Sarahjj - CD Maintenance - Still maintaining, sorry I haven't been around!

Day 86!

Hi guys!

Day 86!

What horrible weather! I'm sitting in the office in boots, trousers and a huge snuggly GAP jumper! Not what you expect for August! Got another day mostly away from my desk today so I won't be on here much :( :mad: !

I've managed to maintain for about 5 days now which is good! Still 9.13 every morning! Wow! Had spinach and cottage cheese last night with a few olives. I know I'm not supposed to but if I start to put on weight I'll just stop. I'm having my eyes tested today which should be fun! I work in an office with a PC all day so i get a free one with work. Never had my eyes tested before so it will be a new experience! :)

Bit the side of my mouth last night, not hard, and gave myself a blood blister!! It's really annoying because it kept catching on my teeth when I was eating, which really put me off my cottage cheese - yuck! :eek:

Anyway, that's enough from me! Have a good one!

Sarah x
Ooh, meant to say - I've tried the new bars! Yuck to the peanut one - too much like the LL one for my liking ;) Infact almost chucked it away! The cranberry one was nice, but I think I'll stick to the old choc orange one! The bits in it really hurt my teeth, especially after not having anything like that to chew on for 12 weeks!

Hope everyone else is liking them - what do you all think?

Sarah x
Morning, Sarah - please can I be your weight?? Pretty puh-lease? lol

Glad you're having fun eating but ouch to the blood blister!!!! Bongela!!!! lol

Have a great day, hun
(but I think the bars are both YUMMY! lol)
Hey guys!

A quick one today, on day 87!

Things are all going well, doing AAM and jumped on the scales this morning and had lost another 1lb! Yey! Got a top on today which is a size 8-10!!!! It's maaaaaddddd :D :D :D !!!!! It's a bit tight, but I think that's how it's meant to look! I'm so chuffed with myself!

Hopefully getting broadband fitted this evening at home so should be able to come on here this weekend - yey!

Have a good one!

Sarah x
well done you... you are doing brill!!!

might see ya on here tonight if you get it sorted!!

thanks for your post on my thread, i'll be back full strength next week


Gen xx
Hey guys!

A quick one today, on day 87!

Things are all going well, doing AAM and jumped on the scales this morning and had lost another 1lb! Yey! Got a top on today which is a size 8-10!!!! It's maaaaaddddd :D :D :D !!!!! It's a bit tight, but I think that's how it's meant to look! I'm so chuffed with myself!

Hopefully getting broadband fitted this evening at home so should be able to come on here this weekend - yey!

Have a good one!

Sarah x

HI Sarah,

I am so jealous

I want to be in a size 10 ...lucky you
Day 89!

Hi all! Day 89! Where are the days going??!!

I'm sitting here with my slendertone on watching BBLB on channel 4! What could be better!

Hubby is at work at the moment. He's on guard - guarding the RAF base, so I've had the weekend to myself, which has been really nice. It's been really relaxing today. Slept till 11, which is so unlike me, but so nice! Now just had a shower and sitting here in my pjs, drinking my water! Got a splitting headache but apart from that I'm cool!

Cant remember if I posted it earlier on in the week, but I went for my 1st eye test ever on Thursday and was told that Im short-sited, so I've got to have glasses! Great! I get them on Thursday. I've gone for retro ones with thick dark rims. Hope they'll suit me - probably take a while to get used to them!

Food-wise I've had a good weekend. Had a few biscuits and some crisps today but that's all bad. Had my pack late today so that means I dont have to leave as long between the last 2! And my meal this evening - can't wait!

That's about it for now - hope everyone has had a great weekend!

Love Sarah x
Day 90!

Hi guys!

Day 90! Had a lovely relaxing weekend, which was great! Haven't had one of those in ages! Normally I need another weekend to get over the one I've just had! When you work 9-5 5 days a week it's difficult to get everything done during the week, so mostly everything has to be crammed into weekends!

10.2 this morning on my scales which is great! Think I'm going to have to start exercising this week though. Hoping for maybe a pound or 2 loss this week. Can't wait to go onto 790 cals though, and then 1000, where you add rice (I think!) - that will be such a treat!

Nothing planned for today, apart from work! :(

Hope everyones weekend was good!

Love Sarah x

Day 91!


Had a bit of a naughty day yesterday - 3 biscuits and a few handfuls of cashew nuts (raw, no salt etc!), spoon on coleslaw and some olives. Now I've written it down it doesn't seem like much, but my goodness do I feel fat! It's a horrible feeling. Hid the cashews from myself this morning - am hoping by the time I get home I'll have forgotten where I put them :confused: ! Silly I know! Still, stranger things have happened! Apart from that I've had a good few days. Still weigh 10.2 this morning, so am happy with that. WI tonight so I'll see what a week of AAM + a few naughty extras have done! Hoping for a pound, that would be good. Have just been looking at my next step of management, 790. Hadn't really had a good look before, and was hoping for something a bit different, but alas, the same old stuff, just more of it! Because I'm vege I'm really limited as to what I can have. It's Quorn, Quorn or Quorn for me! ;) Mind you, any food is better than no food! And for all who are ssing still, I won't complain anymore :)

My mobile broke last night, and typically I'm not due an upgrade for another 20 days! Arse! Nevermind, I've survived without one before, I can do it again! It's just a comfort thing to know that I've got it just incase I need it in an emergency.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Love Sarah x
Day 92!

Day 92!!!

Had my WI last night, only lost 0.5lb. I knew the food I ate on Monday would have some sort of effect! Stupidly I feel really fat! Onto 790 last night, so had huge, huge amounts of cottage cheese! I was soooooo full afterwards! Think I might have to have half cc and half Quorn from now on!! :p

Having my hair cut short tonight. It's just below shoulder length now and I'm bored! Hubby is saying that it doesn't suit me how it is, so I'm booked in to get it all chopped off! Want something funky but manageable! Not sure that exists with semi frizzy hair like mine! Anyway, looking forward to that!

