Red's food diary - advice very gratefully received

BritMumInCanada said:
One of my favourite baguettes I used to get back in my Uni days (which was a good few years back now). Was a multigrain baguette filled with feta, red onion, salad and mint yoghurt. Omg it was the best. The mention of feta made the think about it lol. Might have to do something similar on wholewheat toast one day this week.

How did you find the millet?

Mmmmm that does sound lush BM! XxX
What is pilaf? Ive seen it before but never know exactly what's in it! Was it good with millet?
What is pilaf? Ive seen it before but never know exactly what's in it! Was it good with millet?

Pilaf is just rice cooked in stock and seasoning, often with pulses, vegetables and/or meat chucked in... a basic, typical dish made in different guises all over Asia/Middle East ans the -stans!
Should be fine frozen! U can freeze rice! X

Oh good. I'm not sure how many people I was intending to feed but I made masses. Have frozen a double portion and a single portion and OH took some to work - do you think I made enough? :rolleyes:

I made a dip today from tinned mackerel in tomato sauce, I mixed it with fat free natural yoghurt and chilli powder and had it with crudities and it was gorgeous. Great for a red day.

I'm just having salad again tonight as I'm working most of the evening and will only get a little it of time to prepare and eat before students arrive.

So this is today so far:

Tuesday 15th March - Red

Breakfast – .2 Satsumas, 1 banana

Lunch – .large salad, 42g Feta (HexA) 1 wholemeal pitta toasted (HexB) 8 olives (1syn), some slices of ham and chicken. Mackerel dip with strips of yellow pepper and carrot sticks.

Tea –. Superfree veg soup, salad with tinned salmon, and boiled eggs and Tiger Tiger dressing (1syn) Wholemeal pitta toasted (HexB) – Mullerlight yoghurt

Snacks - .Options drink (2syns), Alpen Light (3 syns)

Syns – 7

HexA – .Feta cheese
HexB - .2 Wholemeal pitta breads
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Oh good. I'm not sure how many people I was intending to feed but I made masses. Have frozen a double portion and a single portion and OH took some to work - do you think I made enough? :rolleyes:

I made a dip today from tinned mackerel in tomato sauce, I mixed it with fat free natural yoghurt and chilli powder and had it with crudities and it was gorgeous. Great for a red day.

I'm just having salad again tonight as I'm working most of the evening and will only get a little it of time to prepare and eat before students arrive.

So this is today so far:

Tuesday 15th March - Red

Breakfast – .2 Satsumas, 1 banana

Lunch – .large salad, 42g Feta (HexA) 1 wholemeal pitta toasted (HexB) 8 olives (1syn), some slices of ham and chicken. Mackerel dip with strips of yellow pepper and carrot sticks.

Tea –. Superfree veg soup, salad with tinned tuna, and boiled eggs and Tiger Tiger dressing (1syn)

Snacks - .

Syns – 1

HexA – .Feta cheese
HexB - .Wholemeal pitta

You have sooo got it sussed!! You are an inspiration!!X
You have sooo got it sussed!! You are an inspiration!!X

:flowers:Aw thanks. You are too kind missus. Especially welcome, however, when I was feeling pretty crap about how I look etc. today.

Littlest boy has got conjunctivitis and can't go to playgroup - poor thing. He totally adores playgroup and is very upset if he can't go. Also they are doing a Gruffalo week with a cake and everything so I'm hoping it is cleared up by the end of the week so he can go in. Biggest boy lost his second tooth and now has a massive gap at the front where 2 teeth are missing.

Ok going to edit my food, I had tinned salmon instead of tuna.
Your food diary is always immaculate! And that mackerel dip sounds fantastic. What was it? Xx
Your food diary is always immaculate! And that mackerel dip sounds fantastic. What was it? Xx

Just mackerel in tomato sauce, natural fat free yoghurt and chilli powder (so super easy).

Am trying to catch up on everyone's diaries today.

My food so far:

Wednesday March 16th - Red

Breakfast – . 2 Tesco light choice sa usages (1syn) lean bacon medallions, mushroom, tomato and onion and Reggae Reggae sauce (1syn)

Lunch – .cup of superfree soup

Tea –.Bolognaise (extra lean mince steak) wrap (wrap is egg) from old SW mag recipe. And salad

Snacks - .Highlights drink (2syns)

Syns – 4

HexA – .
HexB - .
That egg wrap sounds great... And very versatile! X
Hi all, lost 1lb today - seems a little disappointing if I'm honest after previous losses (expectations are built up although I know it couldn't happen every week!) BUT it is a loss and it happens to be an important 1lb as it takes me to an overall loss of 3 stone exactly so :D :D :D for my 1lb loss. I had some crappy job related news (not the tutoring - my other job) so I'm feeling a bit more upset about that to be honest. So excuse my lack of visiting diaries today. Hope you are all ok.

