peanut one doesn't taste as nice at all and they're half the size!
But am sure I will get through. Plus you can't buy seperate sachets, it comes in big tubs.
Tonight I am pleased to report that hubby has stunk the whole house out with burnt butter beans and so I really don't feel deprived of food! lol!
Good luck for tomorrow everyone!
Hi Lucy,

Thanks for answering my questions. I am an American married to an American but living in the UK. I have lived in Georgia (eons ago) Albany. My condolences -- unless you are in the Savannah area, then lucky you.

I am using the CD stuff shipped from Monteray, Ca as well. I went with the US Cambridge Diet because the Food for Life is soy based and it seems to agree with me better. But, you are so right about the bars -- I started by getting the sampler/starter kit. The bars are gross -- I did LL here in the UK in 2008 and thought the food was much nicer. I do not mind the US CD shakes, and the soups are growing on me. I perfer the cans -- because of the environmental element, but it is not handy for people who take things with them.

Anyway, I got the number of a local CD Consultant and am going to give her a call. Thanks to postings on this forum -- I want to try some of the UK products like the mix-a-mousse, etc.

Instead of using the CD bars from the States -- why don't you buy some South Beach Diet bars in a local shop and use one of those a day. They might be 100 more calories - but the nutrition is similar and studies show that 440 or 800 after the first couple of weeks -- the losses are pretty much the same, as when you are doing a VLCD your body becomes very efficient very quickly.

Is your husband US military? You might be able to get someone where you were last stationed to ship you some UK CD products via APO if you want. If it is for your personal use it should not be a problem.

Good Luck.
