Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

lol, I live about an hour from Sav and it it gorgeous. I actually really enjoy the small town life and am a Christian so living in the bible belt suits me :)
Hubby isn't in the military, thank God! I REALLY respect people that do that job though. Brave souls!
How come you're in the UK? Is your hubby Army?
Am getting used to the US stuff, I added a load of worcestershire sauce to my soup last night and it tasted just like the UK tomato soup!
Had a cheeky weigh and lost 4lbs overnight! woo!!!
My husband is a U.S. Governement contractor. He works on a U.S. military installation here in the UK. We were in the UK (1994 to 1996), Germany (1996 to 2003) and back in the UK from 2003 to the present. My 10 year old DD was born in Germany and has never lived in the U.S. -- my son was only 3 1/2 when we moved overseas.
Savannah is place where (if there were a job) we couold relocate to -- but there probably won't be one anytime soon -- as people love it there. I'm a Christian also -- but that is probably no surprise to you. (It seems as if the British around here think all Americans are religious nuts.)

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It's because there are so few practicing Christians in the UK. I think it's something crazy like 4% of the population are practicing. Plus I do think that the cultural differences make a difference. You Americans are so enthusiastic about everything, I think it rubs us pessimistic Brits the wrong way sometimes ;)
I must admit I do love being here, although the culture shock for me was very hard to cope with at first. Part of the reason I put on so much weight!
I've just been down to the labour dept today and discovered I don't actually have a social security no. yet and I need to go and see the local office tomorrow to get one. Plus I got a letter advising that my interview RE my residency application is on 23rd Feb. Am VERY nervous so all prayers gratefully received :)
On a weight related note, am in ketosis already! Hurrah!
Hope everyone is doing great!
Hi Lucy -- You are from a country that most people do not want to leave. I am sure you'll do just fine on your interview. Congrats on the quick ketosis -- it should make things easier.

MinnieMel - I really hope so. I had HUGE probs with homeland security when coming over to visit my then boyfriend now husband. Interviewed for hours, bags searched, them phoning him to check my story, you name it! Still, am sure it will all work out.
Morning Ladies -- I hope everone is goong to have a great day.


Have you tried the American CD Cappuchino? I am a coffeaholic, but it was pretty gross when I made it up hot. However, I then divided it into two large mugs, and added a cup of "real" coffee and some artificial sweetner and it was a lot like a latte. Much better.

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MM - I'm a bit wary of the drinks like that, reason being I really HATE milk especially the weird aftertaste you get with it. I tried the UK hot drinks but had that taste and obviously you can't get the sachets here so it would be a huge waste to buy a big tup if I don't like it...
Lost another 3lbs last night. I hope it carries on like this!
That's fantastic Lucy. I think you can order individual packs -- but you have to order them in boxes of 15. But, maybe you can find a CD consultant who would sell you a one of each as a sampler.

hi everyone just got in from work hope everyone has had a good day. Well done on the loss lucy thats great.

MM I didn't like the cappuchino either, but have you tried the vanilla with a spoonful of coffee, its delicious just like a vanilla latte i've become quite addicted to them.
I will tomorrow, Trish. Thanks. MM
Hello everyone

Had my Wk 1 weigh in yesterday and lost 4.5lbs which I'm happy with :D. CDC was a little surprised it was such a low loss, but with me being on SS+, I'm quite happy with that. TOTM also kicked in last night, a whole week early so that could also have something to do with the lower than expected loss in my first week. Anyone experience any TOTM fluctuations this early on with CD?

So Day 8 for me, and feeling good - managed to survive DD's birthday without having cake or champagne - yay! :D Tried the butterscotch shake today and it was yuck! Not to be repeated, although the toffee and walnut shake wasn't too bad. Looking forward to introducing bars next week.

Have a good evening all!
Mandy x
Evening All.
Havent been around for a while as changed CDC. Really happy now, she took photos, measured me, got me to wee on a ketostix, all things my previous CDC didnt do.
I weighed in with old CDC on Saturday and when I saw my new CDC on Tuesday id already lost 3lb. Feeling very positive about things, and even managed to say no to lots of treats today, and ate my chicken this evening. Just having a nice cuppa with my choc bar......delicious.
Good luck everybody.
Wheres Sass gone??
Wow well done Lucy and Mandy on the loss and cake!
Looking forward to introducing bars next week.
I must admit im naughty and have bars, mix a moose and normal squash drinks from day 1.

Im on day 3 (again) and was in the pink this morning...yay!
Hey Jazz - glad things have worked out with your new CDC, it's amazing what good support can do!

Today has been the first day I've struggled - the grapes just looked divine and for the first time since I started this 9 days ago, I actually felt a little miserable and deprived! Ending the day on a positive note though and have managed to avoid the grapes.

Have a good day tomorrow everyone!
Mandy x
Well done ladies -- JT it does not seem as if it matters much if you have the variety pack from day 1. You've lost loads.

I must admit im naughty and have bars, mix a moose and normal squash drinks from day 1.
Ok I take that back!
I thought that drinking squash (citric acid) could stop you getting into ketosis and as I could, drinking it I was fine. For some reason my loss has been alot less this time round and I couldn't understand why:confused: untill I came across this on the CD Q and A's yesterday
Quote page 132 of Dr. Howard's 20th Anniversary book:

"I don't like black tea and coffee - can I have low-calorie squashes?

Not on the "Sole Source" programme. Research has shown that citric acid can prevent the body utilising its carbohydrate stores and cause fluid retention. As citric acid is present in one calorie diet drinks, low-calorie fruit squashes, slices of lemon and lemon tea, any of these may for some people negate the effectiveness of the Diet. It is possible to whiten tea and coffee using small amounts of vanilla flavoured Diet from the daily quota. Leaf herb teas (mint, nettle etc) can add variety, but avoid fruit and flower teas as they contain small amounts of carbohydrate which can cause fluid retention and induce a plateau in some dieters. Those who cannot live without the daily enjoyment of tea and coffee with milk can still lose weight with Cambridge by following one of the "with food" programmes (see Chapter 2) for which there is a daily milk allowance."

Citric Acid has always been a no no, I can remember 20 years ago being in a meeting with Dr. Howard where he said a slice in lemon is enough to affect ketosis in some people.
So squash doesn't actually stop ketosis it holds onto carbs.:eek::eek: Well I learnt something new yesterday. Its back to the water flavouring for me and hope it gets rid of my 'squash carbs':cry:
When I weighed it with my CDC last Wednesday, I bought the Summer Berry Water Flavouring, and the Golden Vegetable to put with hot water. They are absolutely gorgeous. I struggle with drinking water and the hot golden vegetable helps towards my 2 litres.
I fell off the wagon last night. Ive realised my trigger to eat is stress with my ex husband. Went to the cinema and out for a meal and had a lasagne and glass of wine. :(
Ive got weigh in on Wednesday so will be doing SS until then, to try and get back in ketosis or she'll kill me. lol