This is today's food. I may add something to the syns:

Thursday 17th March - Red

Breakfast – .Jazz apple, black coffee

Lunch – .Small bowl of leftover bolognaise.

Tea –.Omelette with smoked salmon, tomato salad and spinach. Shape Zero yoghurt.

Snacks - .3 Pagen Krisprolls, 3 Babybel lights, cup of superfree soup, banana,apple. Highlights dark choc drink (1.5syns)

Syns – 1.5
HexA – .Babybel lights
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls, Alpen Lights
Red Riding Hood said:
Hi all, lost 1lb today - seems a little disappointing if I'm honest after previous losses (expectations are built up although I know it couldn't happen every week!) BUT it is a loss and it happens to be an important 1lb as it takes me to an overall loss of 3 stone exactly so :D :D :D for my 1lb loss. I had some crappy job related news (not the tutoring - my other job) so I'm feeling a bit more upset about that to be honest. So excuse my lack of visiting diaries today. Hope you are all ok.

This is today's food. I may add something to the syns:

Thursday 17th March - Red

Breakfast - .Jazz apple, black coffee

Lunch - .Small bowl of leftover bolognaise.

Tea -.Omelette with smoked salmon, tomato salad and spinach. Shape Zero yoghurt.

Snacks - .3 Pagen Krisprolls, 3 Babybel lights, cup of superfree soup, banana,apple. Highlights dark choc drink (1.5syns)

Syns - 1.5
HexA - .Babybel lights
HexB - .Pagen Krisprolls, Alpen Lights

Yayyyyy another 1lb . It really isn't anything to be sniffed at and I really think as you say that its because you are used to whooping great ones! You may find that you will have smaller ones from now on with random biggun creeping in sometimes! The truth is you're doing so well and the weight is falling off! Bet u can see and feel a big difference! XxX
hey RED - food diary looks amazing - well done on the 3 stone - as the other said 1lb is great defo in the right direction
Im thinking about adding in a few days of red in the plan - never ever did it before got lots of ideas from the diary so thanks for that

Well done also on your big 3 stone award! You've done marvellously in the time you've been at it! Sorry to hear about stressful stuff! Hope that gets sorted soon!xxx
Thanks Vitfa and funcurls.

As for the stressful stuff, well it's ... stressful and I don't know how it's going to turn out at all.

On a happier note, I went to see my friend and her newborn baby this morning and got a cuddle which was lovely. Both the boys dressed up for comic relief the older one just had spots all over his face and the little one was a cat! I spent most of last night sewing cat ears for him to wear today. Painted their faces this morning before school/playgroup. They looked great.

As for today's food, well I must admit I was feeling pretty crap and 'can't be bothered' today so it's not the healthiest but I didn't go off plan. I just wasn't very inspired at all. Here it is anyway:

Friday 18th March - Green

Breakfast – .Banana

Lunch – .Salad (Tiger Tiger dressing – 1 syn) and roast quorn pieces, portion of quorn pilaf made with millet

Tea –.Quorn sausages, egg baked potato, beans. Laughing cow (HexA) on the potato

Snacks - .cup of superfree tomato and carrot soup, banana, mug shot, 2 Pagen Krisp rolls (HexB) 2 Babybel Lights (HexA), Highlights drink (2syns)

Syns – 3

HexA – . 2 Babybel Lights, 2 Laughing cow lights
HexB - .Alpen Lights, Pagen Krisprolls
Thanks Vitfa and funcurls.

As for the stressful stuff, well it's ... stressful and I don't know how it's going to turn out at all.

On a happier note, I went to see my friend and her newborn baby this morning and got a cuddle which was lovely. Both the boys dressed up for comic relief the older one just had spots all over his face and the little one was a cat! I spent most of last night sewing cat ears for him to wear today. Painted their faces this morning before school/playgroup. They looked great.

As for today's food, well I must admit I was feeling pretty crap and 'can't be bothered' today so it's not the healthiest but I didn't go off plan. I just wasn't very inspired at all. Here it is anyway: QUOTE]

Yo!! Aww congrats to your friend on her new arrival!! You can't beat a new baby!! I'm a great cuddler of them and always at the ready to pounce on them when friends & family announce them!!

Well done for staying on plan despite lack of inspiration! Looks good to me! We don't have to be culinary geniuses (?genii?!)all the time! I have many days like this when I make do with what I've got and can't be bothered to make an effort to put something creative together!! Today is one of those days! Probably not helped by the fact I've just worked 3 night shifts without a proper day off as I'm doubling back onto a double shift tomorrow so no real time to plan as such! It's a case of throwing some things together this evening (Batchelor's Pasta n Sauce included) to take with me tomorrow!
.....saying that, 'Quorn pilaf made with millet' and 'superfree tomato & carrot soup' sound like good home cooking to me!! Nowt wrong with that, infact EVERYTHING right with it!!X