Refeed for S&S is here :)

Great read, but as 1g of fat is equivalent to 9 calories 8g of fat would amount to 72 calories thereby utilising all but the thermogenesis of the 100 calories.

Argh really it is time for bed now, goodnight!
I think we're naturally suspicious mr random guy as there are a number of trolls around :).

So what diet do you consider to be the best for maintenance once we all get to goal, or isn't it a case of one size fits all? Personally I'm hoping to do something in the low GL category as I know that I can't eliminate carbs forever, but there are so many different plans out there it's quite difficult to decide.

And do you think that a VLCD can wreck a metabolism beyond repair, or does the body do its usual amazing thing and readjust to a higher calorie level eventually? Sorry for the questions. Not often we get the opportunity to ask an expert.
I am a senior lecturer in applied nutrition and also hold post as clinical director of a local hospital here in Manchester.

I will leave you with this great quote from the Rockefeller institute of medicine research:

"if the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow"

Have a great evening everyone, early start for me :)
Who can't spell, gives us misinformation and doesn't know chocolate is bad for dogs...

Sorry but you've given no proof as to your claims whatsoever. Citation needed. <<< Anyone cares to look at the first... 5-10 links you'll see eating late at night DOES NOT make a difference.
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I agree, based on 7 of the first 10 results viewed on your search link you are correct. You have google, but please don't believe for one moment that such a subject is conclusive based on google ;) I have actual lab results that support my comments.

Oops my dog is dying I must dash and get him to the vets! Who would of known chocolate would do this to him!!
I agree, based on 7 of the first 10 results viewed on your search link you are correct. You have google, but please don't believe for one moment that such a subject is conclusive based on google ;) I have actual lab results that support my comments.
Citation needed.