Scotsmists Take on Life!!!!!! And everything else :-)

Well done on your loss Iris!! FAB!! :) And very happy for your colleagues ... especially on the train, that your boiler is fixed ;):):p xxx
quicky update ladies
still no laptop...2nd cable and still not right! so just resigned to the fact no laptop for a while and just dont get on at work as I am super duper busy!!

Anyway, 4 off this week :) Feeling great and at the gym quite a bit and still doing the running, up to 4 mins run, 4 mins power walk x 3 times!!! Reckon we will all be doing a marathon one day together ;-) Now, there is a thought!!!!!

boiler now fixed, so had my first shower at home this morning, as been going to the gym every night, which has been good as I have had to exercise too!

all ok at my end, just missing you all and just frustrated!

will catch up properly at some point :)

Take care!!!

How frustrating for you with your laptop still not working.

Brilliant news on the 4 off, well done. Bet you were glad to get that boiler fixed though huh!

Marathon - now give me a chance, I have only started doing a minutes jogging :D
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Very well done on the 4lbs off Iris, that's a great loss! Keep up the good work, sounds as though this plan really suits you.
wahey! 4lbs! Well done Iris!! :D

Time for a new laptop then!! ;) and a marathon! I want to do the plymouth half next year - my dad reckons he wants to do it too (pah!) so we'll see about that marathon!!!!!!!!!! :giggle:
Thanks guys

Still no laptop!!! Getting used to not having one now :-(

All ok at this end; hopefully try and catch up this week!!

Missing you all, and hope you are all doing good.

Iris, you seem to be doing so very well. Fab loss, but no wonder given how frenetic life is for you. It all seems to suit you as you sound in tip top form. No bad thing going without technology now and again. We can rely on it too much. Have a good week.
Bet its quite nice to NOT be able to come on the laptop though Iris, sometimes it gives us more 'me time'
Iris, you seem to be doing so very well. Fab loss, but no wonder given how frenetic life is for you. It all seems to suit you as you sound in tip top form. No bad thing going without technology now and again. We can rely on it too much. Have a good week.
Thanks Irish. yes, it is stsrange, I am actually enjoying not having the laptop at home as I also tended to look at my work emails!!! I have been doing more things and actually watching some TV with my dear hubby, rather than him watching and me glued to the laptop! Not sure whether I want it back or not!!

Bet its quite nice to NOT be able to come on the laptop though Iris, sometimes it gives us more 'me time'
It is Mary! The 4th cable arrived today, so we will see whether I can get on soon...but not really bothered any more. At the beginning I felt lost; just shows you about habits, etc....but now I dont really mind not having it. He has got a bit of work to do on it anyway, but I am going to try and stay off it and not come on nightly like I used to.
1/2 lb off this week. Fine with that. Have to practise what I preach now as it is too easy to get annoyed. I am not, I am happy with that as I know it will right itself next week, PLUS the fact I am eating healthily is what is important to me right now. All in all 12lbs in 3 weeks so not complaining one bit and havent felt hungry or left out in any way at all :)

Not much to report; all busy in the allotment and WAIT FOR IT!! We are looking to take on another!! I know, I know, I know!! Not my idea, but the hubbys....he asked Ted, the farmer last night about the one which is just kinda down from us. His son used to work it and hasnt for years but it has a massive greenhosue with a vine!! HENCE WHY HUBBY WANTS IT!!

We went to Stafford to see friends on Saturday and she has just got an allotment. One of the old boys showed us round his allotment, well, I have never seen anything like it in my life! He had 3 huge plots, covered, and never seen a swede (or to Mary and I, a turnip) the sizse of a football in my life!! It was amazing. Anyway, the guy was an 85 yr old Italian and had more grape vines than he knew what to do with.....Tunc was amazed that he could grow black grapes that were nice and also Figs that were nice!! So, got him thinking as he loves his fruit.
He wants to grow fruit in the other told him he would have to look after it, and learn how to prune, which he has said he will do :) So, watch this space!!! hahah..

