Rebekah's road to reduction!

2lb is not a disaster hun LOL

At Hairdressers... Have a feeling ill be here all day!!

Watch tv and have a cuppa tea.

Had two eggs n water before I left. Will make chilli when I get back

Going round my friends for drinks and trash tv tonight

I am :) lovely time

Hair all nice and clean lovely!

Relaxing with mum

Had chilli n prawns, coke zero mmm

Probably have a shake before I go round mates

Have a lovely time Hun. I can't wait to be at my mum's. Only 7.5 months left!

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Hi Rebekah.....thanks for the comment on my diary.....I'll start having another pack on the days I go to the gym. Hope you have a lovely time with your family x
Lovely evening

Stayed on plan, one drink, two packs and protein during the day

Water and zero. Loads of redbush

Lovely nite, up and dressed ready to go shopping :)

Cuppa redbush and porridge

Enjoy the day then head back tonight.. booo wish could stay a bit longer but work in the mornin!!

Got some veg to have at lunch, will then have tea and coke till I get done travelling late tonight

Hope you have a great time !!! looking at your stats your doing fab goooo you !!! =)
Thanks hun, wish it wasn't so slow. Try and get things moving next two months. At this rate ill still be at it for Xmas!!

Travelling back now. Should get back by 10, bath n bed got an early start for work!

Super strict now for 8 weeks git to get this weight off!! Looking at the healing diet, soon as I get a date can start thinkin about that

Had a good day today, saw a friend and went shopping for hair stuff

Redbush tea
Chocolate shake

Shattered what a long night. Phew work time

3.5lb lighter since Friday, I'll take that!!

It's just so slow, loose then stall then stall, then loose!!

Stricter today, little calories as possible. Got to get down and fast, don't want to have surgery at this weight!!

My friend said to expect 5-7lb gain when stuck in bed plus all the iv fluids and antibiotics. Huge amounts of swelling too.

Got most of the things I need now for post op.

Shattered at work zzz travelling exhausting!

Why am I so impatient?!! Want to be a 6 nowwww!!
Food check in
Chilli now eating

Me neither LOL sure I am meant to be petite. Tiny hands and feet, my dads tiny barely 9st!!

Worried Il end up fat with small boobs, would be do upset! Time to get super serious!! 8 weeks to do it, drop as much as possible and start healing diet

Didn't help when the Hairdresser commented when I said was getting a reduction "is that all your getting done??" Wtf!!!! Didn't think there was anything else wrong with me :( stupid it even meant anything... But WHO says that!!

Thanks hunny Xx

Had coke, water, oodles of coffee
Vanilla shake
Chicken & cauliflower

Done for today, now cooking the cauliflower Mmmmm heavenly
