SammyD's Diary


Hello everyone!

I started S&S yesterday after planning it for a couple of weeks. I had planned on keeping a really detailed diary, I was going to post all about my plan of attack for S&S, my recipe ideas, my dieting history ect. As it I'm already at the end of day two and I haven't had time to write any of it yet!

I have had a terrible day today. My job is quite mentally challenging and I was really struggling to concentrate, so I ended up having to leave early. Last night I woke up several times in the night with hunger, so I tried to save my 4th pack until the end of the day today to prevent that but I was still so hungry afterwards I had an extra bar. I'm feeling a lot better for it but a bit disapointed in myself.

So far I don't really like the shakes at all. The meals are ok but the only thing I really get on with is the bars.

I think I'm going to write a little summary of my day every day, and then I'll post separately about my other musings when I have the time. If I can get this diary back on track then I can get the diet back on track as well.
Day 1


Maple and almond bar (delicious)
Lemon bar (not great)
Cottage pie (ok)
Spicy Spaghetti (ok)

2 cans of diet coke
2 large cups of tea
2 large cups of green tea
1.5l of water

Day 2

Strawberry shake (terrible)
Chocolate trufa bar (ok)
Chicken soup (not great)
Spaghetti bolognaise (ok)
100g courgette
Chocolate truffa bar

2 diet cokes
2 large cups of green tea
1 large cup of tea
2l of water
Hey Sammy how come you've had 5 'meal' packs on day 2? And I don't think diet coke is allowed, we can have coke zero however :) your doing well! Haven't you even wanted to cave yet? I was murder the first few days, I even cried! Haha x

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It was coke zero, I just call it diet coke, habit of a lifetime!

I really want to stick to this diet, so much so that I haven't been tempted by real food, but I had 5 meal packs because I was having trouble concentrating at work and I was waking up in the night because I was so hungry. I wasn't planning on including the veg allowance either as I had planned for a complete break from food to try and break bad habbits, but I thought maybe it would help. The extra meal made me feel a *lot* better at the time, but I still woke up a few times in the night and was absolutely ravenous and lightheaded this morning before I even got out of bed!

I'm not normally a breakfast person but I had to have it today. I had the cookies and cream shake, it tasted like cardboard but at least it wasn't as sweet as the strawberry. I'm dreading going into work today feeling like this :sigh:

Day 3
Cookies and cream shake
500ml water

Will edit later with the rest.
Here to subscribe. I am lead to believe that the hunger subsides after a few days, as do the other side effects- i'm hoping so anyway!

Good luck. I'm starting again tomorrow (started yesterday but messed up). I weigh similar to you, hoping to lose a couple of stome, one pound at a time!
The hunger and light headed-ness does go I promise :) Give it a week.. stay strong!! xx

Very true! I cried on day 3 with the hunger, and just generally feeling sorry for myself! But I knew if I caved I was only cheating myself, and it wouldn't make me happy! The hunger didn't go (but it did ease) until day 9 for me, but it was bearable. Stay strong, and try and use your veg allowance, it will help fill you, you can't avoid 'food' forever, you will be going back to it, and I think playing around with your veg, gives you ideas for when we do go back to the real world haha because let's face it, if we filled ourselves with veg, we wouldn't be here now! Haha stay strong :)

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Well today has been a day of two halves! Thanks for all the kind words everyone, it's really helped. It's funny because I've seen all these things in other people's diary threads but then suddenly when you're in it you forget all of it until someone says it to you!

Like I mentioned before, I was so hungry when I woke up this morning. I felt awful on my way to work so I ended up coming back and staying home for the morning. I bought Ketostix and they were mid pink already, but I still felt crappy.

I was feeling so rough I had another 2 packs by midday! At that point I felt loads better so I went into work, but I thought the day was a write off, no way could I make it to bed time with only one more pack.

But somehow I did it, and it wasn't even a struggle. I was carrying a bar with me the whole time and I was never tempted to eat it, I was fine to wait until dinner.

Day 3

Cookies and cream shake - bad
Praline bar - good
Chili - good
Cheesy pasta - bad
100g lettuce

3l water
3 cokes
1 large tea

So far I seem to like the meals and bars, but the shakes are disgusting and they don't fill me up at all. This is a big problem for me because I work long hours and I don't have a microwave or kettle available in the office, so it's shakes or bars only.

Itsu do a small portion of sashimi and salad, tomorrow I will investigate having that as a protein & veg meal. Or maybe I can have a pot of edamame beans as my 200g of veg. Can we have sugar free starbucks syrups? That might help at work as well. I really miss going out to buy lunch when I'm at work, now I have nothing to break up the day!
Could you take a thermos of hot water to work with you and make up a soup in a mug? And instead of going out to buy lunch, go out for the fresh air, change of scene and a bit of a walk?
Day 4

Porridge - ok
Coconut bar - great
Red berry shake - finally, a shake that tastes ok!
Mushroom pasta with lettuce - ok

3 coke zeros
1 tea
2.5l of water

Day 5
Oatmeal - great
Truffa bar - good
Chocolate shake - good
Vegetable soup - fine

2 coke zeros
2 large cups of tea
2l of water

So today is the morning of day 6 and I've been in ketosis since the morning of day 3. I didn't have any food cravings until yesterday, but I managed to keep on track through them! This is my first vlcd, so I'm quite pleased that I've made it this far. I did have an extra pack on day 2 but I'm using the s&s website meal planner and I was still on track for calories, so I'm not counting that as cheating!