We harvested our new potatoes....too many to eat! Broad beans are all in the freezer now, as are the peas. Had to make batches of Ratatouie (sp) as so many courgettes...harvested my shallot, best crop ever as are the red and white onions!
So everything is just growing, growing, growing..apart from the tomatoes that are still green :(

Going to gym about 3-4 times a week as well :) So it is still non stop, although work has slowed down for this week. New month on Monday and all the fun starts again.

Might be all change again for hols!! haha...we keep chopping and changing so might go away for a week after all. Will keep you posted.

SO, WHEN, WHERE!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT :)???????? I was hoping we could use a flat I manage in London, BUT, it is now being renovated and a girl is moving in as soon as it is finished! Was hoping to surprise you all with some accommodation; such a shame, but if the tenancy falls through, I will let you know!!

Right, suppose I better go, but I had to catch up with you all.

Take care
What a lovely newsy post!! Lovely to have you catch up. Well done on your loss - a loss is a loss!!

I think you're mad thinking of another allotment with all you both do HaHa .... but each to their own! :D

I think the issue is WHEN!! I think once that's decided the where will be relatively easy ... I think last time we tried we got up to about March! :(

I totally understand about you wanting to not go back to being on the laptop every night ... just as long as you know you're missed! :eek: xxx
I will have a look at my rota tomorrow and post some dates and see if these are suitable, infact, I will post a few different ones, and then we can maybe de-select and select dates that we CAN

Lovely to catch up again Iris, I must agree with Jan though, dont you have enough to do without having another allotment?
I envy you and tunc with your allotment! I would LOVE to grow my own produce! :D I bought some broad beans yesterday i love the things! could eat a whole bowlfull on their own - stevie things im wrong! :rotflmao:

Love your post Iris. Its great to catch up with what you're doing etc. Nice idea on the accomodation front ;)

When - anytime from january is good for me as there is lots and lots of holiday from the 2nd/3rd week of jan onwards - up untill end of march.

Would prefer it to be before the end of march though ladies! ;)
Ooooh forgot to say well done on your loss chick!!! :D :D :D
I will have a look at my rota tomorrow and post some dates and see if these are suitable, infact, I will post a few different ones, and then we can maybe de-select and select dates that we CAN

Lovely to catch up again Iris, I must agree with Jan though, dont you have enough to do without having another allotment?

Oh, yes, we have enough, but we dont have room for fruit and thankfully fruit trees dont need much looking after other than pruning....but this is Tunc's baby :)...but no doubt I will get involved.

I envy you and tunc with your allotment! I would LOVE to grow my own produce! :D I bought some broad beans yesterday i love the things! could eat a whole bowlfull on their own - stevie things im wrong! :rotflmao:

Love your post Iris. Its great to catch up with what you're doing etc. Nice idea on the accomodation front ;)

When - anytime from january is good for me as there is lots and lots of holiday from the 2nd/3rd week of jan onwards - up untill end of march.

Would prefer it to be before the end of march though ladies! ;)
Have a lovely recipe for broad beans, will post it tomorrow for you, did it at the weekend and it was lovely! I love them too..Tunc makes a dish (the only one I may add) and it is with baby broad bean, before they are big beans and made with olive oil, them cold with natural yoghurt, yummy!!
Why dont you get your name down for an allotment near you tanya? The council have to (by law) offer allotments. There might be a long waiting list, but if y ou dont mind waiting, say 5 years, then do it now!!! A wee task for you :) It is the best thing I ever started...and I only started by growing some peas in my garden and it took off from there! It become addictive, but a good addiction ;-)
Just a quickie ... we should have a new thread for this really ... March is going to be out for me now - I think we're going to the Maldives. xx
Just a quickie
All ok on the Western Front :)
Out walking tomorrow, and not sure what is happening Sunday as we might be going to Lake District, then again we might not!

Anyhow, sorry I cant stay on, just wanted to say hello to my wee mates!!!!

Have a good weekend!!
Hello Iris, you have been a stranger lately but totally understandable.

Hope you have a good weekend whatever you decide to do! I'm weighing in tomorrow then have a whole week off work and I can't wait!
Oooooh you have a fab weekend too Iris :D xxxx