Scared and crying? Not anymore, here is the new me! I AM BACK!!!!

AND I need to re-read my messages before posting them! You wouldn't believe I a a teacher :eek::p. But to my defence, I am not a native speaker and have only been living in an English speaking environment for 3 years ;):rolleyes:
France! So not far away, but completely different lifestyle :p
LOL spannerpan:D
I so would like to wear 18 or less by July! I don't know how realistic this is given that I am not doing a VLCD, but I will try my hardest, I promise :)

I am 20/22 top and 22 (sometimes 24) bottom at the mo. This is Evans size. I keep doing my daily gym session but don't have any idea to tone my arms and shoulders without making them bulky:p Mind you, I am far from having too much muscle :giggle:

I can't help but think of Tahiti in a size 16...:pI know I am very ambitious here :eek:

And you are right Spannerpan, only 5 days till I have my batteries -erm BF back :giggle:

When do you see yours again?
I think you can get into an 18 by then.

First off apparently Evans are none too generous with their sizes (you would think they would be but they aren't). So you might even be a size smaller than u think.

So you need to lose 2 sizes from your top and 3 off your bottom. I think that is more than realistic in 5 months!!!!

Go Elie!
Thanks spannerpan!:D

I hope the daily exercise is going to help too, as I would like to be toned too :eek: I know I am demanding :rolleyes:

The only thing I regret is having to work all day :p Now that the days are a bit warmer, I would love being to wander in Kent countryside for a couple of hours :eek: But NO, I have to stay in my horrible town/hole and work :p How dare they make me work :giggle:

Which size would realistically want to be by July Spannerpan? Are you going somewhere special?

Elie x
:wavey:Hi everybody!

Well, this is another day gone by without my noticing it. I have been very hungry today for some reason :eek: But I was amazed at my iron will! :cool: I won't lie and say I never think about junk food but I don't feel irresistibly tempted anymore :D

One of my colleagues noticed that I was eating very healthily now :p I must be the healthier eater in the staff room!:rolleyes: However, I still can't see any changes in my body yet, but I am sure I will soon :) I am sooooo close to my 1st stone now! :eek: I can barely believe it :D. Stone by stone: this is the way forward :D When I think about all I have to lose, it depresses me so much that I have to work hard to see the positive :rolleyes: It is hard to change old habits :p

I had a lovely dinner, although I am becoming lazy when it comes to vegetables: it is soup after soup!:eek: At least it is healthy. During my dinner, I had the priviledge to listen to my neighbours argument: honest, they are so rude to eachother :rolleyes: it makes me realise how lucky I am to have my BF:p. am a bit nosy you see, and couldn't help listening :giggle:

I am feeling so liberated away from the scales now that the withdrawal symptoms are gone :giggle: But I am already starting to worry about next WI, although I am eating as healthily as the 2 previous weeks. I even increased my physical activities!:eek:

Well me lovelies, I hope you had a nice day too. I won't stay up very long tonight and can't wait to go to sleep :nightf: after my bio oil session of course :rolleyes: This thing smells so good, I wouldn't be surprise if it was helping me to sleep as I think it has a very soothing effect on me.

LOL Spannerpan! Yay, only 2 days and I have my beloved treasured batteries home!:eek: And the BF of course, but this is secondary :p;)

I had a lovely day today, although work was very busy :D I had my first taster of staffroom politics today and I promised myself to stay away from this :confused: Why do adults behave in this way? :confused:

I am still eating very sensibly, trying to change the routine in my diet so that my body doesn't get used to the same food or the same amount of calories. I don't know why but I get very hungry between meals now. But I won't bulge: I am on a diet and I wanna be SLIM!:D

Bio Oil is absolutely divine. I just love the smell. And my skin feels like satine:)

That will be another early night for me tonight, browsing through minimins in my warm snug comfy bed :D

I hope you all had a nice day.

Hello ladies!

Very busy but excellent day again today. :D I can't believe I managed to remain so good for so long :D

I had a horrible nightmare last night though...:confused: I was still dieting but wasn't losing any weight:sigh:so I was so discouraged that I couldn't stop crying :confused:. it tells you what I am thinking about all the time :rolleyes:. And yes, I am terrified not to lose enough weight for my Tahiti holidays :eek:

I hope you had a good day.


PS: my grey trousers that I wear at work are definitely too loose, I am not imagining it anymore :D I cannot do one step without losing them :rolleyes:
Great guns elie, you are doing so well, love the positive out look you have x
Hi everybody!

Another great day today!:D

Canireallydothis, I try to be optimistic, but trust me, sometimes I am feeling pretty low :confused: And then I realise how lucky I am and stop moaning :rolleyes:

I did something extraordinary today! :cool: I bought 2 cakes from some students who were collecting money for their house charity. They smelled delicious BUT I gave them to 2 of my pupils :D No, I didn't eat them, although I was quite hungry :D And yet they were tempting :eek:

BF is back with batteries and WI is tomorrow morning. I am feeling very nervous, but I can't change anything now, can I.

I will keep you updated of course :D