I'm staying with family this weekend so I have to tell them about my diet which is weird, I haven't told anyone yet. They run a pub so I was sat in there all night last night drinking sparkling water. Lots of people told me I looked like I'd lost weight, I think it's really come off my face so it's noticeable. And my tummy is much flatter because it has no food in it!

I've found a few salads that would count as protein meals that i can buy from places near work if I'm in a situation where I have to eat something, like I run out of packs or am going for lunch with people.

Next week I'm on a residential training course where I don't know anyone at all. Normally I find these really hard, especially the meal times because people are so clicky and I have no one to sit with. I'm really glad this time I don't have to worry about that, I can just go back to my hotel room for a shake!

I'm going to take a bowl with me so I can make soup using the kettle in my room. Otherwise if I get sick of shakes and bars I'll go to the buffet breakfast and have some eggs as a protien meal. I feel like having this planned is going to make it easier.
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Day 4

I've found a few salads that would count as protein meals that i can buy from places near work if I'm in a situation where I have to eat something, like I run out of packs or am going for lunch with people.

Next week I'm on a residential training course where I don't know anyone at all. Normally I find these really hard, especially the meal times because people are so clicky and I have no one to sit with. I'm really glad this time I don't have to worry about that, I can just go back to my hotel room for a shake!

I'm going to take a bowl with me so I can make soup using the kettle in my room. Otherwise if I get sick of shakes and bars I'll go to the buffet breakfast and have some eggs as a protien meal. I feel like having this planned is going to make it easier.

Yeah that sounds like a great idea! though it's s*ds law that you'll meet someone nice to sit with this time! Well done on your weight loss so far. Keep it up.
I got back from staying with my family tonight. I managed to stay on plan 100%, despite the temptation that comes from living in pub with unlimited white wine and crisps! I also made pancakes with my little cousins twice and took them out for pick'n'mix, which I love, so I was feeling quite proud of myself for staying on track.

I was feeling good until I got home, then I noticed I'm really bloated for some reason. My clothes were feeling a bit loose a few days ago, now they're as tight as they were when I started. I weighed myself and I hadn't lost anything since Friday morning, so I'm preparing for a disappointing first weigh in tomorrow.

I finished the last of my soups and meals today. I was convinced I wouldn't like the mild curry meal, as normally I hate generic curry sauce flavour, like the kind you get in the chip shop. I actually loved it though! Unfortunately I've already ordered my next two weeks of packs and I didn't order the curry, but at least it leaves me with something to look forward to again in a few weeks time. The funny thing about S&S is that literally all the packs I thought I'd hate I like, and all the ones I thought I'd like the most I've found disgusting. It's really strange!

I'm a bit worried about the first day of the training course tomorrow. We arrive at 10am but we don't check in to our rooms until the end of the day, so I need to try and find somewhere to make my shake at lunch in private. All I have left is shakes now and they usually leave me feeling hungry afterwards, and my new order won't arrive until Tuesday (it's being delivered to the hotel). We also spend a lot of time hanging out in the breakout area surrounded by pastries and biscuits on the first day. I am expecting it to be the hardest day I have had to far, especially if it starts off with a disappointing weigh in.
I weighed in this morning and I only lost 6lbs. I was completely crushed, I lost more than that last year on the Dukan diet and it was much nicer (and cheaper) than this diet! I have been completely 100% all week, the only mistake was eating one extra pack, and that didn't even take me over my calories for that day so I really don't think that's a good enough reason for such a disapointing loss. I have been in ketosis since the morning of day 3 so it can't be that my body is slow to adjust or anything.

I had some sandiwches at lunch I felt more alert and alive than I have done all week, just for having some real nutrition in me. Unfortunately I already ordered more packs and they are being delivered tomorrow, or else I would deifnitely be jacking this in for good right now.
So my new order arrived yesterday. I really don't know what to do with it.

I was so disappointed with the weigh in on Monday. I lost 6lbs but at least 3lbs of that would have been water weight, probably more like 4lbs. My scales measure body fat percentage as well and it hadn't decreased, in fact it was 0.2% higher, suggesting that the weight I had lost was not fat but muscle.

Since Monday I have been eating normal food again and it feels amazing. Although I thought my concentration had improved after the first few days I think actually I had just got used to my brain operating at half speed. Once I had some real food on Monday I had the most amazing surge of energy.

Now I can't decide what to do with all the rest of the packs that just arrived. Should I give the diet another try and hope that next time I am more successful? Should I go back to dieting by counting calories and use the packs as part of that? I just don't know. I'm so disapointed with Slim and Save.
Hi Sammy. It's a pity you felt the 6lb loss was disappointing. The thing about sns (and any vlcd) is that if you stick to it the weight just keeps on coming off. You might have had odd weeks staying the same or just a pound, but you'd find you averaged about 3-4lb a week. Maybe you were getting losses like that on Dukan, and in which case I'd say go for it, but I think you might have given up slim and save before you gave it a chance, which is a shame. I hope you find a plan that suits you and get where you want to be. Good luck!
6lbs is not a bad loss at all.. As mentioned above you do find that the losses average out across the weeks. After week one and definitely after week two you feel human again and the hunger goes. You only have to look at the success stories to see if you stick to it 100% you get great results. Look at my losses- I wasn't even majorly overweight to begin with! I don't think you should give up so easily xx

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