Have come into work today and forgotten my shakes (I keep them in a mini-fridge under my desk at work coz there isn't a fridge in the building!!) so think I'll have to go to Tesco at lunch and get something! Is that the best thing to do????? Great start to the week that is!!

Love Sarah x


Hi all!

I have a question - I'm on CD Maintenance 790 and I'm hungry! Because I'm now not in ketosis my hunger is back with avengance! It's like going through the 1st week again! Has anyone experienced this or does anyone know what to do about it? The shakes used to stop the hunger, but they dont now, so I can't even split them up and have half and half!

Please help coz I'm soooooooooooooo hungry!!


Sarah x
Fear not Rosemary Conley to the rescue!

Hi all!

Forget the last post - I'm useless! I have had my hand throughly slapped and had a good talking to! Which I needed!!! :D :D :D

Came in this morning without my shake for lunch, so was panicing, but then went to Tesco and found some Rosemary Conley low GI bars with 115 cals, 16.3 carbs and 1.3g of fat in! Yey! They are lush, but quite expensive - £3.99 for 5! Yummy!!! :p Am planning to follow RC plan after CD anyway, so they'll come in handy! Have left a couple in my drawer at work, and am going to leave a couple in my handbag for emergencies! :)

Panic over - all is well in Sarah land!! :cool:

Have a good day!

Sarah x
Hiya Sarah

Glad ur emergency is over!!! I had a cd bar last night and one this morning and lets just say i'm a tad gurgly and windy :eek: :eek:

was out getting more shopping at lunch time, got some lovely underwear, its great to be able to buy nice stuff and not just 'stuff that fits'!!!

hope the rest of your day is good


Gen xx
Hi Sarah,

Goes to show how determined you are and dedicated to your diet.

I need to take a leaf out of your book!

Love Mini xxx
Day 93!


Got my hair done last night - always promised myself that the day I started and the day I finished I would get it done. It's all short, as in above chin level! It looks fab and now hubby cant stop telling me how sexy :)eek: :confused: ) I am! Makes me laugh coz I don't think that at all! Infact, couldn't be further from the truth. But it does look better I'll give him that!! Anyway, it's always a boost having your hair done, I love it! Wish I was rich and could have someone do it everyday for me!

Still the same on the scales which is good. Had a biscuit when I got in last night, felt bad, but didn't have anymore so that's good. Got my shakes today, but nearly walked out the door without them AGAIN!!! I think I lost some of my brain when she cut my hair! Should be getting my glasses today too, which completes the 'make-over'! It wasn't intentional but I've completely changed image! My mum says that my new car (bright yellow Peugeot 107) really suits my new look! I'm going for leggings and long bright tops with chunky belts! I love the new me!!!!! :D

Enough ramblings about me now! Have a good day!

Sarah x
Hiya Sarah

my goodness you do sound like you have changed in every way... bet ur hubby can't keep his hands off ya, ya lucky thing!!!

hows maintenance going for ya?


Gen xx
Day 94!

Hi guys!

Got my glasses yesterday which is cool! Kinda weird though! Feel like everyone is looking at me because it is starange for me to be wearing them! Hubby likes them so that's all that matters! Infact he said they looked rather sexy! ;) :D Hmmmmm...??!!

I had to throw the biscuits out this morning - had another one last night. Was on the phone to a firend and before I knew it I'd had one. Atleast it was only one though - but I can't keep saying that so I thought right, that's it! Now they're gone I can't have them! We have got a few packets of un-opened biscuits in the house, but because they are un-opened I don't bother with them! Weird huh?!

Hoping for a better day today. Am going home to my parents for the weekend - have got a hen night tomorrow night which will be good :)

Anything, don't think so! Have a good one!

Sarah x

Day 97!

Hi guys!

Oh dear, have put on 2lbs, so my scales said this morning. I know why though so it's not too bad. Had a hen night on Saturday and ate salad and a tiny slice of cake - although the biscuits I've been having doesn't help. I just can't help myself - I only have one though and I suppose I've got to be grateful for that?!?!

Went shopping yesterday and fitted into a size 10 top in Topshop! Mum got me some size 12 skinny jeans and they are a bit bit too! It's crazy! I think I get complacent and think I'm a size 10-12 so I can have a biscuit :mad: :mad: :mad:

Back on it today though which is good. I'm not going to be a statistic of rapid weight loss, i.e. everyone thinks that just because you've lost fast you'll put on fast!!! :D

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Sarah x
Hi Sarahjj,

Eating biscuits while SSing is equal to filling a balloon with water...the carbs are bringing you out of ketosis and the glycogen store is going into refill mode when you do it.

You have gotten away with it and this is the way the chatterbox goes convinces you that it is okay for you did not get that awful break through hunger...

Not yet!!!

You could be just one biscuit away from the edge...I pushed it myself...testing the waters and having a curious nature, kept thinking what will happen with just a little more...and the end result was I ended up falling off the wagon and then started a stupid cycle of trying to SS but kept being tormented by the thought somehow I was different and I could get away with it...NOT:( :( :(

I would definitely advice stop while your ahead and don't nibble...

Of course if you have a rebellious strike like myself you will push the envelope...:rolleyes:

Or you just might be that bit more logical and see it for what it is...

You are doing so well so far today?

Your new look sounds fresh and exciting can we have pics Please...

Congratulations on fitting into a size 10 and 12...

How much more weight Sarah do you feel you need to lose?

Love Mini xxx