Sander's Dukan Diary

Interesting reading... where bugs etc are concerned, since religiously taking a multi vitamin and a vitamin C each day at the start of this diet, I've not really picked any up! So they too must do their job :)

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through a bit of a low period. Yes we give things up when we diet, be they food, social activities, or whatever, but we also discover other things. I'm far more likely to try new things now, and am far more adventurous and imaginative in the kitchen than ever before, so that's a good thing! Do you find the same? Are you still "cooking" and "inventing"?

Take care, and remember, as a certain ad says "it's good to talk"!...
I wrote a long reply in the short reply box and it timed out and lost everything I wrote. Hah - I guess it wasn't too important :) One of the things I wrote that I think was key is that I am feeling "alone" on this journey, even though I have my virtual friends here, I still am going obsessive. So I am actively searching out some non-family social outlets.
What a busy weekend! Feels like I hardly had time to breathe! I started off the weekend with burning a pan of meatballs to a crisp that I was making for party munchies Friday. So my Dukan friendly food option got thrown in the bin and I still had a houseful of guests that I had to serve food to, I had lots of non-Dukan food for them, but for me I just had coffee. After everyone left around midnight I ate a tin of tuna fish :)

Saturday was the grocery shop and general prep day. Dicing, cutting, packaging so that the rest of the week will go smoothly. Got the house cleaned again too, even though had cleaned it before the party, but guests never clean before they leave! Laundry day as well - woo hoo!

Sunday, yikes~ Church, 3 classes, visiting the nursing home - left home at 7:30 in the morning and didn't get home until 9 pm. Had my gallette for breakfast, went to my favorite restaurant where the owner gives me a plate of sliced lean roast beef without batting an eye (he also asks me if its a vegetable day or not), had a big fillet of smoked salmon that I brought with me from home before the evening class, and then had some shrimp when I finally got home.

Today - all I have to do is work and then go to my son's soccer game in the evening!
Had a good day yesterday, my son's GF decided to come to the game with us and we took her out to dinner. He didn't play so well because he was self-conscious, but they won 3 -0 so it was a happy day. Found out why his grades are slipping, his brain goes completely out the window when she is in the area - rather cute to see. Hopefully he will learn how to manage having a social life and an academic life. I didn't actually have boyfriend until I went to uni and my grades tanked then too - I blamed it on lack of adequate preparation, but it might have been the same dynamic that I observed last night :) So better to learn how to deal before we have to spend $$ on tuition. He wants to go to Cardiff University (yes, in Wales - great-grandpa was Welsh). We'll see, his grades have to get a lot better! We're planning a visit in 2 years to see if its anything more than a wild idea.
I was seriously thinking of quitting, just because I am so tired, physically and mentally. I am trying to keep my motivation up and stay positive, but I am flagging. Now I feel a little bit more like I can still succeed

I so agree about this, that's why I admire people who keep on and lose lots when I'm still faffing about with 2-3 stone. But I have found that a little gap, though lengthening the overall time, makes me feel better and go back to DD with renewed interest. It would be better if I resisted a drink and sweet stuff, but I'm working on that.
I was rereading the Dukan book and it did say that for those of us that have bad eating habits and have done many diets you could expect to lose 45 pounds in six months, so I am on track with that. It also said that we could return to the attack phase without risk of developing resistance if we started to regain weight. So I guess that those of us that slip up and do a 2 -3 PP days are using that approach :)
Transit is in overdrive today, feeling crummy and nauseous. My hubby had been feeling that way earlier this week, so I guess he shared his virus with me. But hopefully will give a boost to the weigh-in later today :)
Yesterday was a good day, gallette, chicken breasts, smoked salmon, meatloaf. Today is another PP day. My rhythm is Wed, Thurs -PP Fri, Sat - PV Sun, Mon-PP Tu - PV. I've tried a lot of different variations and this one I can be consistent with. Todays food will be pretty much the same as yesterdays, except we'll be having meatballs instead of meatloaf. Then Friday I will get creative. I really hadn't intended to have mince two days in a row, but the family vetoed meatloaf earlier in the week and we had chicken twice in a row, which sticks us with mince twice in a row.
Had a 2.25 pound loss at weigh-in yesterday! The rest of my support group is jealous. I have shared the diet with them, but they think it is too hard and just want to continue on with healthy eating strategies. Who knows, if I hit my goal weight in January I may be selling 20 copies of the Dukan Diet book :) So I'm going to crow a bit here, since I have to be modest there - I have been the groups best loser for 5 months in a row and the quarterly best loser for 2 quarters in a row. AS an individual I have lost more than the entire group has for the year (there gains have negated my losses - my losses are 44 lbs since I joined, the groups total loss for the year is 40) Every week I share my menus and thoughts and activities (as required by being the best loser) and every week they nod and smile - but then they don't modify their behavior!!!! Healthy eating strategies require much more thought and preparation than Dukan - of course they could make it work, but they have to be vigilant about everything they consume. I am not that vigilant - I know this. Dukan gives me the framework and the freedom to eat with control and sanity.
So anyways, PV today so I had a gallette for breakfast a spinach and onion quiche for lunch, a skinny, short cappuccino with sweetener for a treat, 2 cups of coffee - black, 2 cups of earl gray tea, and 2 big glasses of water so far today. I will probably have a bit of salmon and some raw veggies with my dukan dip (ff sour cream, dill, garlic, chives, a dash of vinegar, salt and pepper) in a couple of hours and then we are have a sirloin tip roast and salad for dinner.
Tomorrow is a soccer tournament day, so we'll be eating out and about.
Congratulations!! That is a fantastic achievement :) I'd be singing it from the rooftops with brilliant results like that.

