Rebekah's road to reduction!

Oh dear hun!!! Hope your feeling better as the day goes on...

Buffet!!! Bloody hell.... taking packs!!! Willpower of steel!!!

: ) X
Good luck around the buffet huni :) just think long term! once todays done and dusted you will be on the mend hopefully! wish it was hot where i live its miserable and cold
Omg behind me is two tables full... Three huge cakes, sausage rolls. Sweets, banana bread :-/

I just keep thinkin new boobs new boobs!! No time for cocking it up before surgeon appointment!! Need a stone off, got 27 days!!

Bleeding slowing but bad cramps. Makes no sense. Just want it gone!! Can finish at four.. can't wait for bed

The progestorone is making me retain water too. Taking 35mg uggg feel puffy..

Meant to be going out tomorow pub n tea but feel too rough!! Duvet n coke zero more like it

keep thinking of them new boobs, that should get you through! i have an horrendous sweet tooth and would be head first into them cakes! keep that will power up huni! just tell yourself that theres flies all over that food crapping everywhere! sounds daft but thats what i have to do lol
They aren't tempting me I must day, that part of my brain is firmly off after 11 weeks. They look lovely but that's it!!

Toffee shake
Maple bar

That's me done, lots of water, grab somethin else when I get home

Can go home around 4 yipeee

Things lightening up slowly. Doing bit of reading on hysterectomy and ablation... This is driving me potty!!

Lunchtime, litre of water n a sit down

Aahhh :) Xx
Just read your diary! Wow, you are so determined. I'm so here to follow. I think I need to swallow all my excuses after reading some of the stuff you've been dealing with. Keep at it girl :)
Awwww hunni! At Least your done soon.....

I'm done for the day too...... Housework!!!!! JOY!!!!!!!! ; )

No doubt Il have to tidy up a wee bit too. Oh been at home so it will be a tip! LOL

Grab salad doing him quorn burgers tonight.

Gonna get a nap and a bath. Will go tae bo before bed. Determined to lift Saturday even though know it may make bleed heavier. Worth it for the endorphins :)

It's beautiful today just right, cool breeze and still scorching

Nice kip...OH watching the game

Gonna have a cool bath n relax, earlyish night. Still bleeding, not much change there, only used 1 packet (12) today so it is slowly improving. So full of progestorone, feel slightly crazed and puffy o rama!!

Think a day in bed tommorow, rather than running to the loo/changing spare pants may be in order.

Me too.... I dont know how its possible to still be going through so many towels after 20 days?? only time I have bled like this is when pregnant, and I am deffo not!! Really confusing!! :confused:

Wish could ask my godmother or something, shes a nurse, but shes on holidayy....wah!
Yeah they just said to see doctor which I did. Taking the progestorone, even my ankles are swollen up with water uggg

Fingers crossed, she said 48 hours...... Hmm Il keep at it Xx
Thanks Amber Xx I'm ok, just gettin frustrated!!

Sure another two days of hormones will stop it...I hope!! Or Il need shares in always LOL
20 days but I ain't letting it beat me!!

I've got a stone to get shifting LOL :)

Ooer the footy has gone sour!!
