So i am back! , after 2 years , a shitload of 'ill start a new diet tomorrow's ' , heavy drinking and eating complete crap , its time to sort my life out... At 24 years old and weighing in at 27t 2 i am my heaviest yet , but i guess if there is a plus point i am 6ft 4 which means i carry it 'well' if you like.
Met up with a new consultant today who is absolutely phenomenal! , as someone who constantly struggles with motivation when it comes to weight loss, its very re-assuring to have someone who has been through the struggle and you know its just nice!.
Will be good to speak to anyone else on this plan , i am back training in the gym as well , and am very very determined that this will be my last ever need to diet again!.
So i cracked on with Day one , it was tough , i was hungry , and the chicken and kale at the end of the day tasted like a burger , but it was doable.
Day 2- Wasn't that hard , had products+ a load of water , treated myself to a skimmed milk cappuccino which was beautiful , then had SeaBass and Kale for dinner, the night seems to be a problem! , being hungry at night is the worst thing ever! , its difficult as well as i work crazy times , and so sometimes 11pm or 2am can be dinner time!. BUT...im Focused!....come on mate...keep to it!.
Day 3- feeling a lot more confident , not sure what I've lost/ how much I've lost/ worried if I'm gonna lose anything at all... but I'm just cracking on, again , fantastic support from my mentor/rep/whatever they're called , and i can't thank her enough!. Looking forward to Prawns and Spinach tonight , and my last shake aka dessert! .
Would be good to touch base with others!
P.S if anyone wants my consultants details i am happy to pass them on , i am based in (Berkshire , but she is based in West London).
So i am back! , after 2 years , a shitload of 'ill start a new diet tomorrow's ' , heavy drinking and eating complete crap , its time to sort my life out... At 24 years old and weighing in at 27t 2 i am my heaviest yet , but i guess if there is a plus point i am 6ft 4 which means i carry it 'well' if you like.
Met up with a new consultant today who is absolutely phenomenal! , as someone who constantly struggles with motivation when it comes to weight loss, its very re-assuring to have someone who has been through the struggle and you know its just nice!.
Will be good to speak to anyone else on this plan , i am back training in the gym as well , and am very very determined that this will be my last ever need to diet again!.
So i cracked on with Day one , it was tough , i was hungry , and the chicken and kale at the end of the day tasted like a burger , but it was doable.
Day 2- Wasn't that hard , had products+ a load of water , treated myself to a skimmed milk cappuccino which was beautiful , then had SeaBass and Kale for dinner, the night seems to be a problem! , being hungry at night is the worst thing ever! , its difficult as well as i work crazy times , and so sometimes 11pm or 2am can be dinner time!. BUT...im Focused!....come on mate...keep to it!.
Day 3- feeling a lot more confident , not sure what I've lost/ how much I've lost/ worried if I'm gonna lose anything at all... but I'm just cracking on, again , fantastic support from my mentor/rep/whatever they're called , and i can't thank her enough!. Looking forward to Prawns and Spinach tonight , and my last shake aka dessert! .
Would be good to touch base with others!
P.S if anyone wants my consultants details i am happy to pass them on , i am based in (Berkshire , but she is based in West London).