I think you might need to stock up on extra copies of the book for the rest of your group soon ;) I know so many people that are interested in Dukan but feel it is too hard, I was one of them for a while; really didn't feel it would work for me - how wrong I was ;)

Congrats again :)
Thanks Couteaux! You are one of my inspirations as you seem to be marching along with great determination, while I spend a bit more time wallowing about :-0 Can you believe you only have 11 pounds left to go? I can't believe I only have 22 pounds left to go - I still have quite a bit of weight on my tummy and back that I am hoping is going to shed with this last push - (its gone soft, which I read in another thread was a good sign, but it feels so weird to be so squishy on my back)
Last night I was feeling bingey after dinner- but struggled through the evening without giving in to temptation. MY son was feeling bingey too, but at 6' 2" and 140 pounds he needs to eat when he is hungry - so he's noshing through tuna fish sandwiches, grilled cheese sandwiches, carrots, salad, apples, crisps, and candies while I am sitting there drinking tea and having an extra portion of tuna (which made me feel nauseous and over full - so I knew I wasn't truly hungry).

What was the trigger for both of us -- my husband left to go on a 3 day business conference. We were unsupervised!!! The day before we had spent all day at the soccer tourney - his team lost all 3 games, but played very well ! It was super cold all day will a very chill wind that went straight through and chilled your bones, so the next day we had this rebound hunger affect. (Of course I had been hungry all day at the tournament, even though I had eaten plenty throughout the day)

So after DH left for the conference, we were kind of in a giddy let down mode. We took the dogs for a long walk and then decided to have a Harry Potter marathon (DH doesn't like to re-watch movies he's already seen). PP days and movie marathons don't seem to go together too well. Actually, not sure any marathon of TV watching would do well, I normally only watch one or two shows a week - so plopping down for hours of Harry probably triggered in old eating behaviors.

Twas a strange evening, but fun nevertheless :)
Wow, thank you very much! I never thought I'd see the word 'inspirational' in reference to my weight! lol

I also have a lot of weight left on me physically and I can't actually imagine the 11lbs will be enough to get it off, but I keep trying to remind myself that as we get nearer to goal, each 1lb makes a big difference to how we look. On less positive days I can't ever see my body ending up the way I want it, but I try and listen to the more positive one more :)

It will come off though, those 22lbs will be a distant memory before you know it. Stick with it, you are doing so well!

Take care x
Your movie marathon sounded fun :)
Well done on your weight loss to date - it's great to hear that peeps are having such success with the diet - keeping my fingers crossed that it will work for me too.
HI Teddy! The movie marathon was fun - and it looks like the diet is already starting to work for you :) It isn't always easy, but if you create a plan and stick to it, it will work for you!
Yesterday was a pretty blah day - the chill I got on Saturday caught up with me and I felt ill. I drank lots of hot tea and chicken broth, ate SF jello, oat bran porridge, and chicken vegetable stew. Called in sick to work and spent most of the day curled up in bed with a book or sleeping. Feel much better today!
I don't have much to say today - food yesterday stayed on track - not much by way of challenges or temptations. Today I have started out with a gallette. I need to go shopping as I didn't go over the weekend and am running low on Dukan essentials :) Tomorrow is weigh in day - we'll see if this was a week of progress or not!
Wah - I gained a pound. Hoping it is just water/transit fluctuations and an unlucky time to weigh-in. My scale showed me down this morning, but it the official ones that I count. Will be posting menus again and being very deliberate about everything this week and see if I can do better next week :)

Just got back from my 40 minute dog walk - its a beautiful day here!
Not hungry at all today - hopefully a good sign :)
We are going to the end of the season banquet tonight for my son's soccer team. Luckily its a potluck banquet and since he is a varsity player I get to bring an entree! So I am making Chicken Marengo and a spinach and onion quiche which should get me through the event without difficulty...

I have added myself a couple of mini-goals to help keep me motivated to stick with the plan through to target in January and conso (conso is long, so I won't be out of conso next year, stab should occur in 2013). If I hit target, my DH has agreed to go with me to ballroom dancing lessons in February. Plus, my son and I have signed up as a team to run a 5K race in June (cool race, you get to run through an obstacle course while being chased by zombies, at the end of the event we get to attend a concert). I won't be able to do either one of these fun things if I don't succeed in getting the rest of the weight off, keeping it off, and getting my fitness level up.
have a great time with your son at the end of season party tonight - great motivation for you to reach your mini goals Sander x
BAM! - I fell off hard at the banquet. Here I was all self-confident and I still blew it. Dusting myself off and keeping on trudging along :) 3 PP days for me now. Should be able to recover the week. (And the carrot and ginger gluten-free cake was amazingly yummy)

The problem with my plan was that I didn't make enough food, and I got seated in the left side of the banquet hall, so we were the last table to get to go through the line, all of my protein dishes were gone, as were most of the other food, what was left was beans, a little bit of asian noodle salad, and a swiss chard, chick pea, and flax salad - and deserts. SO I had what was available, because it was pretty healthy stuff, even if it wasn't dukan. But then I was starving afterward and the deserts were calling me and I saw that special gluten-free one and I was so curious and I knew that the other food was going to plop me out of ketosis, so I figured I might as well try it as my "calorie" count for the food I had eaten was really low. My DH scolded me for it when he came back to the table and caught me having cake :)

So I'll take my scolding and get back on the wagon.